team nutz - pittsburgh

Now he is starting to feel like we do at Team Nutz. You are not only trying to damage our reputation here as a shop that directly effects me personally, but you are also trying to damage a business that supports Seven individuals with several of them having families. You may cry that you damaged your own equipment and try to push blame on someone else, but I am going to defend myself and the employees underneath me.

That is where I am responsible for first. My employees come first, and the customers that work with us also come first. But those that won't to spend there time talking trash and making us look bad, you only make yourself look bad, because yes, I have repeatly shown that we did nothing wrong to your subs.

The only thing we wired wrong, was wiring them in the first place. We should have told you to hit the road, but instead we believed you would listen to us and get your voltage fixed as you said you would.

Face it you damaged your own equipment and now you have to live with it.

And keep posting on this site and other sites, all you keep doing is giving my website more hits and driving more business to me. Thank you

I appreaciate the support Geoff.......(another nationally recoginized competitor)

I believe this is your quote Sublime said on in the Alternator section, so you say one thing and then say another in a different section, more proof that your goal is to just make us look bad, when in fact you knew you had problems that we warned you about, come on now, just delete this before you contradict yourself more:

Under KMK his other name.


"this is what happened..

i had a stock 105amp alt on my car. worked flawlessly with stock battery & 1 yellow top in the trunk for my sx 12's.

figured i would upgrade to a 200amp alt just to be on the safe side.

after putting the delco 200amp on, i had a humming coming from my subs. apparently it was because of a bad ground.

i took it to team nutz in pittsburgh, they installed a yellow top under my hood and i asked them to put my stock alt back on. they said the voltage was "dropping like crazy" when it NEVER did before. bass was cutting out, coming in distorted, etc.

so i went ahead and got 1/0 stinger wire for the alt -> positive battery terminal. installed alternator, turned car on, everything worked, within 5 minutes i had smelled a burning smell and the bass cut out completely. we have no clue what the hell is wrong with it, i just placed an order for a custom 200a EA alt, but i'm afraid to even put that on if something else is wrong.

what the hell are the chances that 2 seperate alternators are producing the same symptoms? we're checking the alt's voltage today after work and checking all the connections. they also put 2 fuse blocks in the trunk with that battery, so nothing except a yellow top under the hood and the fuse blocks were changed/added. im so clueless.. SAME symptoms on 2 seperate alternators.

if we check the alt and the voltage is fine - what the hell could be the problem? amp f'd?"


Since you cannot understand modern english, let me explain it to you as i would my 10 year old nephew:

1.) I NEVER blamed Team Nutz for anything regarding my alternator or amp.

2.) I blamed Team Nutz for wiring my sub wrong. Thats it.

Nutz, what you like to do is take what i say, and respond to it addressing something not even related.

Yes i had an issue with my amp, that's being taken care of. Never blamed you or your company. Yes i had alternator issues, never blamed you or your company.

What i DO hold you accountable for is wiring my sub COMPLETELY wrong. THATS IT. Get that through your thick skull.

"I'm out to make Team Nutz look bad"

Come on retard, i walked away in september with no complaints. Why the HELL would i just start a complaint and write a bad review for no reason? I'm not that type of person, anyone who knows me will tell you that.

Lets see what team nut balls did:

- Called customer a liar, idiot

- Called customer's religion into question (VERY unneccessary)

- Called customer's personal habits into question

- Skirted the main issue of wiring the sub wrong by bringing up alternator and amp problems

- Denied any refund

- Threatened to sue me

thats all i got to say. ed, you can keep replying bringing up my amp, alternator, whatever the hell you want but the point being is you are not a businessman i want to deal with, ever. anyone with a brain can see why.

Not only that, Nutz has also said:

- I need 3,000 watts on a 2,000W max sub (RE XXX)

- Underpowering a sub 500W will 'severely damage the sub'  

They also:


- Installed ground with small screws to the PAINTED metal of my backseats;

- Power wire FELL out of the fuse block under the hood with a gentle nudge;

- Alan keys hanging off magnets of my 12's;

- 12's also wired wrong when we took them out of the box;

- Blew fuses multiple times when i came to pickup my 12's, me and my boss watched the installer replace it 2 or 3 times.



on top of all that, they literally destroyed the interior of my car with wood cuttings, dirt, carpet and didn't even bother cleaning it up.


Dude, you ****. Just because you have the ABILITY to do a "good" job on a vehicle doesn't mean that the job you did on mine was even remotely close to "good". The only thing your awards show is that you can do a good job when you WANT to. thats it.


Keep going ed, the more you continue this the more it makes me want to start contacting newspapers and local news stations about a company that royally screwed an install on my car which could have potentially led to thousands of dollars in repairs. Keep it up.

