How to break an alpine...?

APRIL FOOLS DUECSH BAGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ya ya... I know its mid April, but I was in Mexico for spring break so I missed it.

lol I had a lot of you guys riled up. First off, I would be stupid to get rid of the 9815, second what kind of warranty service just replaces an old item with its top of the line model and lets you keep the defected one? Then to top it all off I said some ******** about economics, now the law school thing is true, meaning I don’t know **** about economics, basically I threw out some **** that’s' probably wrong that I remembered from my first semester. I was waiting for someone with even some know abouts of the subject to just rape that post, Primo did in a way.

My engineering roommate did however open up the 9815 and made it a bit faster... piece of **** did it when I was in class, or else of course I would have kicked his ass for touching it, but its pretty bad ass to see it turn on now and go to the preset angle in less that a second.

The questions about the ipod is true though I am trying to get rid of the fm transmitter and recently bought hardcore wiring for the aux, because I would prefer to access my files through the ipod vs the HU.

April fools, to all of you with the hate posts, and all of the people who read the post and got pissed off.

Just to clarify I do agree that the company works hard for their money as all businesses do, people should not **** over the system because it does hurt all of us in the end. We may not see it on the price tag but it might show on the quality of the item.

Right......I think you were just tired of getting PWNED by you tried this lame attempt at saving your few remaining shreds of dignity.

// :rolleyes: // :rolleyes:

how would living in silicon valley have made doing what you said your friend did any easier? because people there are smarter?

any retard with a hot metal stick can heat up an area of soldier and make the connection bad or something.

Well your right, any dumbass can use a soldering iron but i takes a good one to not leave a trace. and i say the silicon valley because to live in a shack will cost you at least 750,000 and a two story house surpasses 1Million. Why i bring this up is becasue only engineers, doctors, and businessmen can afford to live in the south bay.

And i am in no way trying to cover up my tracks but if you want to believe that its totally up to you.

APRIL FOOLS DUECSH BAGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ya ya... I know its mid April, but I was in Mexico for spring break so I missed it.

lol I had a lot of you guys riled up. First off, I would be stupid to get rid of the 9815, second what kind of warranty service just replaces an old item with its top of the line model and lets you keep the defected one? Then to top it all off I said some ******** about economics, now the law school thing is true, meaning I don’t know **** about economics, basically I threw out some **** that’s' probably wrong that I remembered from my first semester. I was waiting for someone with even some know abouts of the subject to just rape that post, Primo did in a way.

My engineering roommate did however open up the 9815 and made it a bit faster... piece of **** did it when I was in class, or else of course I would have kicked his ass for touching it, but its pretty bad ass to see it turn on now and go to the preset angle in less that a second.

The questions about the ipod is true though I am trying to get rid of the fm transmitter and recently bought hardcore wiring for the aux, because I would prefer to access my files through the ipod vs the HU.

April fools, to all of you with the hate posts, and all of the people who read the post and got pissed off.

Just to clarify I do agree that the company works hard for their money as all businesses do, people should not **** over the system because it does hurt all of us in the end. We may not see it on the price tag but it might show on the quality of the item.
alright buddy what ever you say
Well your right, any dumbass can use a soldering iron but i takes a good one to not leave a trace. and i say the silicon valley because to live in a shack will cost you at least 750,000 and a two story house surpasses 1Million. Why i bring this up is becasue only engineers, doctors, and businessmen can afford to live in the south bay.
And i am in no way trying to cover up my tracks but if you want to believe that its totally up to you.

Again the silicon valley thing seems to have no validity here...

Are you saying that only rich people would know how to mess up the HU? I would actually assume that since you live their you would be able to buy a new one pretty easily.

Or do you mean living around smart people made it easier to find someone to do that to the HU? I'm sure there are plenty of doctors and businessmen who wouldn't know how to do it.

So basically you live in Silicon Valley but don't have the money to buy a new unit and you aren't smart enough to mess up the unit on your own.

How does it feel to be inferior to everyone that lives around you?

Again the silicon valley thing seems to have no validity here...
Are you saying that only rich people would know how to mess up the HU? I would actually assume that since you live their you would be able to buy a new one pretty easily.

