old school Soundstream amps.

Item(s) for Sale:

Hello, I designed and built all Soundstream old school amplifiers and crossovers from 1981 thru 1998. If anybody needs any info, parts, schematics or repairs on these amps p0lease contact me. I offer fair pricing along with certificate of performance on all repairs.

I hope this is not breaking any rules. you can contact me at: ace_956@att.net

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(List pictures in this section, 1st picture should be your username/date if you have less than 10 positive feedbacks with the i-Trader system or less than 10 references that you have sold to in the past. (These must be listed in your signature, or a link provided to a feedback thread listing these references)).

gentlejax, I'm sorry. I thought that these aligations were made in an open forum that it was the best place to post my reply. Once again I'm sorry.

I'm just saying that you can ask in private and try to work that out and not make it ugly.

Not saying you don't have a right to know.

Hello envisionelec, I found a post on DIYMA from someone named Troutsqueezer. In it he talked alot about ESS, Threshhold, Stewart Electronics and Soundstream. Troutsqueezers post on dIYMA led me to his web page. It's called Goldfinch Acres. On there I saw a picture of he and his wife. It looked alot like a draftsman that worked at Stewart Electronics named Dennis Berry and his wife Sally, who he met while she worked at Stewart. Then I noticed after a paragraph on that page, he signed it: -Dennis. Like I said he was a draftsman and that was what he did for Stewart, Soundstream and then Intel. If he had an EE degree I never heard about it.

So I don't need you to tell me who he is I found out on my own. Donna Haas hired An Engineering technician named Lance Matta, a Draftsman named Dennis Berry and Steve Cullison from Stewart. I had a feeling it was Dennis. I don't know why he would say what you claim he said. Troutsqueezer and your source is Dennis Berry

Here is a copy of Troutsqueezers post from DIYMA.

I'm not sure how much I will access this forum but I did run across some postings from it quite by accident. As luck would have it, the thread was about some audio history that I am intimate with, specifically, the audio company SoundStream and various amplifier engineers such as Wade Stewart and Nelson Pass. The information being passed on was slightly incorrect but not surprising since you would have needed to have been there to get it all straight. Not only was I there, but I was an integral part of the emerging high end home audio field as well as the emerging car audio field.

Some History:

I built my first audio amp at the age of thirteen. It was a kit from the local electronics outlet (yes, they sold kits then!) and was a 25W per ch. tube amp. From then on, I was hooked. That was 1963.

In 1970, I hooked up with a startup company called ESS which at the time stood for Electrostatic Sound Systems. There we produced high-end hybrid elecrostatic speaker systems. Later, the name was dropped but the acronym was kept after we were approached by Dr. Oscar Heil who had a revolutionary idea about a new tweeter. One which would squeeze the air rather than push it (like a cone does). This was 5 times more efficient and had great sound at a full 360 degree angle. From then on, ESS became famous for the Heil Air Motion Transformer speaker system.

I was also attending school at that time studying for my EE and hooked up in the R&D lab with a couple of young engineers there named Nelson Pass, who was in charge of speaker design and Peter Werback who was in charge of amplifier design. Other engineers floated in and out of ESS over the next few years including Bob Carver, of Carver Amps, Bob Bird from Altec Lansing and George Anderson. Also, an assistant to the president of ESS at that time was Donna Haas, later to become CEO of SoundStream after spending some time at Nakamichi. At Nakamichi, they purchased the brand name SoundStream. Previously, SoundStream became known as a developer of one of the first digital-to-vinyl recording processes and put out some of the first digitally-mastered LP's. After a few years, Pete Werback left and started his own car amplifier company called Linear Power in Auburn, CA. (he eventually married my ex-fiance Ruth, who ran the company after Pete was killed in an airplane crash). Then Nelson Pass left and started a high-end amplifier company in Sacramento called Threshold Corp along with Rene Besne and Joseph Samon (two ESS shareholders). I joined the Threshold team several weeks after they organized.