What ever makes you feel good about yourself......

The sub was wired correctly and left our shop working. Don't understand the issue other than you want to continue this post......

Anything else you want to add to your story make you look good, because your stories are getting old, as you add another issue everytime you type a new post.

Grow up and move on. We did our job to what you wanted, you paid for what you asked us to do, and actually we gave you over a 50% discount.

And if you were so happy with us back in August then why did you call US to complain about us before you came to us. Oh yeah you were trying to con them into giving your vitamin shop a car audio dealer account. I should of never took your business back then, but I did it for them........

Keep up the lies, everyone will see through you.

What ever makes you feel good about yourself......
The sub was wired correctly and left our shop working. Don't understand the issue other than you want to continue this post......
Not the first time, and you know that. I had to come back (as you already have admitted on the forums) and have it re-wired in front of me. Which we didn't have time to check anyway. So again, you're wrong.

Anything else you want to add to your story make you look good, because your stories are getting old, as you add another issue everytime you type a new post.
It's not my fault that i keep finding **** YOU guys ****ed up on. From the start i thought it was just wiring the sub wrong, you scratched the **** out of the magnet and basket, i will take pictures to prove you did so, because i have pictures of it the day before i brought it into you..not to mention the fuse / power wire issue, the ground issue, the alan keys on my 12's magnets, the list goes on. there are 2 or 3 other things i could bring up but i won't for the simple fact you think im "making things up" and "adding issues". dude, i have 6 witnesses, all co-workers who see my car on a daily basis and i've been doing all the work there. I don't need to lie to you, I don't lie to them, they SEE the **** you guys did, they will have my back on every word that i have uttered on or ROE.

Grow up and move on. We did our job to what you wanted, you paid for what you asked us to do, and actually we gave you over a 50% discount.
You did the job, but half-assed and with mistakes and errors that shouldn't have happened in the first place.

Discount? Excuse me? Last i checked i paid for retail for everything. The invoice says it all. What i was charged were the rates you said they were. You made no mention to me of any discount, so that shouldn't matter what-so-ever.

And if you were so happy with us back in August then why did you call US to complain about us before you came to us. Oh yeah you were trying to con them into giving your vitamin shop a car audio dealer account. I should of never took your business back then, but I did it for them........
First, i never complained to US. I called them originally to ask what retail prices were on things, and i compared their MSRP to your Retail price. How is that complaining? They said MSRP for my amp was what you guys were selling it for, simple as that.

The second time i called was a on the spot interest with me and 2 of my co-workers to see what the deal would be in selling subs in an off-shute of my current store's showroom. Right off the bat he told me there is a 10 mile dealer distance, and you were only 4 or 5 away so it wasn't possible. I said okay then nevermind then. That was it. There was no discussion in pricing, me trying to 'con' them into anything, nada. Whoever your talking to is blowing smoke up your ass like always.. and let me guess.. Greg? lmao. Get a life dude.

Keep up the lies, everyone will see through you.
Yep, i'm sure they'll see through a customer who went through a ton of **** with 1 visit to your shop. Are they going to believe someone who comes on out of nowhere to CA/ROE, threatens to sue his own customer, call him an idiot and a liar, lie and deceive people about underlying issues (electrical ground, etc.) and act like a total idiot. I'm sure they'll believe you.

Again, the only people who support you in this matter are your nut(s) buddies, who have signed up on these forums in an attempt to "support" you, and 1 guy who doesn't know what the **** he's talking about. Wide base of support huh?

I can collect about 15-25 usernames (as you like to use) right now if i spent the time of people who called you out on your ignorance and stupidity, have agreed and saw the issues i went through, saw the pictures, saw the video.. and you keep claiming this level of "support" and you hope "they see through my lies"

lmao dude, i have absolutely no-one to lie to. why would i waste the time out of my life to come here and write lies about your dimwitted company? i wrote a review. it was negative. you cried. and cried some more. thats what this boils down to.

Now he is starting to feel like we do at Team Nutz. You are not only trying to damage our reputation here as a shop that directly effects me personally, but you are also trying to damage a business that supports Seven individuals with several of them having families. You may cry that you damaged your own equipment and try to push blame on someone else, but I am going to defend myself and the employees underneath me.
That is where I am responsible for first. My employees come first, and the customers that work with us also come first. But those that won't to spend there time talking trash and making us look bad, you only make yourself look bad, because yes, I have repeatly shown that we did nothing wrong to your subs.

The only thing we wired wrong, was wiring them in the first place. We should have told you to hit the road, but instead we believed you would listen to us and get your voltage fixed as you said you would.

Face it you damaged your own equipment and now you have to live with it.

