
It's been said 10 times now, but that tweeter wrapping looks like ****. Should be wrapped or made all in one piece and one texture. Yeah, it's more expensive and more time consuming to do it that way, but I doubt the guy who owns the lambo has budget concerns.

Zier seems like a very coo dude and does some of the best work I have seen. But he seems to not take criticism or advice very well as he seems to think he knows it all and makes no mistakes. You should really take some of the advice/critcism in and think about stuff on your next install. Just my opinion take it as you will man.

Zier seems like a very coo dude and does some of the best work I have seen. But he seems to not take criticism or advice very well as he seems to think he knows it all and makes no mistakes. You should really take some of the advice/critcism in and think about stuff on your next install. Just my opinion take it as you will man.
stfu keyboard expert.

lol. i sense butthurtness behind the arrogance. tweet pods are of the weak, doesn't match the pillars/car, and are aimed behind the cluster hump. some fucking expert. I don't anyone needs to own a lambo to know that's retarded.

keep on. I see this is just a thread meant to show off, brag/boast, and show off expert skills.
The most logical statement in this thread......//

17 year old telling a guy with his own shop how to do his installs.. LOL.. priceless
You don't have to be "old" to see what a shitty looking joke the tweeter pods are. Honestly....all he would of had to do was put some bondo to mold them to the pillar. The box behind the seat looks pretty nice though.

Then what place do you have in making comments about SQ tweeter placement?
You aren't louder than me, you have no TL scores to back anything up. The one 10" I had is currently louder than you are, because you have no TL scores to say otherwise. //

Not to mention you don't even have a system in the truck right now anyway. //
Its funny that you justify yours being loud just because i took mine out. And if you wouldve read my whole thing, just because im not into SQ doesnt mean i dont know anything about, i said i dont need to do that to my pillars because i couldnt care less and staging when im just getting loud but that doesnt mean i dont know anything about it or know when i see it wrong. Maybe instead of trying to call me out, you should take the time to try to understand what i say instead of ******* on outsisde's balls to look cool and tell me what is what.

Bunch of people who will never touch...let alone install on a Lambo ITT
Again, nothing to do with the criticism. Thank you

Im louder than you.. and your 17.. when your nuts drop you can talk about people ******* this and that... go work on your "SPL truck" and leave the badass lambo alone... it looks good man.. get us some final pics
lulz, again, you attack me personally instead of telling me im wrong. I guess thats all you can do when you know im not wrong. You know the tweet placement is poor, the pods not being molded/wrapped into the pillar looks like **** and you know im not the only one who sees this. Please get off my balls now, im out of **** for you to swallow.

I'm gonna have to agree with James and Worst - the tweeter install looks well done up to a point, but the finish was poor. The aiming can be tossed up in the air since no one here knows what those tweets sound like on/off axis, but I don't understand why you didn't wrap the entire pillar. If you took the effort to make such nice looking rings, why not make it look more integrated, rather than a bolt on? I mean, the textures don't even match. Sure, the camera probably makes it worse than it is, but from what I can tell, it's off, and it doesn't look right. If I were the owner of this lambo, I'd want you to redo it.
Plus, to all the people saying "you can't afford the car, why are you hating" - this is the type of car where you DON'T cut corners: you don't simply tack on a tweeter pod in the A-pillar and call it a done deal. Yeah, his craftsmanship is nice, but the finish/wrapping makes it look cheap, hastily done, and in poor taste. Unless the owner specifically asked him to "throw it on as fast as you can," I think it could have been much better, especially for a car that deserves extreme attention to detail.
Thank you, well said.

i can see this point
lulz, you saying this proves 2 of my points. My opinion was right and you only want to ride me. Its funny when i say it, im an idiot and you understand everyone else.

hrmm, i never realized how small lambo's are. Your truck is only a 1/2 ton, and makes that thing look tiny.

It's been said 10 times now, but that tweeter wrapping looks like ****. Should be wrapped or made all in one piece and one texture. Yeah, it's more expensive and more time consuming to do it that way, but I doubt the guy who owns the lambo has budget concerns.
This. Thank you.

Zier seems like a very coo dude and does some of the best work I have seen. But he seems to not take criticism or advice very well as he seems to think he knows it all and makes no mistakes. You should really take some of the advice/critcism in and think about stuff on your next install. Just my opinion take it as you will man.
Its some steve meade action. Duh, lol. Arrognace runs rampant with him i guess.

