Wooferetc. Scam Plus Image Dynamics Scam Cooperation

Not sure, but there's always people who stand firm in their beliefs that the wrongdoings need to be properly resolved. I understand that we still have inconclusive evidence of who is really at fault, but he's on the right track.
And this is not the correct way.. he refused to allow them to pick it up at their expense and ship a new one..

Why the fuck didnt you have them pick up and take care of it? Because one of their employees shipped a used sub, they whole corporation has to take the fall because you are to much of a bigot of your ethics? wtf bro..
Well, logically, this is what happened to Kevin. While I myself purchased from him with no issues, he did ship b-stock for A. While I will still by skar subs, I look for a reputable dealer.. refuse to buy from Kevin. This is the same scenario. One bad apple and that whole source is garbage. Its not as if Woofers is a manufacturer, they simply redistribute. All of their products can be found elsewhere with less risk of these type of incidents. Lets keep in mind that this is not the one and only complaint against Woofers.

Well, logically, this is what happened to Kevin. While I myself purchased from him with no issues, he did ship b-stock for A. While I will still by skar subs, I look for a reputable dealer.. refuse to buy from Kevin. This is the same scenario. One bad apple and that whole source is garbage. Its not as if Woofers is a manufacturer, they simply redistribute. All of their products can be found elsewhere with less risk of these type of incidents. Lets keep in mind that this is not the one and only complaint against Woofers.
Kevin has also done much more to tack onto his crappy reputation

SO what I gather is this....

1) Op ordered a ID subwoofer from Woofersetc

2) Woofersetc sent him a busted woofer

3) OP files claim with PP and send back defective woofer

4) OP wins PP claim

5) Woofersetc claims woofer is not the one sent and wins appeal from PP

6) OP calls Woofersetc and its Woofersetc who yells at OP, cusses OP, and Pranks calls OP

7) OP files lawsuit against Woofersetc

8) Woofersetc wants to have ID send OP a BNIB woofer at Woofersetc expense

Somewhere in there Woofersetc offered to pick up the product and send you a new one at their expense....correct?

and this kid wonders why the company employes would call him back, likely against policy... Look at what they stated, he was yelling profanities while they were trying to solve this issue. You treat people like crap, dont come crying when the same people start treating you the same way..

SO what I gather is this....
1) Op ordered a ID subwoofer from Woofersetc

2) Woofersetc sent him a busted woofer

3) OP files claim with PP and send back defective woofer

4) OP wins PP claim

5) Woofersetc claims woofer is not the one sent and wins appeal from PP

6) OP calls Woofersetc and its Woofersetc who yells at OP, cusses OP, and Pranks calls OP

7) OP files lawsuit against Woofersetc

8) Woofersetc wants to have ID send OP a BNIB woofer at Woofersetc expense

Somewhere in there Woofersetc offered to pick up the product and send you a new one at their expense....correct?
Somewhere in #6 they traded punches.. Its likely safe to say it was him first due to #5

Hello, CarAudio.com Members. This is Julian writing from WoofersEtc.com. I wanted to clarify things and provide our company's side of the story before any further discussion commenced.

The customer placed an order with us on December 27th, 2012, which we shipped promptly the same day of purchase. The customer, after receiving the woofer, contacted us regarding the item. He had an issue with the Image Dynamics woofer we had sent him; he said it had some blemishes, and some chips on the magnet. When we spoke with him on the phone, we asked him to send us some pictures so that we could determine whether the damage happened in shipping, or if it was a manufacturer's defect. After receiving our request for photos of the damaged woofer, he immediately became very irate and began using profanity with us. We offered to pick the woofer up at our expense to swap it out and ship him another, and he refused, saying he no longer wanted the woofer. We then offered to have it picked up at our expense and refund him, and he also refused this offer. He continued to yell, scream, and use profanity with us, hanging up on our phone conversations multiple times.

A Manager called him later in the afternoon and tried to once again resolve the issue, offering him the same fair options (replacement or refund at no expense to the customer) and the customer continued to use rude, foul language and hung up on him as well. During the conversation with the Manager he said he would prefer to do a Paypal claim and go through Paypal directly. He also refused the manager's request to send any pictures of the sub, it's packaging, or the supposed damage.

