where are the D2's at????!!!!!

10+ year member

Ownz joo
maybe Electrodynamic can chime in here and let us know the status of the D2's and if they came in. I believe he said they were coming in the 24th and i think thats today...right? who else has had one ordered for a while? i bought a 12"

Come on all u guys picking up these subs....Whose heard them and how do they sound.yeah i know i have asked this question before but i thought i might get more people that have heard them in person on here...

I can't wait to get my self a pair of 12's sigh i better hurry and go hustle at the pool hall to buy em for preorder Lmao.......

dj.... you post way too much, and it wouldnt be bad if u didnt always ask the same thing... i wanted to say this same thing to you like last week but held back. i mean honestly, registered this month and close to 300 useless posts... use the search button and start making some contributive posts. not being an ass, just advice.

Let me tell u something useless.....All this from the same guy that tells me he loves avionixx then proceeds to try sellin his amp hrs later.What kind of advice is that?And when im trying to find out about a product that i have no access to u better believe im going to ask about it before i drop 600.But u must be rich and not need to ask questions about things uve never heard of.And u know what smart guy i did do a search but why would i search 300 threads when 90 percent are hearsay threads?I want people that have heard them to respond.So get a life and some new gear and dont worry about my posts.Rem the whole point of a forum is to ask questions and find out how things are that u dont have in ur neighborhood.U gettin all this man....

did u read what i posted after that... its nothing against the amp... redesigning system... maybe u would kno something about that if u could simply make ur mind up on this one. and about the D2... you ran that thread to 4 pages already and there have been at least 10 people tellin u they are worth it. this is a community and u should try and give back as much as u take. but anyways, im not gonna waste my time arguing with you. good luck with ur system.

Hey im not trying to argue with u....i do what can or give an opinion when i feel its needed.And if u read them more than half the people never heard them(d2s)....thanks man and goodluck on the new system.

get yourself some D2's... they're a great deal at 300 anyways. if your disappointed with the purchase take it out on me //content.invisioncic.com/y282845/emoticons/smile.gif.1ebc41e1811405b213edfc4622c41e27.gif

yeahh anyways...i guess im wrong... this *****. hopefully i still get them early next week. Do guys know if theyr getting em and shipping them on the 27th? or just getting them...?

What box is everyone planning to put theirs in ? Im probly doing 1.5 cube sealed with bracing and pollyfill, off either 600 watts or 1200 watts from my JBL. Wutchu guuys think?

The Mag's aren't coming this week. I just spoke to our build house today and there's no way they're getting here before the end of the week. Hopefully they'll be here by the end of next week. But it's not like that will really change a lot because I'll be so busy testing a shipping out speakers that only a few are going to get shipped each day.

Come on all u guys picking up these subs....Whose heard them and how do they sound.yeah i know i have asked this question before but i thought i might get more people that have heard them in person on here...

Seriously, stop posting so much. I would wager that if you actually did search and read more than 1 post you could find tons of people that have had experience with the Magnum D2. A couple months ago when I was thinking of getting a new sub I SEARCHED FOR "MAGNUM" and came up with more than an hours worth of reading material. Buy the sub, don't buy the sub, I don't care but stop posting so much.

The Mag's aren't coming this week. I just spoke to our build house today and there's no way they're getting here before the end of the week. Hopefully they'll be here by the end of next week. But it's not like that will really change a lot because I'll be so busy testing a shipping out speakers that only a few are going to get shipped each day.
ah... :thumbsdow so ur saying that we wont get our subs shipped to us until the week after next? //content.invisioncic.com/y282845/emoticons/bawling.gif.6287aa5d1d447c8af063fc9466e822ef.gif

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