Bumpin_Blazer Trilogy: Final Destination

let me get that adress if it doesnt work out..this crap has happened to me before, and beleive me that person doesnt get away w/ it.....it's the last resort but ,those bills from the doc will cover what i have lost from the person...

Your a moron. Probably a street thug wanna be that's scared of his own shadow. This is between the two of them, not you.

On another note, I spoke to Adam and he said your amp was shipped and that you should have it.

phat, r u 2 ****** each others d!ck....boy u really got this mans back....fago //content.invisioncic.com/y282845/emoticons/moon.gif.9d317aec3339ffe7fde0638df52c628a.gif

phat, r u 2 ****** each others d!ck....boy u really got this mans back....fago //content.invisioncic.com/y282845/emoticons/moon.gif.9d317aec3339ffe7fde0638df52c628a.gif
You are the English languages most bestestest friend.

Real mature.

Grow up ... because with language like that, you won't last long //content.invisioncic.com/y282845/emoticons/smile.gif.1ebc41e1811405b213edfc4622c41e27.gif

- Steve

Hey Josh, you forgot to leave out the fact that I haven't talked to you in months?
Lie and I can prove otherwise. You were sent a PM recently stating what was going to be attempted. I can easily prove that.

You forgot to mention that you said you would send me a different driver months ago, and that it would "go out thursday". (I'm still looking in the mailbox) Of course, then you decide you just won't explain why you DIDN'T send it, you'll just ignore the situation for another few months.
You forgot to mention you wanted a "pristine" driver and that shortly afterward, the option to recone became available because of the attempting to do a Mk II swap - something that we went out of our way to do to get this thing done.

You forgot to mention the fact that you ignore me on aim, when all I ask you to do was leave me a phone number, an email that I could actually contact you at?

Ah yes, and you forgot to mention that you "forgot" to follow up on the recone kits that they've had in stock for god knows how long.
Nobody that isn't on my buddy list gets a response from me on AIM. I'm not on there to do business with anyone. You've had MULTIPLE PM's with me here, all of which I *STILL HAVE SAVED* so you cannot lie.

Your attempt to claim the recones have been in stock is a complete and utter lie. Adire just called me 5 days ago telling me that they just now have Mk I recones available. Would you like to continue? I have documentation of everything, all you have is heresay.

I don't visit forums that often, nor should I have to speak in reference to you in public, until you attempt to baselessly blast me for something that's not avoidable.

This is not a public matter - but now that you've made it one, I'll deal with you and your twisted account accordingly.

Steve, you ask.. "What can ya do?" You can start by actually contacting your customer, and telling them what might be going on with their driver.. hey maybe, once a month? This might prevent someone from actually thinking they'll never get it back.
You were updated as frequently as something *CHANGED.* Something you were told from the BEGINNING.

Any attempt to say otherwise is a lie, and I can prove so.

I've been completely patient about this whole ordeal until now, and you happen to come on at just the right time to defend yourself. You blast me for mangling a driver, and as I said before, I followed every guideline laid down by Adire. Even if Adire decided it shouldn't be warranted, at least I'd know where it is.. and I'm actually getting it back. I have never seen a business not have a method of communication in my entire life. If you do this as a side job or something, that's fine. You have a lot of growing up to do as far as business is concerned, however.
Don't you tell me I need a lot of growing up to do, you are the problem in this situation. It's the arrogant customer that expects (even AFTER he was told it'd be a wait) that he will have things fall into place immediately that's the problem here, and you are the first and only person that is the issue. You think you are in a position to tell me I need to grow up, then I'm in the position to tell you that you don't know how to handle a subwoofer. You were forewarned in the first place that the driver recone was not in stock, and that it was going to be a bit until they showed up. You called Adire and got the same speech. I have complete documentation of every e-mail relevant to this situation between Adire and myself.

I'm civil. I like doing good business with good people, which you absolutely were. I recommended you on the forum several times. There's just no reason to cut off communication with your customers. In all honesty, I wish you didn't cover it. I would have sent it to visionary and gotten a new driver for $100.00. This is a big whole ****ing mess, and I want it solved. Adire says you reconed it.. I'd really appreciate if you'd send it. If it's not fixed, JUST LET ME KNOW. I'm not happy waiting so long, but I certainly would understand.
And for the last time, you were updated as to the status of the driver every time something changed. So for you to pretend to sit there and act like you either A) haven't been conversed with or B) were ignored, is a complete lie and you know it.

I call Adire to find out what's going on, because they can actually contact you. They don't get back to me.. why, you ask? Because you told Adire you've been in contact me, and I'm aware of the situation? Why would you do this? All I want to do is find out what's going on, and you basically make it impossible. If you think I want you to baby me, you're being rediculous. Most people would be a lot less patient than I have. Lets finish this transaction please.
I'm being ridiculous?