The man's behavior seemed very odd to us, and we were sure that something was up. The customer filed a Paypal claim, and shipped the woofer back at his own expense. When the package landed here we determined that the woofer was not one from our inventory. We responded to Paypal with the facts and won the dispute. Paypal sided with us, based on their investigtion, and did not issue a refund to the customer. We received a very upset and angry message from the customer yesterday, threatening to go to every forum and cause havoc and tarnish our name, along with plenty of other threats. Even though the woofer was not ours and we knew this, in an attempt to diffuse the situation we offered to have Image Dynamics bill us and ship him a new woofer, to which he, being unrealistic and unreasonable once again, replied that he is not concerned about the funds, but wanted criminal prosecution.

Today when we read the thread on the forum for the first time, we realized how unreasonable he really was, and our assumption that he was up to something was correct. He claims that he video taped the product being sent back, and that alone is very questionable behavior. WoofersEtc takes these situations very seriously, and typically these are matters in which we get the authorities involved. If this customer feels as though he still needs to seek prosecution like he mentioned several times previously, he is more than welcome to, as he has every right to do so.

In conclusion, we were going to have Image Dynamics send him a new woofer directly from their warehouse so that he could not assume that we purposely sent him another bad subwoofer. We were doing this out of our own free will and customer service, not because we had done anything wrong, or were obligated to do so. He refused even these offers of good-will. Not even would he agree to have Image Dynamics ship him a new woofer directly. He was only concerned with prosecution, according to what he told us.

Our offer still stands to have Image Dynamics replace the woofer, just out of good faith and customer service, regardless of the fact that the woofer he sent us was not purchased from our establishment.

As many of you know, and for those who don't, WoofersEtc is one of the original online Car Audio dealers, and throughout the nearly 14 years we have been selling Car Audio Equipment online, we've always strived to provide the best customer service we possibly can. With fulfilling over 10,000 orders a month, and catering to over 100,000 customers a year, we do our best to take care of every last customer. Making 100% of the customers happy, 100% of the time is only possible when the buyers are reasonable and honest people.

Anybody with a background is retail or customer service knows that there will always be some unrealistic or unfair customers out there. No matter how honest, polite, fair, or flexible you are, there is always a customer who wants to take advantage, and isn't satisfied until you regret having sold them anything. Unfortunately when you're talking about thousands of customers per week, there is no way to avoid a few of these.

All in all, we simply wanted to explain the situation as best as possible so that there wouldn't be any further confusion regarding the matter.

We appreciate you taking the time to read both this lengthy message and thread, and hope that it will help you understand the situation that we are in.

Thank you,



Hello, CarAudio.com Members. This is Julian writing from WoofersEtc.com. I wanted to clarify things and provide our company's side of the story before any further discussion commenced.
The customer placed an order with us on December 27th, 2012, which we shipped promptly the same day of purchase. The customer, after receiving the woofer, contacted us regarding the item. He had an issue with the Image Dynamics woofer we had sent him; he said it had some blemishes, and some chips on the magnet. When we spoke with him on the phone, we asked him to send us some pictures so that we could determine whether the damage happened in shipping, or if it was a manufacturer's defect. After receiving our request for photos of the damaged woofer, he immediately became very irate and began using profanity with us. We offered to pick the woofer up at our expense to swap it out and ship him another, and he refused, saying he no longer wanted the woofer. We then offered to have it picked up at our expense and refund him, and he also refused this offer. He continued to yell, scream, and use profanity with us, hanging up on our phone conversations multiple times.

A Manager called him later in the afternoon and tried to once again resolve the issue, offering him the same fair options (replacement or refund at no expense to the customer) and the customer continued to use rude, foul language and hung up on him as well. During the conversation with the Manager he said he would prefer to do a Paypal claim and go through Paypal directly. He also refused the manager's request to send any pictures of the sub, it's packaging, or the supposed damage.

The man's behavior seemed very odd to us, and we were sure that something was up. The customer filed a Paypal claim, and shipped the woofer back at his own expense. When the package landed here we determined that the woofer was not one from our inventory. We responded to Paypal with the facts and won the dispute. Paypal sided with us, based on their investigtion, and did not issue a refund to the customer. We received a very upset and angry message from the customer yesterday, threatening to go to every forum and cause havoc and tarnish our name, along with plenty of other threats. Even though the woofer was not ours and we knew this, in an attempt to diffuse the situation we offered to have Image Dynamics bill us and ship him a new woofer, to which he, being unrealistic and unreasonable once again, replied that he is not concerned about the funds, but wanted criminal prosecution.

