About The Racing Thing.

lol and i got another suggestion of what to do with the idiots that like to go out and drag on open roads... just through them in jail where they can get ass raped by bubba... then they will really be feelin the pain

well for one thing yes i do know what its like to go well over 100mph but usually in a short drag in the area you wouldnt go close to 100 less you had a ****in fast ass car. in a 1/4 with the normal cars and trucks we have you might get 85-90 in this area we dont have our mommies and daddies buy us a riced out civic. i used to drive a 89 gmc with a 350 that ****er wasnt the fastest but i can tell you one thing but it kept up with kottonmouths dynasty LOL adn the drag strip aroudn here aint free the only have it open on saturday and sunday and its like 20 or 30 dollars a pass. its a ****in ripp off. thats why i wont go there. i know an area where i like to race the roads flat and if i have to hit an animal or somtihn i do. dotn bother me. and we never race in town thatd just be stupid. we get *****ed at enough for goin 5 over the speed limit so we take it out of town to a paved road in the middle of nowhere. if i get hurt thatll prolly stop me from doin it ever again.

Originally posted by geonn well for one thing yes i do know what its like to go well over 100mph but usually in a short drag in the area you wouldnt go close to 100 less you had a ****in fast ass car. in a 1/4 with the normal cars and trucks we have you might get 85-90 in this area we dont have our mommies and daddies buy us a riced out civic. i used to drive a 89 gmc with a 350 that ****er wasnt the fastest but i can tell you one thing but it kept up with kottonmouths dynasty LOL adn the drag strip aroudn here aint free the only have it open on saturday and sunday and its like 20 or 30 dollars a pass. its a ****in ripp off. thats why i wont go there. i know an area where i like to race the roads flat and if i have to hit an animal or somtihn i do. dotn bother me. and we never race in town thatd just be stupid. we get *****ed at enough for goin 5 over the speed limit so we take it out of town to a paved road in the middle of nowhere. if i get hurt thatll prolly stop me from doin it ever again.

first of all kid,i didn't have my mommy and daddy buy me ****...i am 26years old. i have a job that pays $80,000 a year. second of all if you can't get to 100mph in the quarter you may as well not race.....and thrid of all and the most retarded thing you said.......if you hit an animal at close to 100mph your gonna get hurt...bad

Originally posted by geonn well for one thing yes i do know what its like to go well over 100mph but usually in a short drag in the area you wouldnt go close to 100 less you had a ****in fast ass car. in a 1/4 with the normal cars and trucks we have you might get 85-90 in this area we dont have our mommies and daddies buy us a riced out civic. i used to drive a 89 gmc with a 350 that ****er wasnt the fastest but i can tell you one thing but it kept up with kottonmouths dynasty LOL adn the drag strip aroudn here aint free the only have it open on saturday and sunday and its like 20 or 30 dollars a pass. its a ****in ripp off. thats why i wont go there. i know an area where i like to race the roads flat and if i have to hit an animal or somtihn i do. dotn bother me. and we never race in town thatd just be stupid. we get *****ed at enough for goin 5 over the speed limit so we take it out of town to a paved road in the middle of nowhere. if i get hurt thatll prolly stop me from doin it ever again.
A riced out Civic? I drive a 2000 Firebird...

And I have a '68 firebird with a 427 sitting in a garage.

Would you like to continue this argument?

Let me catch you street racing just once... I'll make sure you lose that vehicle of yours.

OMG you anti racer r just as dumb as some of the ricers.


BEFORE you go talking sh!t about street racing, you go yourself and watch them. -to see how exatly there done. it 100% safe, i promis you. at least all the ones i got r. no, your talking about hitting inosent ppl. WONT HAPPEN!!! were the races take place, NO ONE is around. trfic, only one or two truckers, - witch EVERYONE give the right away too. cars r not parked were they would get hit. there in a parking lot ringht next to the racese. it not on main street at all. its in a warhouse districk. THE ONLY TIME PPL HAVE RECKED AT THE RACES IS when the cops come bust it up and ppl run around all crazy. i personaly fcuked up my camaro running from the poe poes (true- was almost the dumbest thing i ever done, but if they cops didnt come, nothing woulda happend, i still have my car and i can fix it. if i pulled over, they woulda taken my car away and i wouldnt even have a car to fix) I DID GET AWAY EVEN WITH MY CAR FCKKED UP!! and the only reason way cops hat racers alot now, it becouse of the spectators. the spectator can be more dangerouse then the racers themselfs. they like to show off in there pos's and end up not knowing what they r doing and **** up. also street races have ben latly know to atract gangs, fights, and now guns. thats way the cops r making a big deal about racing.

