Looking for an ok budget amp

well, since you are the one here who has actually clamped the Soundstream P1.1200D, you tell me and the OP exactly how much it is overrated. I was simply showing what is out there as much as a link to another website for them to shop. But since you seem to be very persistent in your statements, I want to know exactly what numbers you found at 2 ohms on this amp.I have not clamped it, but I have installed a few and the SQ was very good. If it was overrated, it was not by enough to actually hear a difference in SPL verses a Brutus 1200D. The customers were extremely satisfied and the amps didn't come back for repairs.

I have held the SPAM1500 and it was not even something I would seriously recommend to anyone due to the shoddy build quality alone.
Ugh do I really have to explain this for you again? It's VERY simple the Rubicon is BETTER than the Picasso in every way and was clamped doing a few hundred less than RMS @ 14.4v... The ASPM has gotten better and are using better boards this time around they do every bit of rated and then some. Why do I have to clamp something that's so blatently obvious? Think what you want man the Picasso is overpriced junk the fact that recommended it over the MB Quart alone shows you have no idea what you're talking about...

Also you "HELD" a ASPM1500 so now you're an expert on them? LOL gotta be fvcking kidding me bro the old AP1500.1D was actually pretty heavy and rugged for a small amplifier I was pretty impressed with the build quality and the new ones are even better. I still cant get over the fact that you put SQ with SS LOL.

PS: The new Brutus's are practically junk... I ran an old one and it was 10x better than the new line of BRZ's... It sounds to me like you don't know enough about different products to even compare or give an opinion.

See that's your problem you base you "Facts" of what you think is true... I don't have to clamp a Picasso to know it doesn't do rated the Rubicon is better in every way and it was clamped doing a few hundred RMS less than rated @ 14.4v. The SQ on a Picasso is anything BUT good lmfao man I can't even be bothered with you it's obvious you have no idea what you're talking about. The ASPM is a very good amplifier for the money and does more rated and probably sounds better than a Picasso, even though I have Audiopipe I'm not going to be a noob like you and bash them because everyone else does.
Bottom line the MB Quart shits on the Picasso your statement was both false and laughable.

PS: The new Brutus line also falls short of doing rated everyone knows the new Brutus is nothing like the old one.

You sir, are an idiot.

You sir, are an idiot.
Says the guy that recommends sh1tty equipment and doesn't back his claims just calls people an idiot... Go back to Jr High kiddo. Why dont YOU show me a clamp or ANY SoundStream amplifier doing rated... Hell show me any SS amplifier that does within a few 100 rms of rated under 14.4v. I bet you can't. Also tell me what makes the Audiopipe so terrible do you even know what boards they use? I bet that Picasso won't do .5 ohms daily like my Audiopipe did.

Hmm..so what you are mad about is someone suggests something that might actually match their subs and be reliable too? I did not claim anything about "doing rated". I simply suggested a good amp for the subs the op chose. I do not know if it will do .5 ohm and it is irrelevant to this thread.

Do you seriously think the Kenwoods will handle a test tone on a true 400 watts rms for any length of time? I suspect the amp could be overrated, but to compare how much by someone clamping a completely different amp at probably a completely different impedance is stupid.

The SPAM1500 and the 1300's I looked at had loose terminal blocks and way too much play in the input connectors right out of the box. And you suggest the AP based on the fact you might have owned one and it did not break on you?

Ugh do I really have to explain this for you again? It's VERY simple the Rubicon is BETTER than the Picasso in every way and was clamped doing a few hundred less than RMS @ 14.4v... The ASPM has gotten better and are using better boards this time around they do every bit of rated and then some. Why do I have to clamp something that's so blatently obvious? Think what you want man the Picasso is overpriced junk the fact that recommended it over the MB Quart alone shows you have no idea what you're talking about...
Also you "HELD" a ASPM1500 so now you're an expert on them? LOL gotta be fvcking kidding me bro the old AP1500.1D was actually pretty heavy and rugged for a small amplifier I was pretty impressed with the build quality and the new ones are even better. I still cant get over the fact that you put SQ with SS LOL.