Today when we read the thread on the forum for the first time, we realized how unreasonable he really was, and our assumption that he was up to something was correct. He claims that he video taped the product being sent back, and that alone is very questionable behavior. WoofersEtc takes these situations very seriously, and typically these are matters in which we get the authorities involved. If this customer feels as though he still needs to seek prosecution like he mentioned several times previously, he is more than welcome to, as he has every right to do so.

In conclusion, we were going to have Image Dynamics send him a new woofer directly from their warehouse so that he could not assume that we purposely sent him another bad subwoofer. We were doing this out of our own free will and customer service, not because we had done anything wrong, or were obligated to do so. He refused even these offers of good-will. Not even would he agree to have Image Dynamics ship him a new woofer directly. He was only concerned with prosecution, according to what he told us.

Our offer still stands to have Image Dynamics replace the woofer, just out of good faith and customer service, regardless of the fact that the woofer he sent us was not purchased from our establishment.

As many of you know, and for those who don't, WoofersEtc is one of the original online Car Audio dealers, and throughout the nearly 14 years we have been selling Car Audio Equipment online, we've always strived to provide the best customer service we possibly can. With fulfilling over 10,000 orders a month, and catering to over 100,000 customers a year, we do our best to take care of every last customer. Making 100% of the customers happy, 100% of the time is only possible when the buyers are reasonable and honest people.

Anybody with a background is retail or customer service knows that there will always be some unrealistic or unfair customers out there. No matter how honest, polite, fair, or flexible you are, there is always a customer who wants to take advantage, and isn't satisfied until you regret having sold them anything. Unfortunately when you're talking about thousands of customers per week, there is no way to avoid a few of these.

All in all, we simply wanted to explain the situation as best as possible so that there wouldn't be any further confusion regarding the matter.

We appreciate you taking the time to read both this lengthy message and thread, and hope that it will help you understand the situation that we are in.

Thank you,


wow... still willing to resolve the issue is great of you Julian. there you are op problem solved now we can / this thread.

Why the fuck didnt you have them pick up and take care of it? Because one of their employees shipped a used sub, they whole corporation has to take the fall because you are to much of a bigot of your ethics? wtf bro..
I will answer your question, but I please ask that you refrain from being so biased. I didn't realize it was going to be so much work just letting people know of my horrible experience with this company.

Why didn't I let them pick the sub up at their expense?

I called them maybe a half an hour after the sub arrived at my door, before contacting Paypal or anyone else, and the following is what happened.

1. The first guy I spoke with never offered a resolution, at first. He just kept telling me that he would note that it was damaged until I asked what we could do to resolve the issue. He then agreed to send me a return label (after a bunch of pushing and prodding) but he told me I would have to wait until his manager came in so his manager could send the label. Mind you, this is 4:00 or so my time, 1:00 their time.

2. I waited for 3-4 hours before calling back again because I never received the label. This time I was placed on hold by some other gentleman and then told that the manager still wasn't there and they would call me back soon.

3. Maybe an hour later, I received a call from who I believe was one of the managers. I thought all I was waiting for was a return label at this point, but now I had to go through the whole explanation process again with this guy. At the end, he told me that he would NOT send me a return label and I would have to cover the return on my own. This made me kind of upset because I did no wrong here, but was going to be out money and I was already promised a return label that now they would not send. I told the guy that I would just feel safer taking it up with Paypal just to cover myself. He got really pissy with me and then I ended the conversation.

4. A few minutes later, some other manager called me (he sounded hispanic) and told me that they were going to send me a label now after all. At this point, with all the broken promises, numerous phone calls, and different people handling this, I did not feel safe. I told this gentleman that I no longer trusted them and I would like to just go ahead with a Paypal claim just to have it on record and be protected. He FLEW OFF THE HANDLE and started calling me all sorts of vulgar names and what not. I hung up. He tried to call me back. I ignored the calls.

Then the next day, and maybe the day after, I received a few prank phone calls from them where they would call me names and swear at me.

After that, I didn't have any more contact with them until yesterday when I messaged them through ebay informing them that I am seeking legal action.