And keep posting on this site and other sites, all you keep doing is giving my website more hits and driving more business to me. Thank you

I appreaciate the support Geoff.......(another nationally recoginized competitor)
Just go about your business. Nowadays you got kids trying to start drama over such petty stuff. What is done is done and there is no changing the past. I would move on and forget this. Learn from your mistakes. Stuff happens!!! Live and learn!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm not nationally recognized yet. someday maybe. lol

to Sublime: Your absolutely right. I'm a retard with a low IQ. Thanks for reminding me.

Just go about your business. Nowadays you got kids trying to start drama over such petty stuff. What is done is done and there is no changing the past. I would move on and forget this. Learn from your mistakes. Stuff happens!!! Live and learn!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm not nationally recognized yet. someday maybe. lol

to Sublime: Your absolutely right. I'm a retard with a low IQ. Thanks for reminding me.
then don't act like it. if you read the situation and can understand where i'm coming from, there's no way in hell you can agree with him on any part of this matter. or, the other option, is that you know him and/or are 'cool' with him and are just taking his side to take his side.

so i take it if you walked into a best buy, bought a nice new $500 digital camera, opened the box and saw that it was basically broken into pieces, would you just "take it and move on" and "forget about such petty stuff"? no. unless you are a retard, which you have yet to establish and you're not off to a good start by supporting a business that did a very bad install on the same customer, twice.

you agreed and sided with a company who jipped me out of a good install on GOOD equipment. for the simple fact that someone brought and/or had re/us amps equipment installed i would WANT to install it right because that **** can do some serious damage when the right equipment is used with a nice setup.

my sub was wired completely wrong, which anyone who knows what the hell the definition of ohms is can understand the concept of how that can damage a speaker. a 2,000+ dollar speaker at that.

but i guess a system close to 4-5,000 retail in all (batts, alts, amp, wiring, sub, box, etc etc) is "too petty" to worry about anything.

lmao@that. i don't need to repeat myself, but i will:

Since you cannot understand modern english, let me explain it to you as i would my 10 year old nephew:

1.) I NEVER blamed Team Nutz for anything regarding my alternator or amp.

2.) I blamed Team Nutz for wiring my sub wrong. Thats it.

Nutz, what you like to do is take what i say, and respond to it addressing something not even related.

Yes i had an issue with my amp, that's being taken care of. Never blamed you or your company. Yes i had alternator issues, never blamed you or your company.

What i DO hold you accountable for is wiring my sub COMPLETELY wrong. THATS IT. Get that through your thick skull.

"I'm out to make Team Nutz look bad"

Come on retard, i walked away in september with no complaints. Why the HELL would i just start a complaint and write a bad review for no reason? I'm not that type of person, anyone who knows me will tell you that.

Lets see what team nut balls did:

- Called customer a liar, idiot

- Called customer's religion into question (VERY unneccessary)

- Called customer's personal habits into question

- Skirted the main issue of wiring the sub wrong by bringing up alternator and amp problems

- Denied any refund

- Threatened to sue me

thats all i got to say. ed, you can keep replying bringing up my amp, alternator, whatever the hell you want but the point being is you are not a businessman i want to deal with, ever. anyone with a brain can see why.

Not only that, Nutz has also said:

- I need 3,000 watts on a 2,000W max sub (RE XXX)

- Underpowering a sub 500W will 'severely damage the sub'  

They also:


- Installed ground with small screws to the PAINTED metal of my backseats;

- Power wire FELL out of the fuse block under the hood with a gentle nudge;

- Alan keys hanging off magnets of my 12's;

- 12's also wired wrong when we took them out of the box;

- Blew fuses multiple times when i came to pickup my 12's, me and my boss watched the installer replace it 2 or 3 times.



on top of all that, they literally destroyed the interior of my car with wood cuttings, dirt, carpet and didn't even bother cleaning it up.


Dude, you ****. Just because you have the ABILITY to do a "good" job on a vehicle doesn't mean that the job you did on mine was even remotely close to "good". The only thing your awards show is that you can do a good job when you WANT to. thats it.


Keep going ed, the more you continue this the more it makes me want to start contacting newspapers and local news stations about a company that royally screwed an install on my car which could have potentially led to thousands of dollars in repairs. Keep it up.

does this get through to you... at all?

Thanks Geoff........

I am not worried about this. Anyone that knows our shop in Pittsburgh will see through this. All this post is doing is increasing our hits on our website. Which I can say we had our highest sales online this month. Were definitely happy about that. Our visits to our sites are up over 400% since last year. So one bad apple is not going to spoil the batch.

