"snickering" towards JL systems?

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well if there noobs and have no idea wut there talkin about .. jl is the shi*...they dont know any better , i use to think it was the shi* myself a couple yrs ago till i opened my eyes and started lookin into car audio more

I like the JL stuff I've owned, and I'm thinking about using their stuff again for my next system, but I get the impression people don't necessarily agree with that.

My problem is that I'm looking for alternate suggestions (because I am a newb and I'm open to learning about the possible drawbacks) but all I get is stuff like "You could get better for less money". That's fine, I'm all about getting better stuff for less money, but tell me what that is! I think sometimes a lot of guys get the impression that there is better for less money but don't actually have any specifics in mind.

too lazy to read the whole thread. but here's my opinion of JL.

Great product. Shitloads of hype. Overpriced.

Ain't a thing in the world wrong with JL products, except the price.

Most of the guys i know who are into JL are officially "JL guys"

they hate on any other equipment, wear jl t-shirts, one has jl posters all over his apartment

and i understand this can't be true with all of them, but when i went to my local jl dealer to talk to him about possibly getting a w7 (back in the spring) he refused to answer questions and told me (exact words) "most people who are interested in the w7 have already done their homework and know what they want, or they come in here and tell me they want the best, and that's what i give them"

so while i'm sure jl is good, great, hell, i'll give them the benefit of the doubt and say maybe they're the best equipment ever created, i decided to go with equipment i could actually talk to someone about, and get some actual help choosing instead

i recently bought some jl w6's but im no where near a cocky mofo. i usually let them listen to the subs wang then hear their opinion before i brag //content.invisioncic.com/y282845/emoticons/smile.gif.1ebc41e1811405b213edfc4622c41e27.gif

im positive there are other equipment out their that would crush the w6 in every catergory. but you gotta give JL Audio credit for producing fine equipment.

I love hearing all these people talk about JL being "overpriced".It really makes me //content.invisioncic.com/y282845/emoticons/laugh.gif.48439b2acf2cfca21620f01e7f77d1e4.gif

Here's a news flash.They may or may not be "overpriced" but people are willing to pay for it.So, if you could make a lot of money, would you?Yes, you'd be cashing in on every penny you can make. THEY ARE A BUSINESS! They sell products, they make money.You also have to consider, they have a lot more than 3 people working for them.Bigger facility, more advertising, custom tooling, more employees, and they offer a VERY wide selection of subs. amps, and speakers.Not to mention they have their home audio products now. All of this costs MONEY. Of course they have to have higher prices, or they'd go bankrupt. Point is, they have no problem moving their product at the current prices, so they will stay there.For whatever reason, if people are buying for the JL name or they truly like the product.

Comparing JL to "y" internet brand is like comparing a huge, fancy resturant that offers many types of food to a little resturant on the corner with bars in the windows that doesn't have many offerings.Yes, the cheapy on the corner will be of course, cheaper.Yeah, the food might be better for the price.But that is their main focus.They also have less employees, lower food costs, and less rent/utilities.This does not mean the large resturant will not/should not get any business.People pay for what they want.

So, kwitcher*****en and either fork up the cash to buy JL products, or stop bashing them because you can't afford them.No I'm not a JL fanboy, but you have to look at both sides here.

I love hearing all these people talk about JL being "overpriced".It really makes me //content.invisioncic.com/y282845/emoticons/laugh.gif.48439b2acf2cfca21620f01e7f77d1e4.gif
Here's a news flash.They may or may not be "overpriced" but people are willing to pay for it.So, if you could make a lot of money, would you?Yes, you'd be cashing in on every penny you can make. THEY ARE A BUSINESS! They sell products, they make money.You also have to consider, they have a lot more than 3 people working for them.Bigger facility, more advertising, custom tooling, more employees, and they offer a VERY wide selection of subs. amps, and speakers.Not to mention they have their home audio products now. All of this costs MONEY. Of course they have to have higher prices, or they'd go bankrupt. Point is, they have no problem moving their product at the current prices, so they will stay there.For whatever reason, if people are buying for the JL name or they truly like the product.

