bud + bumps

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Just take the stupid tread off. even though i smoke weed, u dont see me starting a tread" who smokes weed and drives". I dont care anymore. I haven't smoked for almost a year now. I made a stupid choice. I will tell u that. I also droped out of school which im not to happy, but im lucky i have a family who will support me. I didn't smoke it alot, just every once in awhile. But im done with it, getting ready to go to a caraudio school to learn. And i came to this place to learn about car audio. Enough said

Is a 1 farad CAP enough for a Phoneix Gold 575.4 and a 400.2. Or should I just use the cap for the 400.2 which powers my sub. Everyone says somthing diff.

Now, I've been lurking here for quite some time. As car audio is one of my many interests.

This post has drawn me out.

You are right. This kinda post has no place in a car audio forum. I know many a better place where informed people can talk about the subject of marijuana and it's uses.

I'm forced by my convictions to step up to the plate for the sake of logic and truth.

As opposed to what many of you have been brain washed to think. Marijuana dose not kill brain cells. Nor does it do any "real" damage. Now, it does do some. Inhaling any kind of smoke isn't the most health enlightened thing to do. The air in the cities we live in is worse in some places. Marijuana can be eaten in the form of cookies, cakes what have you. Anything that can be made with butter. (As THC bonds with the fat and then, when eaten passes into the blood stream via digestion.)

Marijuana, does little to impair motor function. Though I do not recommend driving under it's influence. I also do not recommend driving while tired, on medications or cough suppressants. All of the above may make you're reaction time slow greatly.

Contrary to what you may think, marijuana has never killed anyone. You cannot "OD" on marijuana. The only time marijuana has been linked to a direct fatality is when a 3 ton bail fell on a DEA agent.

Marijuana in it self is harmless. The thought of it leading to harder drugs is for the most part a myth. Look at the Dutch, they decimalized the substance years ago. Now, do not listen to out current drug czar when he says it's an "unmitigated disaster" because he plays with funny numbers. Not to mention he works for a government that has lied to it's people about the subject of marijuana for a long period of time.

The tale and I do stress the word tale told by the one who said their brother had a paranoid break down is foolish. The effects of marijuana only last for a set period of time. The longest you stay "high" is up to 18 hours. That's if you have very potent marijuana and are extremely lucky. Thinking your family is out to get you is an exaggeration.

You may be asking yourself why would they lie about it? Simple. Money, as it makes the world go round and it's the number one thing all politicians care about. If marijuana was legal substance, many industries would be in great danger due to a better product and resource being open for usage. I'll list a few. Well, I won't. These are from a web site of course, but their point remains the same.

Chemical companies- cotton requires large amounts of chemical fertiliser and pesticides, unlike cannabis which produces stronger and more durable fibres.

*Plastics industry- many plastic products could be made from natural cannabis without polution.

*Timber industry- cannabis 'hurds' (the woody bits of stalk) can be used to make funiture as well as paper of superior quality than that made from wood.

*Tobacco and alcohol industries- if more people turned to the safer and non-addictive recreational pastime than their products.

*Pharmaceutical companies who may profit less if ill people are able to grow their own medicine in preference to their many dangerous and addictive synthetic drugs which the same people claim are less effective than cannabis.

*The employees of the criminal justice industry and supportive industries including police, lawyers, barristers, court officials, prison staff, probation services, drug councellrs, forensic scientists, costums officers and security firms, who may suffer if 100,000 less prosecutions are brought each year.


*The fuel companies including fossil, nuclear and solar.

The Report of the FCDA Europe, endorsed by Judges, Doctors and academics, reveals, for the first time, the CANNABIS BIOMASS ENERGY EQUATION,

which shows beyond doubt that cannabis-derived fuel, capable of providing almost all of our domestic and industrial energy requirments as well as running all of our cars without pollution, is easily a CHEAPER and safer form of viable energy. It is the huge oil and nuclear industries which have the main profit motivations for continued prohibition at any cost. The FCDA Report reveals the true motives behind both past and present prohibition, and reveals the law itself is illegal.

You see? It's not the benefit of mankind they are working for. It's the lining in their pockets they protect. The president we have now is the child of an oil fortune, where would the bush family be if marijuana related fuels were open to be used?

So they heard society like cattle into what they want them to think. They run ad after ad for this "War on drugs" which even our own DEA members have called a waste of time and resources.