PS: The new Brutus's are practically junk... I ran an old one and it was 10x better than the new line of BRZ's... It sounds to me like you don't know enough about different products to even compare or give an opinion.
obvious troll.

well, since you are the one here who has actually clamped the Soundstream P1.1200D, you tell me and the OP exactly how much it is overrated. I was simply showing what is out there as much as a link to another website for them to shop. But since you seem to be very persistent in your statements, I want to know exactly what numbers you found at 2 ohms on this amp.I have not clamped it, but I have installed a few and the SQ was very good. If it was overrated, it was not by enough to actually hear a difference in SPL verses a Brutus 1200D. The customers were extremely satisfied and the amps didn't come back for repairs.

I have held the SPAM1500 and it was not even something I would seriously recommend to anyone due to the shoddy build quality alone.
You've held the apsm..... I've held a lot of amps but that doesn't make them bad

Hmm..so what you are mad about is someone suggests something that might actually match their subs and be reliable too? I did not claim anything about "doing rated". I simply suggested a good amp for the subs the op chose. I do not know if it will do .5 ohm and it is irrelevant to this thread.Do you seriously think the Kenwoods will handle a test tone on a true 400 watts rms for any length of time? I suspect the amp could be overrated, but to compare how much by someone clamping a completely different amp at probably a completely different impedance is stupid.

The SPAM1500 and the 1300's I looked at had loose terminal blocks and way too much play in the input connectors right out of the box. And you suggest the AP based on the fact you might have owned one and it did not break on you?
So by your logic if they don't need it, pay more for something that won't even do rated instead of a better product that gives more head room? Yeah good idea man, no, great idea. It doesn't matter if his sub-woofers will take 400rms or not the fact is you recommended a worse product than the other 2 aforementioned and then began to bash them with no clue what you're talking about. Doing .5 ohm has A LOT to do with the topic as it shows the AP is more than capable of doing rated and them some without blowing up I for one love knowing I can wire down to .5 if I want/need. Also if that Picasso isn't doing rated @ 1 ohm it's **** sure not doing rated @ 2 ohm so that means he will barely be pushing his sub-woofers.

and yes I owned the older audiopipe which aren't as good as the new ones and it ran perfectly fine even @ .5 daily and no never had a problem. I don't know what you mean by loose terminal blocks and connectors because all the ones I've seen are solid, looks like you need to start ordering through a new vendor if you're getting all of these defective products.

You can think what you want your recommendation was poor and your bashing of the other products was misinformed you were wrong so admit it and be done... I really could go on all night bashing you but it's pointless because you clearly have nothing to bring to the table except nonsense.


---------- Post added at 04:35 AM ---------- Previous post was at 04:34 AM ----------


obvious troll.
I'd rather be an obvious troll than an obvious noob, jus sayin. and ti's called an ASPM not a fvckin SPAM.

You've held the apsm..... I've held a lot of amps but that doesn't make them bad
Maybe not, but it is another one of the pawn shop amps around here, sits right there by the SSL's and the Power acoustiks, and yea, I had to walk in and check them out. I would not seriously recommend one to anybody, unless they specifically want the cheapest junk money can buy.

Maybe not, but it is another one of the pawn shop amps around here, sits right there by the SSL's and the Power acoustiks, and yea, I had to walk in and check them out. I would not seriously recommend one to anybody, unless they specifically want the cheapest junk money can buy.
That's funny considering it's STILL a way better amplifier than you recommended and costs about $50 less... You're a fvcking scrub kid gtfo my internet, stop trying to troll you're terrible at it. I bet you can't even afford a Power Acoustiks let alone a crappy Picasso, what do you run Xplods?

Maybe not, but it is another one of the pawn shop amps around here, sits right there by the SSL's and the Power acoustiks, and yea, I had to walk in and check them out. I would not seriously recommend one to anybody, unless they specifically want the cheapest junk money can buy.
I'm just not seeing what makes it junk? Does rated puts in work and is dame near $100. What more could you want from a budget amp? If you want to get something that is really built well don't get a budget amp.

So by your logic if they don't need it, pay more for something that won't even do rated instead of a better product that gives more head room? Yeah good idea man, no, great idea. It doesn't matter if his sub-woofers will take 400rms or not the fact is you recommended a worse product than the other 2 aforementioned and then began to bash them with no clue what you're talking about. Doing .5 ohm has A LOT to do with the topic as it shows the AP is more than capable of doing rated and them some without blowing up I for one love knowing I can wire down to .5 if I want/need. Also if that Picasso isn't doing rated @ 1 ohm it's **** sure not doing rated @ 2 ohm so that means he will barely be pushing his sub-woofers.
and yes I owned the older audiopipe which aren't as good as the new ones and it ran perfectly fine even @ .5 daily and no never had a problem. I don't know what you mean by loose terminal blocks and connectors because all the ones I've seen are solid, looks like you need to start ordering through a new vendor if you're getting all of these defective products.