Comparing JL to "y" internet brand is like comparing a huge, fancy resturant that offers many types of food to a little resturant on the corner with bars in the windows that doesn't have many offerings.Yes, the cheapy on the corner will be of course, cheaper.Yeah, the food might be better for the price.But that is their main focus.They also have less employees, lower food costs, and less rent/utilities.This does not mean the large resturant will not/should not get any business.People pay for what they want.

So, kwitcher*****en and either fork up the cash to buy JL products, or stop bashing them because you can't afford them.No I'm not a JL fanboy, but you have to look at both sides here.Most of you just repeat the same old "it's overpriced" ********.

speaking of there home theater subs....those look sick but spendy...they start at $2.5K...and yes jl is overpriced, but its all realative to what people are willing ot pay...same goes for brax, dls and other higher end manufacturers....

and yes jl is overpriced, but its all realative to what people are willing ot pay...same goes for brax, dls and other higher end manufacturers....
Did you even read my ****ing post?

God **** there are some stupid mother ****ers on this board.

just because people still buy it doesn't mean it's not overpriced

you can take the same parts, that came out of the same machine, on the same day, and call one a ford and one a mercury, and charge more for the mercury and people will still buy it

do you think mercury gives two shits whether people call their cars overpriced?

hell no, they love the fact that people are retarded, and have hangups about pride, and they can make margins because of it

maybe jl is overpriced, maybe they're not

maybe it's shady as **** that rather than lowering their prices to be competitive, they outsourced their manufacturing overseas to raise their margins, maybe it's not

if they cared, or were seriously hurting because people seem to think so, then they'd do something about it, so they clearly don't care

so why do you even have an adgenda about it? people can say what they want

Did you even read my ****ing post?
God **** there are some stupid mother ****ers on this board.
I was quting for the subs then posting my opinion...it just happened to be the same as yours..I was agreeing with you...dikk...i just didnt say "I agree with mountaineer...." Do you have sand in your ****** mounteneer???

I love hearing all these people talk about JL being "overpriced".It really makes me //content.invisioncic.com/y282845/emoticons/laugh.gif.48439b2acf2cfca21620f01e7f77d1e4.gif
Here's a news flash.They may or may not be "overpriced" but people are willing to pay for it.So, if you could make a lot of money, would you?Yes, you'd be cashing in on every penny you can make. THEY ARE A BUSINESS! They sell products, they make money.You also have to consider, they have a lot more than 3 people working for them.Bigger facility, more advertising, custom tooling, more employees, and they offer a VERY wide selection of subs. amps, and speakers.Not to mention they have their home audio products now. All of this costs MONEY. Of course they have to have higher prices, or they'd go bankrupt.
Let me stop you right there to insert a bit of novice economical analysis here...

Going by that same logic we'll use Toyota for an example.

DEFINITELY Toyota has more than 3 employees.

They have more than just a few facilities in multiple countries spanning the entire globe.

Their advertising department stays pretty busy as Toyota seemingly enjoys keeping their brand recognition pretty high...

And, like JL, Toyota offers a pretty varied lineup of products ranging from subcompact cars to luxury SUVs all the way up to Formula 1 racing research, development, and participation!

With all that in mind should Toyota increase the MSRP on the Corolla to around $40K? I mean - inarguably it's a big seller for them or else the Corolla would have never earned the Guiness Book Of World Record's designation as the most prolific car ever produced. In almost every country in the world whose inhabitants drive at all there are Toyota Corollas to be found being driven. (that isn't even counting the cars that were mechanically Corollas but sold under another manufacturer's nameplate such as the Chevy Novas from the 80s and the Geo/Chevy Prizms from the '90s and early '00s)

Just something to think about...