You baselessly blast me on a forum for not having parts sitting on the shelf for a recone for a unit you could have fixed easily had you stopped and listened to what it was telling you *IN THE FIRST PLACE*, and you are sitting there *****ing about me?

You think visionary would have reconed it sooner? I got news for you bud, Visionary doesn't have any Mk I recones available. CHECKED THAT OPTION WEEKS AGO.

But now it's "let's finish this transaction..."

You are funny.

Like I'm out to screw you? What would I do with a B15? Why would I steal one when I have so many come through my hands already? What do I gain from the situation? A freshly reconed B15? Why would I need it?

You'll get the driver after it's been fully tested, it just got done being reconed - it's got to run through the loops like everything else - you are no exception.

If you try and postulate that I'm falsifying information from here on out, I'm going to have Adire and Visionary themselves make an apperance here, to repeat what has already been said by me from the get-go.

mr. anal ... just tryin to have a little fun.....dam

phat, the only reason im involved in this thread is cause it has happened to me and i no how they feel......i no i went a "little" overboard but it was in the"heat" of the moment.....not really but u might understand...

mr. anal ... just tryin to have a little fun.....dami no i went a "little" overboard but it was in the"heat" of the moment.....
Calling someone a "***" is fun ? Asking someone if they "**** someone else d!ck" is fun ?

Whoever said "A sharp tongue does not mean you have a keen mind" is insanely right.

- Steve //content.invisioncic.com/y282845/emoticons/rolleyes.gif.c1fef805e9d1464d377451cd5bc18bfb.gif

I love this. I remember when I had the same problems. I'm not quite sure what's up with Adire. The company must have communication problems or something. I say throw that Brahma in the trash or sell it. It will save you money and a bunch of headaches either way. Buy some RE products. I went from a $400 large paper weight to a $150 piece of equipment is very heartening. They work! Go fancy that. On a last note Adire does some shady business, I hate calling that place because all you're guaranteed is a lie. (I.E we’ll call you back) Not once did I get a call back. RE called me back the same day. Maybe those two letters institute the type of relationship the company has with their customers. Respect. If you give a company FOUR HUNDRED dollars they should be catering to you. Not the polar opposite with you begging them for something that works. My two cents.


For those who this may apply: Please take down 1600WRMS from adire.com it makes people turn to mush.

My god, you sit there and become so defensive about a situation that I just want to be resolved. "I have proof, blah blah." I have proof too. I've saved every pm. Hey, remember when I sent you a pm, and you replied to it a month later, and then disabled pm'ing? That was your last reply. "I'm going to try and put a mk2 cone in it, I'll see what happens. Ha ha, that was a good one. How long has it been since then Josh? You said you were letting the glue dry. It takes weeks and weeks to tell me the results? I've talked to Adire, and you know what they told me? "Yes, months and months and months ago he ordered one and we were out of stock. We had them shortly after, but he never followed up on it." You're right though, I'm sitting here lying, because I love going on forums trying to ruin people's good names. I get off on it constantly.

What did I say about aim? All I asked(desperately) you was, "I apologize, I know you don't conduct business on aim, but I've run out of options. Can I simply have a phone number or email address, so we can form some means of communication."

Which you ignored, and put up an away message shortly after. By the way, would I have to do that if we actually had a form of communication? Have I not been civil everytime I've tried to contact you? Does this situation have anything do do with how I use my subwoofers? Fact is, it's warranted, and you keep bashing me because it's blown.. why? I'm your customer, am I not? You're really pissed, and I have no idea why.

There's no reason to call me a liar, I'm not lying about a single thing. You have proof? I have proof. Enough is enough.

As far as the "pristine driver" theory, all I said was that I don't want a used driver that was going to fall apart on me the day I got it. You told me it was only a few weeks old, and that was perfectly fine with me, which I stated. Again, why bend it around like I told you to f-off and give me a "pristine driver"?

You never told me you were contacting me if and only if something "changed". After so long, there's nothing changed. I'm tired of sitting down and assuming everything is under control and is going to be resolved blissfully.. when I (yes, the arrogant customer) have been out of the loop for this long. "This is not a public matter - but now that you've made it one, I'll deal with you and your twisted account accordingly." That scares me. I don't see how I made this any more public than you have. I stated that I didn't think I was getting my driver back, which is the absolute truth. I mean, is that a threat? Seriously, is it?

Take it easy man, I really don't have anything against you. If you're 1200 miles away from your house, and you have a hard time establishing contact, that's all I need to know. I was truthfully scared, and I truly had the right to be. I simply want to move forward, get the driver back, so we can leave each other alone. I apologize if I seriously did anything to piss you off so badly, but I think any reasonable person would have done a lot more than I have, a long time ago.