You can think what you want your recommendation was poor and your bashing of the other products was misinformed you were wrong so admit it and be done... I really could go on all night bashing you but it's pointless because you clearly have nothing to bring to the table except nonsense.


---------- Post added at 04:35 AM ---------- Previous post was at 04:34 AM ----------


I'd rather be an obvious troll than an obvious noob, jus sayin. and ti's called an ASPM not a fvckin SPAM.
excuse me, You seem to be the noob here. Nobody mentioned an older AP or Brutus, Hell I still own an older BXI...but I did not advise the BRZ because of it. And my recommendation is perfectly fine..only a noob nitpicks +/- 100 watts on a 1200 watt amp. And nonsense is all you have been spreading here.

Like I said a noobish troll...or just a stupid idiot more likely.

excuse me, You seem to be the noob here. Nobody mentioned an older AP or Brutus, Hell I still own an older BXI...but I did not advise the BRZ because of it. And my recommendation is perfectly fine..only a noob nitpicks +/- 100 watts on a 1200 watt amp. And nonsense is all you have been spreading here.
Like I said a noobish troll...or just a stupid idiot more likely.
Not only are you a noob you're fvcking stupid... The point is your recommended an over rated amplifier over an under rated amplifier that costs a ton less and then turned around and called the audiopipe/mbquart garbage. How are you not getting that I'm calling you out on your ****** recommendation and not the fact that he doesnt "need" what hes getting. The fact is hes getting MORE with less money from the AP then the Picasso, are you that fvcking dense?

I'm seriously done arguing with you thats 2 people that think you're dumb and you continue to argue... From now on when I see your posts I'm going to sh1t all over them, have fun girl.

I'm just not seeing what makes it junk? Does rated puts in work and is dame near $100. What more could you want from a budget amp? If you want to get something that is really built well don't get a budget amp.
Well, since you or I either one know Op's idea of a Budget amp, we obviously agree there is better out there than the AP SPAM. You people are acting like he is trying to find the cheapest .5ohm power to put #'s up. OP wants a ok amp for his two Kenwoods at 2ohms. I am not going to suggest the absolute cheapest thing on the market, unless that is all he can afford, and then my suggestion might be to save some more dough and buy a decent amp, like a AB VFL80.1 or 100.1, or maybe a AQ, etc.

Well, since you or I either one know Op's idea of a Budget amp, we obviously agree there is better out there than the AP SPAM. You people are acting like he is trying to find the cheapest .5ohm power to put #'s up. OP wants a ok amp for his two Kenwoods at 2ohms. I am not going to suggest the absolute cheapest thing on the market, unless that is all he can afford, and then my suggestion might be to save some more dough and buy a decent amp, like a AB VFL80.1 or 100.1, or maybe a AQ, etc.
Wow... Just wow... bro you're missing the WHOLE point that Picasso is about $70 more than the APSM and won't do as much @ 2 ohm and won't do it was clean that's the **** point the Picasso is NOT a better amplifier at all. If you had recommended the AQ or AB which are both over-priced as well then I wouldn't have ragged on you so hard point is we didn't recommend the MB Quart of AP because it was cheap we recommended it because for the money it will do everything he needs and more and cost way less.

Not only are you a noob you're fvcking stupid... The point is your recommended an over rated amplifier over an under rated amplifier that costs a ton less and then turned around and called the audiopipe/mbquart garbage. How are you not getting that I'm calling you out on your ****** recommendation and not the fact that he doesnt "need" what hes getting. The fact is hes getting MORE with less money from the AP then the Picasso, are you that fvcking dense?
I'm seriously done arguing with you thats 2 people that think you're dumb and you continue to argue... From now on when I see your posts I'm going to sh1t all over them, have fun girl.
I am not arguing. You are making all these bold statements, not I. I just dared you to state exactly the #'s the Amp I mentioned will clamp at 2ohms, or STFU.

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