Point is, they have no problem moving their product at the current prices, so they will stay there.For whatever reason, if people are buying for the JL name or they truly like the product.
Comparing JL to "y" internet brand is like comparing a huge, fancy resturant that offers many types of food to a little resturant on the corner with bars in the windows that doesn't have many offerings.Yes, the cheapy on the corner will be of course, cheaper.Yeah, the food might be better for the price.But that is their main focus.They also have less employees, lower food costs, and less rent/utilities.This does not mean the large resturant will not/should not get any business.People pay for what they want.
I think that's a bit of an oversimplified analogy //content.invisioncic.com/y282845/emoticons/crap.gif.7f4dd41e3e9b23fbd170a1ee6f65cecc.gif
So, kwitcher*****en and either fork up the cash to buy JL products, or stop bashing them because you can't afford them.No I'm not a JL fanboy, but you have to look at both sides here.
The decision to buy other-than-JL-products isn't nearly as often motivated by the inability to afford them but rather the ability to get as good (if not better) performance elsewhere for a lesser investment. I'm in the same camp as those who find JL overhyped and overpriced but I'd be willing to wager that's in large part to your average JL enthusiast's (no, azbass, I do not include you and your uber-sexy black amps in this group) attitude that JL is the Be All, End All of aftermarket car audio.Are they good?

Of course! It would be silly to say otherwise.

Are they the "OMFG BESTEST EVARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" ??

Not to me.

I was quting for the subs then posting my opinion...it just happened to be the same as yours..I was agreeing with you...dikk...i just didnt say "I agree with mountaineer...." Do you have sand in your ****** mounteneer???

And going by your post, it looked like you didn't even read it at all by just posting the same old ********, or didn't understand.You could of at least come up with a witty reply like prowler's which I have yet to read. BTW: I have no ******.

lol i think its time for someone to go to sleep //content.invisioncic.com/y282845/emoticons/wink.gif.608e3ea05f1a9f98611af0861652f8fb.gif lol jk bro . .. i couldnt figure out y he said the same exact thing as u //content.invisioncic.com/y282845/emoticons/laugh.gif.48439b2acf2cfca21620f01e7f77d1e4.gif

Let me stop you right there to insert a bit of novice economical analysis here...
Going by that same logic we'll use Toyota for an example.

DEFINITELY Toyota has more than 3 employees.

They have more than just a few facilities in multiple countries spanning the entire globe.

Their advertising department stays pretty busy as Toyota seemingly enjoys keeping their brand recognition pretty high...

And, like JL, Toyota offers a pretty varied lineup of products ranging from subcompact cars to luxury SUVs all the way up to Formula 1 racing research, development, and participation!

With all that in mind should Toyota increase the MSRP on the Corolla to around $40K? I mean - inarguably it's a big seller for them or else the Corolla would have never earned the Guiness Book Of World Record's designation as the most prolific car ever produced. In almost every country in the world whose inhabitants drive at all there are Toyota Corollas to be found being driven. (that isn't even counting the cars that were mechanically Corollas but sold under another manufacturer's nameplate such as the Chevy Novas from the 80s and the Geo/Chevy Prizms from the '90s and early '00s)

Just something to think about...


I think that's a bit of an oversimplified analogy //content.invisioncic.com/y282845/emoticons/crap.gif.7f4dd41e3e9b23fbd170a1ee6f65cecc.gif

The decision to buy other-than-JL-products isn't nearly as often motivated by the inability to afford them but rather the ability to get as good (if not better) performance elsewhere for a lesser investment. I'm in the same camp as those who find JL overhyped and overpriced but I'd be willing to wager that's in large part to your average JL enthusiast's (no, azbass, I do not include you and your uber-sexy black amps in this group) attitude that JL is the Be All, End All of aftermarket car audio.

Are they good?

Of course! It would be silly to say otherwise.

Are they the "OMFG BESTEST EVARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" ??

Not to me.

What's wrong with my oversimplified analogy? //content.invisioncic.com/y282845/emoticons/tongue.gif.6130eb82179565f6db8d26d6001dcd24.gif Besides, I was eating food at the time and it gave me an idea.I like to keep things simple for the most part, when I can get away with it. I agree, I do not like the fanboys that say it is end all be all.And yes, they are probably a large factor in JL's success, but JL had to get that rep. from somewhere. I do not know if it was from good products back in the day, or fantastic advertising. I personally don't run, and do not intend on running their stuff as none of it really fits my application.

But I give them respect for making a decent product.And, despite what most people think they CAN be had for a decent price.Easier said than done at most places though.

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