Canada is on the verge of decimalizing Marijuana as we speak. The US has threatened them with trade sanctions on their country if they do. Why? Because if people do here see them do it. We'll start to think. If there is one thing out government does not want us doing, it's thinking. If we all stopped and thought a moment, a split second. We may break down the year after year, ad after ad campaigns of lies and propaganda they've forced on us.

Holland is a better place because they saw the truth of the matter. They have less murders, less petty crime, and less hard drug use than the US. All after they stopped trying to force moral choices on people with their own minds.

Your typical stoner stereotype is offensive. I know doctors, lawyers, dentists, pastors, soccer moms, judges etc. etc. That all smoke marijuana, I myself practice Bujinkan Ninjutsu which takes a clear mind and stable spirit to do. How do I attain a clear mind? It's easy. I don't smoke pot before I go to the Dojo. I don't smoke pot before I go to work. I don't smoke pot when I need to have a clear head. I hold a steady job, I do it well. I'm there everyday and I'm far from what you would call lazy.

Marijuana slows the mind a little bit. It also opens it up to things the normal mind cannot think of. It's relaxing. It's what I prefer to do after work. Some of you may choose a few beers. A ciggerette. That's fine. The main difference is smoking killed in the hundreds of thousands of people a year. Drinking three fourths that. Yet mine kills no one. Yet I'm the one who has to worry about going to jail. Why? Who do I hurt? No one. Not a single one of you.

All I ask is this. Think for yourself. Learn from someplace the american government cannot lie and manipulate. Do not fallow because you are told to fallow. Strike out, and learn for yourself before you call "stoners" bad people. Most of us are just like you. We have families, children, businesses and lives just like yours. The only real difference is we have a love for something that's unaccepted by many.

I leave you with these thoughts.

If marijuana was legal, thousands of people would not be in jail. Half of them do not belong there anyway. They only come out worse off than when they went in. Meaning, your tax dollar would not be needed to house and feed inmates and build more prisons.

If marijuana was legal it would be a taxable substance just like alcohol and tobacco. Meaning an influx of money into our economy.

If marijuana was legal farmers who have no crops, who struggle and fight for their living would have a new crop to grow and well. Marijuana plants are very adaptive, they can grow anywhere.

Most of all. Would you ever want to see your mother, father, sister, brother, wife, friend, husband, grand parent suffer because of pain and disease? Would you watch them waste away into nothing because they have no appetite? Yes there are many pain medications. Some have side effects that are almost as bad as the thing that causes them to be used. Yet marijuana has no real side effect, it eases pain and suffering. It bring an appetite to those who have none.Yet they cannot have it because of the reasons stated above.

Learn for yourselves, do not be brain washed. Do not be lied to. Use the mind you've been given and the freedom of choice our government fights so hard not to let us have.

In the end, it's up to us to change the way things are.


The guy next door.

Thanks for all the information. Aleast someone nows what there talking about. So for all of u who haven't smoked weed, dont say ****, cause u dont know ****. Peace

I do not smoke marijauna so I cannot be certain about the effects it has on you, but I WOULD NOT drive if I smoked it. I have seen many people drive after smoking and it doesn't seem to affect the ability to drive. My issue is this, why take such a HUGE chance in doing this. If people wanna smoke, call up your buddies and hang out at the house and listen to some good music. Pot and alcohol are not evil things, but they don't belong in the automobile.

SO, keep smokin if ya want... just do it at home guys //content.invisioncic.com/y282845/emoticons/smile.gif.1ebc41e1811405b213edfc4622c41e27.gif

Anyone who says marijuana is a dangerous drug IS A LIAR

Anyone whos says marijuana kills brain cells IS A LIAR

Anyone who says that it makes you stupid IS A LIAR

Get the facts, and stop your bullshitting...you all sound like 12 year old's, and you don't know anything!!!//content.invisioncic.com/y282845/emoticons/nono.gif.eca61d170185779e0921b0faa9704973.gif :nono: //content.invisioncic.com/y282845/emoticons/nono.gif.eca61d170185779e0921b0faa9704973.gif

Get the facts: http://www.erowid.org/plants/cannabis/cannabis_faq1.shtml

Gonna end this in a real simple way...

Take America, take Holland, take Belgium and take France for all I care. Any of these country's have certain laws that amaze people from other country's altho we would never say that its an idiotic country or a heaven for retards, no you only think of it as different.

