It's going to have rise, for sure. It's a nice size single chamber, it's going to rise. I'm interested to see the drop off once you get it on full power.
I would still seal it off, man. You've got all of this great equipment and the box built, take it all of the way, if you can. I think we talked about port lengths and shortening. Lmk if you want to do that. I would try to seal it off. If you keep the subs and port from pressurizing the trunk, I think that'll help a lot. Just lmk. I'd really recommend sealing it off and trying it on full power, when or if you're able to. I expect sealing off your trunk to help with bandwidth. You're just simply going to be pressurizing less air to a higher pressure. If you cut that port length down, you probably want to shrink the box down also.
Without the box sealed off, can you push the box any further towards the back of the trunk?
I'd say the sharp drop off is a combo of this:
1. Forward firing box
2. Box not sealed off
3. Not full power yet
4. You have a good sized port area (for the very high power levels)
5. Lower tuning, of course.
Just some things to think about. It'll be interesting to see it on full power. Let me know if I can help. I may be repetitive some about what we've talked about, it's hard for me to remember what all has been said.