At Threshold Corp. many famous faces and names in the high-end audio industry floated by. Dan Diagastino (sales rep for awhile) and Joe Samon went on to start Krell. Some of the junior engineers went on to start Coda. Most of the journalists of the day became aquaintances, Audio magazine, Stereophile, Audio Amatuer. People like Ike Isensen of Tube or not Tube in San Diego, Mike Wright of Dayton-Wright fame, etc. With my help, Nelson published several how-to articles in these magazines, some of which caught the ire of Mark Levenson because our article detailed how to build pure class A amps that out-performed his very expensive jobs at just a fraction of the cost.

In fact, what caught my eye while surfing was someone in this forum stating that Nelson Pass designed the first SoundStream amp, the D50 I believe. In fact, Nelson assigned that task to one of his newly-hired junior engineer/technicians, Digger, from South Carolina. I don't think SoundStream ever did pay Nelson because he complained about it years later but then, that amp was a complete piece of junk. One of the worst I've ever seen.

Later, I went to work for SoundStream as an engineer and had a hand in designing nearly all the car audio amps, soundstage equipment and home audio products, working for Wade Stewart at first and then for Donna Hass. Another misnomer is that Wade designed amplifiers. In fact, his engineers did that. Those engineers were Peter Bath, Steve Cullison, Kjell Steffensen, and myself.

To summarize, I know the history of all the SoundStream amps which were actually made by Stewart Electronics, and might be pertinent to this forum, and a lot of the history of high end audio in general.

The best time I ever had was spending a few weeks with Oscar Heil (truly a mad scientist, his brother invented epitaxy) in his laboratory in Belmont, CA. helping him to develop the air motion woofer. I might elaborate on that later.

Also, I have designed sound systems back in the old days for Peter Frampton, The Almond Brothers, members of the Jefferson Airplane and for Steve Katz, then in charge of stadium sound for Bill Graham Presents.

Anyway, enough typing.



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It has come to my attention that Wade Stewart did not design the amps for Soundstream. I will reveal my source later, but this is coming from an engineer that worked for Soundstream from 1986 to 1997.
"I went to work for SoundStream as an engineer and had a hand in designing nearly all the car audio amps, soundstage equipment and home audio products, working for Wade Stewart at first and then for Donna Hass. Another misnomer is that Wade designed amplifiers. In fact, his engineers did that. Those engineers were Peter Bath, Steve Cullison, Kjell Steffensen, and myself.

To summarize, I know the history of all the SoundStream amps which were actually made by Stewart Electronics, and might be pertinent to this forum, and a lot of the history of high end audio in general. "

I got in touch with this person only recently. So it looks like either this guy is a liar or Wade is pretending to be more involved with the engineering of the amplifiers than he really is.

I will be getting as much information on Soundstream as I can to satisfy my curiosity and set some records straight.
//content.invisioncic.com/y282845/emoticons/banghead.gif.8606515f668c74f6de0281deb475b6fd.gif//content.invisioncic.com/y282845/emoticons/tomatoface.gif.6507032fedd1868ec0a6a447bb29a18a.gif//content.invisioncic.com/y282845/emoticons/nutkick.gif.acc8dcd6c1bd27fba0cbeda5b212085c.gif The smacketh was laid down i say..lol
It has come to my attention that Wade Stewart did not design the amps for Soundstream. I will reveal my source later, but this is coming from an engineer that worked for Soundstream from 1986 to 1997.
"I went to work for SoundStream as an engineer and had a hand in designing nearly all the car audio amps, soundstage equipment and home audio products, working for Wade Stewart at first and then for Donna Hass. Another misnomer is that Wade designed amplifiers. In fact, his engineers did that. Those engineers were Peter Bath, Steve Cullison, Kjell Steffensen, and myself.