You don't have to be "old" to see what a shitty looking joke the tweeter pods are. Honestly....all he would of had to do was put some bondo to mold them to the pillar. The box behind the seat looks pretty nice though.
Thank you.

according to the pics (ones that show the back), they look to be so.
Yeah that pic got me to asking the question. Guess I need to head down to the local import place and see for myself. They have a 08' or 09' sitting in there show room. Bet I get some crazy looks when I ask if I can pull the pillar trim off //

Its easier to understand when someone explains their point of view ina logical matter not talking about their privates every 2 seconds like a kid.. i guess being 17 really shows.. and who knows what it sounds like in there.. you cant tell by looking at it... i would have to hear it before making any judgement and even then.. im not an SQ expert i do spl and myself could give a **** less where this or that is pointing

Its easier to understand when someone explains their point of view ina logical matter not talking about their privates every 2 seconds like a kid.. i guess being 17 really shows.. and who knows what it sounds like in there.. you cant tell by looking at it... i would have to hear it before making any judgement and even then.. im not an SQ expert i do spl and myself could give a **** less where this or that is pointing
The first thing i said was that they look bad and all and stated my reasons why, i only started talking about my nuts when you started personally attacking me and saying i was wrong when people were agreeing with me after i agreed with James. And yes, it could sound pretty good but even if it does, it doesnt look good.

The first thing i said was that they look bad and all and stated my reasons why, i only started talking about my nuts when you started personally attacking me and saying i was wrong when people were agreeing with me after i agreed with James. And yes, it could sound pretty good but even if it does, it doesnt look good.
well I guess we can just agree to disagree on this subject

This is so typical of this of this forum and other like it. Not stop negative trash talk and attacks, foul mouth vulgarity. Why dose car Audio get a bad Image and is on the decline for last few years.

The unqualified, ignorant, unskilled, attack dogs with thousands and thousands of post. Setting bad examples and misinforming others with worthless and bad information. How many individuals have been discouraged, hurt or ran-off from Car Audio with this type of behavior? Come on people act like civilized adults. This behavior is so destructive and Harmful to the Care Audio Industry, Sport or Hobby. Went from posting a few pictures of an install on a Lamborghini to pages and pages of nasty talk and negative attacks. Some people can only feel better about themselves by attacking or criticizing others.

It makes me crazy see this type of behavior going on and on every single day on theses forums. What exactly is intent or objective of all the over-the- top negative attacks or so-called criticisms. I’m asking about the constant day-N-day-out attacks to others that go on. Theses people are not trying to help anyone theses people are not encouraging anyone to do better or improve. These people have absolutely no respect for other or have any respect for them selves. I can stand up for myself, my work; Repetition and Accomplishment speak louder than bad words. I’m just sick and tired of seeing it happen to others with out a voice. The Build Log area a is not a competition, it dose not have scoring or rankings I simply posted some pictures of a interesting vehicle unless asked by the poster for help, guidance, options you should keep your mouth SHUT like your mother told you (if you don’t have something nice to say, say nothing)

I didn’t ask anyone for help on way to point the tweeters, doesn’t mean I would ask on another project but after 27+ years in Car Audio; Building, Competing, Winning, Judging, and teaching Car Audio. I went with my best judgment for this particular project (worked out well) Its been my experience that every single different vehicle type reacts very differently to speakers and placement without actual in-car testing ALL speaker placements can be questionable.

There are certain condition and situations in regards to Criticisms, scoring or judging someone’s work or theory. First; I believe you should be asked. Second; you have to qualify you’re self as being capable and to what level. How valuable is a criticisms or scoring coming from an untrained or qualified source. This is one of the Biggest problems with all theses forums, where is the information, advice, criticism, options coming from. Some kid in his underwear on a computer in his room is not qualified to give out free advice or options on complex subjects that he has not actual experience or knowledge about. Every Car Audio System and Installation has numerous contributing factors. Performance, Looks, Time and Cost is only a few. The combination of all theses factors will affect the outcome of any project. Lots of information and factors are required to make logical assessment or conclusion. If someone really wants to evaluate the outcome one has to know all the information that affects the outcome. The pillar tweeters do NOT look Like S#@T they fit and look good. Yes they are covered in a different material, so-what. Maybe some one should have only asked why. Myself and others do not have the time or “need to” post all of detailed information on each and ever project.