We know now that if someone buys online we might second guess about the install. We have people sign a warranty waiver to avoid accusations about damages to equipment that came in before we touch it. Especially protect us from people that are just trying to make a buck off of us......We get people all the time that try to pull fast ones on us and its pathetic.

Anyone that has ever owned a business before knows what I am talking about.

Good luck in the season, what finals location are you planning on going to?


Indianapolis. I might enter my van in Best of show also. I got it painted and stuff for this year. Hope to see you guys there. //

Lmao, see through a bad install?

I have pictures and video, theres no disguising or hiding the truth.

Let alone have an owner of a shop call someone's own religion & personal beliefs into question, let alone threaten to sue them!

Good luck with that. Retail is not a hard business to work in, tedious, but not hard. An increase in sales means nothing about the quality of your installers work and/or your installs.

You ****ed up on my install, i wrote a review, thats the end of it. Do you really think i give a **** about $60 when i got over 4 g's in equipment? Not really. It's the principle of the matter.

And i wouldn't be too gung ho on sales, because everyone i talked to is pretty disgusted at how you treated me as a customer. Including about 3 other install shops.

And on top of that, i have no clue why you ask people to "see through this"..

MULTIPLE people have critisized the braided wire power wires. MULTIPLE people have critisized the bad ground you used.

Not to mention my power wire fell out of the fuse block by TOUCHING it under my hood, the sub was wired to the amp wrong, alan keys hanging off the magnets of my 12's, the list goes on.

Quote from mjf595 on ROE:
"i have to say, since team nuts seems to be an idiot.


now a sub sitting that much higher than the 2 ohms seems odd to me. and since you smelt something. HMMMMM

burning smell. coils reading higher than they should.


ed, for all the stuff you say you know, you cant back up ****. and im less than impressed with you.

you're admitting to not making a proper ground.

you're admitting to speaking with amp technicians, not the speaker technicians who actually make the woofer.

I would be taking KMKs word over yours any day. What reason does he have to lie about a bad install? NONE. You ****ed up and now you're trying to make it look like it was his fault because you dont want your reputation damaged.

You've only made it worse. ****in piece of trash."
Quote from profundus-sanus on ROE:
okay....i'm going to give you every opportunity to answer my questions for you.

why would you condemn the customer for buying a product from the cheaper place? If it doesn't work in the first place then why wouldn't you tell him that? Thats something that should always be done with the customer with products not bought from your shop but are being installed there.

what is the axis relation between the sub and port? and why was it chosen?

Of course the resistance can very but it should not be due to production variance, but more ambient conditions. Why would you assume the two coils reading different is in spec?

Why would the shop owner be building a box?

Why would you attempt to skimp on the ground? And was it maintaining proper voltage while under load or not? If it wasn't under load why would you think that reading could possibly be accurate, considering the very minimal ammount of current flow that would be present?

I'm quite familiar with the mecp installers guide as well.

Why would you lie about the incorrect wiring?

And lastly, why would you assume that he is going to blow his sub due to amp clipping, when YOU were the one who setup the amp? If setup CORRECTLY the amp should pose NO threat to the sub.
Quote from ComeClarity on ROE:
Hey man ***** to be you, good luck on getting this sorted.

And as ive read everything, i totally agree with you, you are not to blame for any of this KMK.

Im educated in electronics and worked at a car stereo repair shop for quite some time. And in the same building there is a car stereo installation shop, and if they make a mistake, they repair/replace the items and admits that they did something wrong.

With this i wanted to make a point that if you are a professional authorized shop you should be adult enough to admit a fault and deal with it, and not bring up that you are a competitor and never makes mistakes.

So best of luck dude!
Quote from Hugh G. Rection on ROE:
your installer seems to be completely in-competent. they should have at least tested the thing to make sure it was working right.
Do i really need to keep doing this to show that support for you is not there? You **** dude.

Not even talking to this fool anymore....Anyone that wants a true opinion on my shop can call US AMP/RE Audio at 1-877-267-9360 (Larry). Also you can call Mobile Spec who makes the braided wire at 1-800-233-7009 (Manny). And finally call Powerbass at 909-993-5399 (Robin). If you want more references feel free to call me directly 412-882-8346 (Ed).


We are planning on going to Indy. I can't say we can compete in the show car section, but we did paint the van this year. lol. Old paint really doesn't look good, but had to cover the primer so it wouldn't rust anymore.

I spoke to George today (owner of van), he is supposed to come by to pay off his balance friday. If so we can start working on it again. He was going to quit at first, but I think he is going to finish to ful fill his sponsorship and not lose out on what is already invested.

I have had a few people ask me about doing a grill like yours. I like it, that should win you spl show vehicle.

Whats your thoughs on how they are doing finals this year?

you 2 need to //

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