To summarize, I know the history of all the SoundStream amps which were actually made by Stewart Electronics, and might be pertinent to this forum, and a lot of the history of high end audio in general. "

I got in touch with this person only recently. So it looks like either this guy is a liar or Wade is pretending to be more involved with the engineering of the amplifiers than he really is.

I will be getting as much information on Soundstream as I can to satisfy my curiosity and set some records straight.
envisionelec, I spoke to Dennis Berry and he admitted that it was him that you spoke with. He claims that he spoke with someone about high end audio and that what he said got all twisted around. When I asked about him saying he was hired as an engineer and that I never designed anything at Stewart or Soundstream, he didn't have much to say. He also told me that he doesn't have an EE degree. He worked as a Draftsman for Stewart, Soundstream and Intel. To say I never designed anything is unbelievable. I designed the packaging, the heat sinks For all of the Stewart and Soundstream products. When it comes to the Soundstream car amps I designed every power supply and every power amp along with all preamps and crossovers. I did work with Steve on the design of the front end drive circuitry for all power amps, so we wouldn't have to redesign the drive circuit for each amp. I also came up with the Hi Voltage, High Power concept and the ability for the amps to drive rediculously low impedances. Yes, I had other engineers there that I worked with but they mostly worked on the offline power amps. some times when I had a problem I couldn't resolve I would ask for there help. When it comes to the car amps I and my Technician Lance and Dennis my Draftsman did most of it. Theres more but we don't have enough time here.

thanks, Wade

I'm just saying that you can ask in private and try to work that out and not make it ugly.
Not saying you don't have a right to know.
Curious where was this response we he (envisionelec) put ace on blast for everyone to and not pm ace first? He publicly calls his reputation and work history out as a fraud from hear say and after it can't be erased you call out ace for protecting his rep. Wow.

I could see if this started out as a pm.

Mr. Ace I remembered this thread from a while back and dug out one of my old soundstreams rubi 5ch. I hooked it up and on two of the full range channels I had a bad oscillating volume issue. The other 2ch sounded great. I was a old ss ref fan. I was reminded why I liked them so much anyway. Does this sound like a major issue or maybe a setting? Thanks for your input and help.

Btw I would love to see some of your designs back on the market if they are anything like the old stuff. Such a smooth warm sound. Good luck I hope everything works out. It is a tuff time for many industries but the car audio industry has seen better days with SQ in my opinion.Not to say everything junk these days just tested a new amp that has surprised me. There is a loss of passion for sq and has just gone to convenience (almost disposable amps) and a race to zero.

Curious where was this response we he (envisionelec) put ace on blast for everyone to and not pm ace first? He publicly calls his reputation and work history out as a fraud from hear say and after it can't be erased you call out ace for protecting his rep. Wow. I could see if this started out as a pm.

I agree with you in a way...

I got caught in it just like others did. I had reason to think something was amiss since Wade had some serious problems on DIYMA and instead of going there and letting people know what was what and clearing it all up , he came here and tried to start over..the exact same way he did it over there. it left quite a lot of people pissed .

so maybe you were aware of that or not but his rep was already in bad shape because of his own doing.

so because he was so unwilling to be straight over there , when this popped up it was plausible and shocking.

had it not been for the problems in the past then most wouldnt have got caught in the bs that happened.

so yes your right...but...people including me had reason to have a different opinion

I appologize for not seeing things differently cause it was a persons rep on the line, perhaps if Wade had thought about his rep in the past on diyma then this would have never come up

I agree with you in a way...
I got caught in it just like others did. I had reason to think something was amiss since Wade had some serious problems on DIYMA and instead of going there and letting people know what was what and clearing it all up , he came here and tried to start over..the exact same way he did it over there. it left quite a lot of people pissed .

so maybe you were aware of that or not but his rep was already in bad shape because of his own doing.

so because he was so unwilling to be straight over there , when this popped up it was plausible and shocking.

had it not been for the problems in the past then most wouldnt have got caught in the bs that happened.

so yes your right...but...people including me had reason to have a different opinion

I appologize for not seeing things differently cause it was a persons rep on the line, perhaps if Wade had thought about his rep in the past on diyma then this would have never come up
I gotcha that makes more sense? I wonder how I missed that on diyma I'm over there much more than here. I am glad he cleared it up. I guess that is a draw back of forums especially with those who are older and those just learning how forums work doesn't help.