I find it unusual that some of you feel that any action, no matter what it was, would warrant what they did to me. You are focusing on details that really have no bearing on a Corporation prank calling a consumer being vulgar, and committing mail fraud to steal their money and leave them with nothing.

your a business, understandable.. But where is your evidence? He is REQUIRED to have some. Post pics of SN send and SN received. How exactly are you certain it was not one of your subs? Do you deny the harassing phone calls to this individual. He has already posted the conversations from ebay so alot of wrong doing on both sides are apparent; however, I still can not image there is not a protocol in place for the switching game. I have a CVR with a few gashes in the surround I dont want, do yall carry those? As for "Offering a new one" from the ebay conversations that never happened until he refused any further service from Woofers and decided solely on criminal prosecution. Also, as I already stated, if I was in his shoes, no matter who the seller was, I would videotape the package being returned as well.. as I always make it a point to videotape the opening (Remember a thread several years ago where an individual received a box of 7-up bottles filled with water.. Ill get that shit on tape so there is no doubt). In the military we call this CYA.. Covering Your Ass. Point being.. its shady. Where is the proof from the other side?

Hello, CarAudio.com Members. This is Julian writing from WoofersEtc.com. I wanted to clarify things and provide our company's side of the story before any further discussion commenced.
The customer placed an order with us on December 27th, 2012, which we shipped promptly the same day of purchase. The customer, after receiving the woofer, contacted us regarding the item. He had an issue with the Image Dynamics woofer we had sent him; he said it had some blemishes, and some chips on the magnet. When we spoke with him on the phone, we asked him to send us some pictures so that we could determine whether the damage happened in shipping, or if it was a manufacturer's defect. After receiving our request for photos of the damaged woofer, he immediately became very irate and began using profanity with us. We offered to pick the woofer up at our expense to swap it out and ship him another, and he refused, saying he no longer wanted the woofer. We then offered to have it picked up at our expense and refund him, and he also refused this offer. He continued to yell, scream, and use profanity with us, hanging up on our phone conversations multiple times.

A Manager called him later in the afternoon and tried to once again resolve the issue, offering him the same fair options (replacement or refund at no expense to the customer) and the customer continued to use rude, foul language and hung up on him as well. During the conversation with the Manager he said he would prefer to do a Paypal claim and go through Paypal directly. He also refused the manager's request to send any pictures of the sub, it's packaging, or the supposed damage.

The man's behavior seemed very odd to us, and we were sure that something was up. The customer filed a Paypal claim, and shipped the woofer back at his own expense. When the package landed here we determined that the woofer was not one from our inventory. We responded to Paypal with the facts and won the dispute. Paypal sided with us, based on their investigtion, and did not issue a refund to the customer. We received a very upset and angry message from the customer yesterday, threatening to go to every forum and cause havoc and tarnish our name, along with plenty of other threats. Even though the woofer was not ours and we knew this, in an attempt to diffuse the situation we offered to have Image Dynamics bill us and ship him a new woofer, to which he, being unrealistic and unreasonable once again, replied that he is not concerned about the funds, but wanted criminal prosecution.

Today when we read the thread on the forum for the first time, we realized how unreasonable he really was, and our assumption that he was up to something was correct. He claims that he video taped the product being sent back, and that alone is very questionable behavior. WoofersEtc takes these situations very seriously, and typically these are matters in which we get the authorities involved. If this customer feels as though he still needs to seek prosecution like he mentioned several times previously, he is more than welcome to, as he has every right to do so.

In conclusion, we were going to have Image Dynamics send him a new woofer directly from their warehouse so that he could not assume that we purposely sent him another bad subwoofer. We were doing this out of our own free will and customer service, not because we had done anything wrong, or were obligated to do so. He refused even these offers of good-will. Not even would he agree to have Image Dynamics ship him a new woofer directly. He was only concerned with prosecution, according to what he told us.

Our offer still stands to have Image Dynamics replace the woofer, just out of good faith and customer service, regardless of the fact that the woofer he sent us was not purchased from our establishment.

As many of you know, and for those who don't, WoofersEtc is one of the original online Car Audio dealers, and throughout the nearly 14 years we have been selling Car Audio Equipment online, we've always strived to provide the best customer service we possibly can. With fulfilling over 10,000 orders a month, and catering to over 100,000 customers a year, we do our best to take care of every last customer. Making 100% of the customers happy, 100% of the time is only possible when the buyers are reasonable and honest people.

Anybody with a background is retail or customer service knows that there will always be some unrealistic or unfair customers out there. No matter how honest, polite, fair, or flexible you are, there is always a customer who wants to take advantage, and isn't satisfied until you regret having sold them anything. Unfortunately when you're talking about thousands of customers per week, there is no way to avoid a few of these.

All in all, we simply wanted to explain the situation as best as possible so that there wouldn't be any further confusion regarding the matter.

We appreciate you taking the time to read both this lengthy message and thread, and hope that it will help you understand the situation that we are in.

Thank you,


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