In Holland they really, REALLY investigated the issue marihuana and came to the conclusion that its no direct danger to the society and therefore no longer forbidden. People drive around here, stoned or normal and we really dont have a lot of car accidence throughout the land, the accident that do happen are hardly ever involved with marihuana, most likely is drinking (which I agree upon, dun drink and drive).

Belgium has legalized it recently and Germany is following up, also soon WORLDWIDE it will be accepted as medicine for people (example) suffering from hyperactive conditions (or extreme holding pains). Anybody may state an opinion but comparing or placing marihuana in the same category as booze is insulting a whole lot of people who still think they are no danger in the traffic even when their stoned (in which most are right).

To come back to the thread, I like to drive around stoned with music out loud altho there is ofcourse a difference in the ammount I use (we all should know our borders).


PS: American goverment should lighten up, better... roll one on my expense rather instead of watching your nice carnivorn.log shitty files //content.invisioncic.com/y282845/emoticons/biggrin.gif.d71a5d36fcbab170f2364c9f2e3946cb.gif:D:D:D

Originally posted by Scix420 Anyone who says marijuana is a dangerous drug IS A LIAR

Anyone whos says marijuana kills brain cells IS A LIAR

Anyone who says that it makes you stupid IS A LIAR


Get the facts, and stop your bullshitting...you all sound like 12 year old's, and you don't know anything!!!//content.invisioncic.com/y282845/emoticons/nono.gif.eca61d170185779e0921b0faa9704973.gif :nono: //content.invisioncic.com/y282845/emoticons/nono.gif.eca61d170185779e0921b0faa9704973.gif


Get the facts: http://www.erowid.org/plants/cannabis/cannabis_faq1.shtml
You know all that about weed, but don't know **** about car audio!!! How about that???

Originally posted by Scix420 Anyone who says marijuana is a dangerous drug IS A LIAR

Anyone whos says marijuana kills brain cells IS A LIAR

Anyone who says that it makes you stupid IS A LIAR


Get the facts, and stop your bullshitting...you all sound like 12 year old's, and you don't know anything!!!//content.invisioncic.com/y282845/emoticons/nono.gif.eca61d170185779e0921b0faa9704973.gif :nono: //content.invisioncic.com/y282845/emoticons/nono.gif.eca61d170185779e0921b0faa9704973.gif


Get the facts: http://www.erowid.org/plants/cannabis/cannabis_faq1.shtml
I saw nothing in your "factual" link other than miscellaneous uses for the plant. Nothing there either supported or denounced the aforementioned issues of the deliberate smoking of the drug.

Originally posted by beastyle PS: American goverment should lighten up, better... roll one on my expense rather instead of watching your nice carnivorn.log shitty files //content.invisioncic.com/y282845/emoticons/biggrin.gif.d71a5d36fcbab170f2364c9f2e3946cb.gif:D:D:D
The American government should lighten up??? Huh, you forget, this is the same government than made alcohol illegal, and it is not CONSIDERED a drug in law terms. You say that everyone else is legalizing it? The only country that is more techonoligically advanced is Japan??? Do they legalize weed??? NO!!! Sorry, smart countries don't legalize weed...and to all you Americans who are familiar with Joe Lieberman...I'm not a big fan of him by any means, but with him as a Congressman weed will NEVER be legalized. Sorry:( //content.invisioncic.com/y282845/emoticons/rolleyes.gif.c1fef805e9d1464d377451cd5bc18bfb.gif

I does not even have to be legal, I can still get the dank anyday between noon and 9. Here's anthor reason it helps me besides drinking. I know this hard to belive but I have severe asthma and when I am high i never have to use my Inhaler sombody said because the herb makes the blood vesels in your lungs expand. But I can't even be around heavy cigarette smoke without wheezing. Just a tip for all you asthmatics (Don't try this without consulting a physician) I am not kidding don't go to one of those quacks either. Be careful you some people have side affects.

Originally posted by dbhittin Killahoe-- nice name. How many hoes did u **** then kill u ****ing dumb ****
was any body talking to you justin i dont ever recall saying how many db did you hit and from youre profile you have no idea of what you even have . as for my name theres a story behind it dont really feel like telling it right now . i come on this forum to talk about caraudio so intell you have a qustion leave me alone DUMB ****! //content.invisioncic.com/y282845/emoticons/rolleyes.gif.c1fef805e9d1464d377451cd5bc18bfb.gif
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