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Ok, I screwed up. The as GentleJax said, it was a response to ace956's utter lack of "making it right". What I initially posted from the goldfinch acres blog was public realm information. In discussions with Dennis, I was led to believe that Wade was merely a figurehead. Obviously, I was fed a line of BS. Because ace956 had not been forthright about the situation at DIYMA, it seemed plausible.

There seems to be no way to validate the claims between these individuals and I refuse to contact anyone else about it.

Simple question: Wade/ace956, are you going to tell people where their amps are or not?

Hello silkyslim, I'm sorry but I just found this message. What model is the amplifier your talking about? If you can tell me this then I can give you a possible resolution to your problem, or if you'ld like I can give you a quote for rebilding it. It's funny that you mentioned having amplifiers like the old Soundstream on the market. Right now I'm trying to put together a company manufacturing car audio amplifiers. In fact I'm looking at producing Class A's and Class AB's. Maybe some 5 channel amps and amps with constant power producing the same power no matter what impedance load your driving. Kind of like the Tarantula, It put out 2000 Watts at 4 or 2 ohms. The new amps would put out the same power at 4, 2 and 1 ohm. So you won't need to match the amp with your speakers impedance. You would be able to connect the amp to whatever speakers you have and get full power.

I would appreciate your input on what the power level of amplifiers should be. Things like number of channels, output power, crossovers and other features. I am actually working on a design for an independant stereo remote volume control, SPL meter, RMS and Dynamic power and other options that will be controled by an Iphone, a Droid or by a key FOB option. So let me know what you think. I'm very interested in your feedback.



Wade Stewart

Mr. Ace I remembered this thread from a while back and dug out one of my old soundstreams rubi 5ch. I hooked it up and on two of the full range channels I had a bad oscillating volume issue. The other 2ch sounded great. I was a old ss ref fan. I was reminded why I liked them so much anyway. Does this sound like a major issue or maybe a setting? Thanks for your input and help.
Btw I would love to see some of your designs back on the market if they are anything like the old stuff. Such a smooth warm sound. Good luck I hope everything works out. It is a tuff time for many industries but the car audio industry has seen better days with SQ in my opinion.Not to say everything junk these days just tested a new amp that has surprised me. There is a loss of passion for sq and has just gone to convenience (almost disposable amps) and a race to zero.
envisionelec, I spoke to Dennis Berry and he admitted that it was him that you spoke with. He claims that he spoke with someone about high end audio and that what he said got all twisted around. When I asked about him saying he was hired as an engineer and that I never designed anything at Stewart or Soundstream, he didn't have much to say. He also told me that he doesn't have an EE degree. He worked as a Draftsman for Stewart, Soundstream and Intel. To say I never designed anything is unbelievable. I designed the packaging, the heat sinks For all of the Stewart and Soundstream products. When it comes to the Soundstream car amps I designed every power supply and every power amp along with all preamps and crossovers. I did work with Steve on the design of the front end drive circuitry for all power amps, so we wouldn't have to redesign the drive circuit for each amp. I also came up with the Hi Voltage, High Power concept and the ability for the amps to drive rediculously low impedances. Yes, I had other engineers there that I worked with but they mostly worked on the offline power amps. some times when I had a problem I couldn't resolve I would ask for there help. When it comes to the car amps I and my Technician Lance and Dennis my Draftsman did most of it. Theres more but we don't have enough time here.thanks, Wade
ace956/Wade, please check your PM's. I sent you something you would be interested in reading, before I post/share it. Thanks

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