Or do you mean living around smart people made it easier to find someone to do that to the HU? I'm sure there are plenty of doctors and businessmen who wouldn't know how to do it.

So basically you live in Silicon Valley but don't have the money to buy a new unit and you aren't smart enough to mess up the unit on your own.

How does it feel to be inferior to everyone that lives around you?

Super PWNED!

I will accept the fact that I am not as smart as everyone around me in terms of computer knowledge (in which I implied before), the average person here can make their own comp, and actually the comp stores here sell more comp parts and cases than computers themselves, that being said is true, half the people here work for companies like Intel, adobe, Symantec, network associates, Cisco, NVIDIA, and the list goes on and on... However, I was just accepted to law school, and was an early admit, meaning I’m a ****ing genius, so I know there are a lot of hate going towards me and everyone would like nothing more than to find a quote, stir it around and try to "pwne" me. bottom line is I got all you ****ers hands down with this prank, got you so riled up that when you found out it was a prank you guys flipped out even more, some of you even refusing to believe it.

And your right, if could afford to live off campus then I probably could afford to buy what ever the **** I wanted for my car, but I don’t, I live in the dorms where it is cheap for students.

So before you start to overanalyze this post as well, just note this: If you are still riled up about the prank or believe it is not a prank, you my friend are a gullible little *****.

I will accept the fact that I am not as smart as everyone around me in terms of computer knowledge (in which I implied before), the average person here can make their own comp, and actually the comp stores here sell more comp parts and cases than computers themselves, that being said is true, half the people here work for companies like Intel, adobe, Symantec, network associates, Cisco, NVIDIA, and the list goes on and on... However, I was just accepted to law school, and was an early admit, meaning I’m a ****ing genius, so I know there are a lot of hate going towards me and everyone would like nothing more than to find a quote, stir it around and try to "pwne" me. bottom line is I got all you ****ers hands down with this prank, got you so riled up that when you found out it was a prank you guys flipped out even more, some of you even refusing to believe it.
And your right, if could afford to live off campus then I probably could afford to buy what ever the **** I wanted for my car, but I don’t, I live in the dorms where it is cheap for students.

So before you start to overanalyze this post as well, just note this: If you are still riled up about the prank or believe it is not a prank, you my friend are a gullible little *****.
thats how most comp stores anywhere are dumbass.
I will accept the fact that I am not as smart as everyone around me in terms of computer knowledge (in which I implied before), the average person here can make their own comp, and actually the comp stores here sell more comp parts and cases than computers themselves, that being said is true, half the people here work for companies like Intel, adobe, Symantec, network associates, Cisco, NVIDIA, and the list goes on and on... However, I was just accepted to law school, and was an early admit, meaning I’m a ****ing genius, so I know there are a lot of hate going towards me and everyone would like nothing more than to find a quote, stir it around and try to "pwne" me. bottom line is I got all you ****ers hands down with this prank, got you so riled up that when you found out it was a prank you guys flipped out even more, some of you even refusing to believe it.
And your right, if could afford to live off campus then I probably could afford to buy what ever the **** I wanted for my car, but I don’t, I live in the dorms where it is cheap for students.

So before you start to overanalyze this post as well, just note this: If you are still riled up about the prank or believe it is not a prank, you my friend are a gullible little *****.
well think of this asswad, sensei said to me once knowledge is in modesty, skill is in training, bragging brings about nothing, so in other words if you need to brag,you have no confidence that you are a "genius", meaning you are not.
I will accept the fact that I am not as smart as everyone around me in terms of computer knowledge (in which I implied before), the average person here can make their own comp, and actually the comp stores here sell more comp parts and cases than computers themselves, that being said is true, half the people here work for companies like Intel, adobe, Symantec, network associates, Cisco, NVIDIA, and the list goes on and on... However, I was just accepted to law school, and was an early admit, meaning I’m a ****ing genius, so I know there are a lot of hate going towards me and everyone would like nothing more than to find a quote, stir it around and try to "pwne" me. bottom line is I got all you ****ers hands down with this prank, got you so riled up that when you found out it was a prank you guys flipped out even more, some of you even refusing to believe it.
And your right, if could afford to live off campus then I probably could afford to buy what ever the **** I wanted for my car, but I don’t, I live in the dorms where it is cheap for students.

