Recent content by Vadude

  1. V

    RE @ Ikesound

    Anyone who bought products direct from RE while the going was good made out like bandits. Myself included. Those prices make JL products look like sony xplodes
  2. V

    Last audio upgrade before I call it quits.

    I think that 15 gave your ears the gift that keeps on giving... hearing loss. If you blew that out twice, and dont think the new re12 gets loud and low enough to your satisfaction (despite its loundess being a cops wet dream), you might have some hearing issues going on. Either that or both your...
  3. V

    Started new job, wow @ UPS

    Ill take your longer hours and more crazy worthless bosses and add unsafe working conditions, exposure to all the elements, rude customers, blisters, sad frowns, more blisters, agressive dogs, and ugly brown uniforms. Brown dont care about anything BUT the bottom line.
  4. V

    Started new job, wow @ UPS

    I guess you wouldnt understand unless you lived the life, the ups life.
  5. V

    Started new job, wow @ UPS

    UPS = Under Paid Slaves You will never know their struggle
  6. V

    dual 12s, trans am ported box build *PICS*

    Id go for sealed, the again this isnt my box. nice concept and good luck
  7. V

    What kind of bass do you like?

    I like the type that wont cause long term heath complications...
  8. V

    T/S Specs Released For New RE Woofers

    looks like the Re8 model stayed the same................... dumb de dum dum
  9. V

    Wood glue or liquid nails?

    I have never heard of any box comming a part from using niether liquid nails or wood glue.
  10. V

    Pictures of my install...

    but where did you put the amp?
  11. V

    Tips to avoid getting jacked

    two words "stealth box"
  12. V

    i have witnessed car audio black magic

    dark sided stuff.......
  13. V

    Anyone have constant ringing in their ears?

    Heres a suggestion Why not go for a setup that accurately produces bass in accordance to the way it would sound in its original recording. 2 8's would do.... I know folks like to go the spl route but to be honest, how many people still have a dual 12'/15/18" setup at 500+ watts five years...
  14. V


    The re8 is best for the price all though we may never know how it ranks with the other 8's since it was never put in the proper reccomended enclosure specs in the great 8 challenge.
  15. V

    Subwoofers in foggy weather: Voodoo bass effect?

    That might be right. All I know is my left ear has stopped hurting.. haha this needed to be its own episode when x files was on the air.