This Lamborghini was ship to me from a dealership in Miami Florida, the car arrived late Friday April 30 the car had to be sent back out on May 5, that’s FOUR days. Contrary to all the OSUMPTIONS their was a time and Cost Budget that had to be keep. All you guys that know nothing about Lamborghini’s, Upholstery or Leather are just that Unqualified to assess the situation. Do you know how long the pillars in the Mercielago are. Do you know what other pieces of the car that the pillars touch? How much of a material match is acceptable. Do you know how many grade of different leather are available, do you know color die lot codes, do you know where and how long to buy Lamborghini grade leather from ( I do and have) Do you know what it cost (I do) Do you know what it takes to sew and stitch real leather. You don’t think I went threw hundreds of upholstery samples at the supplier trying to match Italian Lather. Use your head people, think about it. Stop being the mindless attack dogs.

This is so typical of this of this forum and other like it. Not stop negative trash talk and attacks, foul mouth vulgarity. Why dose car Audio get a bad Image and is on the decline for last few years.
The unqualified, ignorant, unskilled, attack dogs with thousands and thousands of post. Setting bad examples and misinforming others with worthless and bad information. How many individuals have been discouraged, hurt or ran-off from Car Audio with this type of behavior? Come on people act like civilized adults. This behavior is so destructive and Harmful to the Care Audio Industry, Sport or Hobby. Went from posting a few pictures of an install on a Lamborghini to pages and pages of nasty talk and negative attacks. Some people can only feel better about themselves by attacking or criticizing others.

It makes me crazy see this type of behavior going on and on every single day on theses forums. What exactly is intent or objective of all the over-the- top negative attacks or so-called criticisms. I’m asking about the constant day-N-day-out attacks to others that go on. Theses people are not trying to help anyone theses people are not encouraging anyone to do better or improve. These people have absolutely no respect for other or have any respect for them selves. I can stand up for myself, my work; Repetition and Accomplishment speak louder than bad words. I’m just sick and tired of seeing it happen to others with out a voice. The Build Log area a is not a competition, it dose not have scoring or rankings I simply posted some pictures of a interesting vehicle unless asked by the poster for help, guidance, options you should keep your mouth SHUT like your mother told you (if you don’t have something nice to say, say nothing)

I didn’t ask anyone for help on way to point the tweeters, doesn’t mean I would ask on another project but after 27+ years in Car Audio; Building, Competing, Winning, Judging, and teaching Car Audio. I went with my best judgment for this particular project (worked out well) Its been my experience that every single different vehicle type reacts very differently to speakers and placement without actual in-car testing ALL speaker placements can be questionable.

There are certain condition and situations in regards to Criticisms, scoring or judging someone’s work or theory. First; I believe you should be asked. Second; you have to qualify you’re self as being capable and to what level. How valuable is a criticisms or scoring coming from an untrained or qualified source. This is one of the Biggest problems with all theses forums, where is the information, advice, criticism, options coming from. Some kid in his underwear on a computer in his room is not qualified to give out free advice or options on complex subjects that he has not actual experience or knowledge about. Every Car Audio System and Installation has numerous contributing factors. Performance, Looks, Time and Cost is only a few. The combination of all theses factors will affect the outcome of any project. Lots of information and factors are required to make logical assessment or conclusion. If someone really wants to evaluate the outcome one has to know all the information that affects the outcome. The pillar tweeters do NOT look Like S#@T they fit and look good. Yes they are covered in a different material, so-what. Maybe some one should have only asked why. Myself and others do not have the time or “need to” post all of detailed information on each and ever project.

This Lamborghini was ship to me from a dealership in Miami Florida, the car arrived late Friday April 30 the car had to be sent back out on May 5, that’s FOUR days. Contrary to all the OSUMPTIONS their was a time and Cost Budget that had to be keep. All you guys that know nothing about Lamborghini’s, Upholstery or Leather are just that Unqualified to assess the situation. Do you know how long the pillars in the Mercielago are. Do you know what other pieces of the car that the pillars touch? How much of a material match is acceptable. Do you know how many grade of different leather are available, do you know color die lot codes, do you know where and how long to buy Lamborghini grade leather from ( I do and have) Do you know what it cost (I do) Do you know what it takes to sew and stitch real leather. You don’t think I went threw hundreds of upholstery samples at the supplier trying to match Italian Lather. Use your head people, think about it. Stop being the mindless attack dogs.
u mad bro?

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