I love this. I remember when I had the same problems. I'm not quite sure what's up with Adire. The company must have communication problems or something. I say throw that Brahma in the trash or sell it. It will save you money and a bunch of headaches either way. Buy some RE products. I went from a $400 large paper weight to a $150 piece of equipment is very heartening. They work! Go fancy that. On a last note Adire does some shady business, I hate calling that place because all you're guaranteed is a lie. (I.E we’ll call you back) Not once did I get a call back. RE called me back the same day. Maybe those two letters institute the type of relationship the company has with their customers. Respect. If you give a company FOUR HUNDRED dollars they should be catering to you. Not the polar opposite with you begging them for something that works. My two cents.

For those who this may apply: Please take down 1600WRMS from adire.com it makes people turn to mush.

This coming from the guy that can't read a power handling chart... Something Dan walked you through as I recall...

A leaky 1.5 cubic foot sealed enclosure and a 1100 watt amplifier... For the 12" driver...

Just how patient should a company be with someone like you?

I like wine. //content.invisioncic.com/y282845/emoticons/boring.gif.42c69fa49b1e73e6332d62b462a2a4b3.gif

Really suprised it hasn't been settled yet. :stuck:

- Steve

Whether or not I read the chart right; I was still treated like a pile. If you spend $400 on something that is deemed “high quality” you ATLEAST deserve SOME respect. No you don’t recall right. Dan talked to me about the wattage issue after my warranty was discontinued (wow that helps a ton).

Pertaining to how patient a company should be with someone “like me”. If your mentality is representative of Adire as a whole; Adire is even worse than I thought. Best luck to you and your marvelous company.

My god, you sit there and become so defensive about a situation that I just want to be resolved. "I have proof, blah blah." I have proof too. I've saved every pm. Hey, remember when I sent you a pm, and you replied to it a month later, and then disabled pm'ing? That was your last reply. "I'm going to try and put a mk2 cone in it, I'll see what happens. Ha ha, that was a good one. How long has it been since then Josh? You said you were letting the glue dry. It takes weeks and weeks to tell me the results? I've talked to Adire, and you know what they told me? "Yes, months and months and months ago he ordered one and we were out of stock. We had them shortly after, but he never followed up on it." You're right though, I'm sitting here lying, because I love going on forums trying to ruin people's good names. I get off on it constantly.
Crock of crap. I get defensive when some kid comes on here spreading flat out lies about myself or Adire.

Adire gave me a tracking number which was forwarded to you when you got testy the first time around, and it never got off the ground because parts didn't arrive as expected. You come here screaming that I'm screwing you out of something when you could have used logical deduction to realize that it's out of my control. Apparently you are too incapable of doing so though.

I would have assumed that A) giving you a 'recone kit tracking number' that never got off the ground, B) Telling you that we are going to attempt a Mk II recone, C) telling you it was being assembled, and will be drying and will be tested as soon as possible, would NORMALLY (at least for most people) get the point across that I'm possibly NOT running off with the driver... But hey... what do I know?

I can easily get Adire to back me on the entire situation, as they were with me on every step of it.

Does this situation have anything do do with how I use my subwoofers? Fact is, it's warranted, and you keep bashing me because it's blown.. why? I'm your customer, am I not? You're really pissed, and I have no idea why.
Fact is, it's warranted, and because you've had to wait so long, you've become less of a customer and more of a pain in the ass. What do you want us to do? Split the seas and order a recone to materialize out of nowhere?

You don't know why I'm pissed? Should I spell it out for you? You sit here baselessly blasting me, lying about me not updating you as to the status of your driver, trying to lie that I never ordered a recone, claiming that I'm screwing you. How's THAT for starters?

There's no reason to call me a liar, I'm not lying about a single thing. You have proof? I have proof. Enough is enough.
Ohh there is plenty of reason, because you are. I've got records of everything required, so bring whatever you want to the table, I'll counter it.

As far as the "pristine driver" theory, all I said was that I don't want a used driver that was going to fall apart on me the day I got it. You told me it was only a few weeks old, and that was perfectly fine with me, which I stated. Again, why bend it around like I told you to f-off and give me a "pristine driver"?
You wanted a pristine driver back that's what you sent me (in terms of the basket/motor anyway.)- this one wasn't pristine enough to be sent out, plus the fact the recone with a Mk II was presented as a option to try out to see what happens came to front, so I took it.

You never told me you were contacting me if and only if something "changed". After so long, there's nothing changed. I'm tired of sitting down and assuming everything is under control and is going to be resolved blissfully.. when I (yes, the arrogant customer) have been out of the loop for this long. "This is not a public matter - but now that you've made it one, I'll deal with you and your twisted account accordingly." That scares me. I don't see how I made this any more public than you have. I stated that I didn't think I was getting my driver back, which is the absolute truth. I mean, is that a threat? Seriously, is it?
I don't threaten, you apparently missed the entire boat when you were specifically told what exactly would I do with a B15 that isn't mine. What exactly am I going to GAIN from it?

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