So before you start to overanalyze this post as well, just note this: If you are still riled up about the prank or believe it is not a prank, you my friend are a gullible little *****.
Okay you self-proclaimed "****ing genius" lets think this through logically.

A. What does computer knowledge have to do with the Alpine HU that was the cause of this thread in the first place? They are two completely different things. This is similar to the "I live in Silicon Valley so it was easy for me to find someone to break my HU" thing. It has nothing to do with the post.

B. Since when is putting together a computer difficult? They are like a puzzle for a retarted kid. Each individual piece has an obvious spot that it plugs into. Most people are just too lazy to pull it apart and look at it, but I'm sure most people can handle that feat.

C. Direct quote from the above statement: "...I know there are a lot of hate going towards me..." The funny thing is that gramatically incorrect statement came a comma and a two letter word after you called yourself a "****ing genius." Genius my ass.

Lets do some simple math now.

A+B+C = You're a moron.

You should probably study a little more instead of wasting your time with "pranks" because if you become a lawyer and tell a judge that: "I are knowing that my client is not guilty," he will probably pee in your coffee and pour it over your head.

P.S. I'm not riled up. I just think you're a moron and decided that I needed to prove it to everyone else.


APRIL FOOLS DUECSH BAGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ya ya... I know its mid April, but I was in Mexico for spring break so I missed it.

lol I had a lot of you guys riled up. First off, I would be stupid to get rid of the 9815, second what kind of warranty service just replaces an old item with its top of the line model and lets you keep the defected one? Then to top it all off I said some ******** about economics, now the law school thing is true, meaning I don’t know **** about economics, basically I threw out some **** that’s' probably wrong that I remembered from my first semester. I was waiting for someone with even some know abouts of the subject to just rape that post, Primo did in a way.

My engineering roommate did however open up the 9815 and made it a bit faster... piece of **** did it when I was in class, or else of course I would have kicked his ass for touching it, but its pretty bad ass to see it turn on now and go to the preset angle in less that a second.

The questions about the ipod is true though I am trying to get rid of the fm transmitter and recently bought hardcore wiring for the aux, because I would prefer to access my files through the ipod vs the HU.

April fools, to all of you with the hate posts, and all of the people who read the post and got pissed off.

Just to clarify I do agree that the company works hard for their money as all businesses do, people should not **** over the system because it does hurt all of us in the end. We may not see it on the price tag but it might show on the quality of the item.
1st Bold

Well.... first off as you said.. its mid April... a little late for the April fools jokes...

2nd Bold

second off.. how can you make a H/U faster by taking a soldering iron to it???... you'd be better off feeding it speed in the CD loader...

3rd Bold

uhhh now you realized that everyone has the upper hand on the point your a scumbag // ....

your profile says your 18... so you cant have much college unless your lying about your age (pretty immature for an adult I'd say).... but i would say that you were mad because mommy and daddy wouldn't buy you a new H/U so you just got lucky that when you went to the installers that they let you keep the 9815....

They should have taken your 9815 out and sent it to the manufactuerer so that they could all laugh that they just sent you crappier H/U than what you had, while they were simply soldering back on the wire and then selling me a great H/U Refurbished!!! // LMAO Dang too bad that didn't happen!!! HAPPY EASTER ALL!!!

ok im no saint but..... thats just f***** up

guys like you are the reason why alot of companies hassle normal consumers with actual legit warranty issues because they are getting sick and tired of bieng scammed by people like you.

the biggest problem with scammers like you is you never see the bigger picture .

regardless of what u think it costs there is more involved than u are thinking .

for instance the guy who you bought it from what do you think would happen to his/her shop between him and his distributor if all of a sudden a bunch of radios start going bad for no apparent reason?

they might stop selling him that brand or they might cancel his account ( doubful but could happen) in either case now he will have less customers make less money be able to employ less people someone losses their job .now the poor folks who work in the shipping industry have slightly less product to load that means less people needed to do the job people get fired or laid off, or like i mentioned before they get way strict with how they handle warranty repairs items have to be shipped to them before they replace leaving customers to wait for legit repairs/replacement .

all for what so you can get a free radio? grow up........

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