We don't have that problem down in New Orleans the streets are too f-up to go over 35 anywhere but the highway or the police won't have to take your car away it will be lying in the streets in peace come on you punks come to the NO and race lol. Just wait till I get the turbo for my 95 Corsica

Originally posted by ChopShop Racing OMG you anti racer r just as dumb as some of the ricers.


BEFORE you go talking sh!t about street racing, you go yourself and watch them. -to see how exatly there done. it 100% safe, i promis you. at least all the ones i got r. no, your talking about hitting inosent ppl. WONT HAPPEN!!! were the races take place, NO ONE is around. trfic, only one or two truckers, - witch EVERYONE give the right away too. cars r not parked were they would get hit. there in a parking lot ringht next to the racese. it not on main street at all. its in a warhouse districk. THE ONLY TIME PPL HAVE RECKED AT THE RACES IS when the cops come bust it up and ppl run around all crazy. i personaly fcuked up my camaro running from the poe poes (true- was almost the dumbest thing i ever done, but if they cops didnt come, nothing woulda happend, i still have my car and i can fix it. if i pulled over, they woulda taken my car away and i wouldnt even have a car to fix) I DID GET AWAY EVEN WITH MY CAR FCKKED UP!! and the only reason way cops hat racers alot now, it becouse of the spectators. the spectator can be more dangerouse then the racers themselfs. they like to show off in there pos's and end up not knowing what they r doing and **** up. also street races have ben latly know to atract gangs, fights, and now guns. thats way the cops r making a big deal about racing.

Have you personally inspected every inch of the 'racing' grounds?


Have you directly tied up lanes that are supposed to be for residential and commercial traffic?


Are you breaking the law and creating a dangerous situation?


I'm glad you trashed your Camaro running from them. Depressed you were obviously too stupid to learn from the first time.

Originally posted by ChopShop Racing OMG you anti racer r just as dumb as some of the ricers.


BEFORE you go talking sh!t about street racing, you go yourself and watch them. -to see how exatly there done. it 100% safe, i promis you. at least all the ones i got r. no, your talking about hitting inosent ppl. WONT HAPPEN!!! were the races take place, NO ONE is around. trfic, only one or two truckers, - witch EVERYONE give the right away too. cars r not parked were they would get hit. there in a parking lot ringht next to the racese. it not on main street at all. its in a warhouse districk. THE ONLY TIME PPL HAVE RECKED AT THE RACES IS when the cops come bust it up and ppl run around all crazy. i personaly fcuked up my camaro running from the poe poes (true- was almost the dumbest thing i ever done, but if they cops didnt come, nothing woulda happend, i still have my car and i can fix it. if i pulled over, they woulda taken my car away and i wouldnt even have a car to fix) I DID GET AWAY EVEN WITH MY CAR FCKKED UP!! and the only reason way cops hat racers alot now, it becouse of the spectators. the spectator can be more dangerouse then the racers themselfs. they like to show off in there pos's and end up not knowing what they r doing and **** up. also street races have ben latly know to atract gangs, fights, and now guns. thats way the cops r making a big deal about racing.
You are wrong...there are many wrecks and DEATHS from street racing, and I witnesses one in Raleigh, NC about 9 months ago...a 16 year died when rounding a corner at over 120mph in an Eclipse. He and his "friend" were racing and blew past me like I was not even there. About 3-5 miles up the road, there was the silver Eclipse, demolished. Don't tell me nobody has died from street racing when I have seen it personally.

There's just a couple things I object to here: street racing is acceptable if you do it in a fashion where there's no danger to anyone but yourself, it's not okay to do it somewhere that you can vere off the road into a crowd of people or what not. Most people that I see racing don't have the responsibilty of doing even that. The next thing is some street racers, like myself, have grown mature into it and don't do it unless there's no danger. I drive a 15 sec. truck (not fast but it eats lots o' rice) and I cruise with my friends C4 (it too eats lots 'o' rice and most domestics as well) and we do apply common sense to each senerio as well as some ethics. Don't just go bashing everyone for street racing, some of us just can't afford or don't have the time to go all the way down to the track everytime, and some of us do have the smarts to actualy plan the **** out. Anyway, I just live like that I suppose, no sense wasting money on hop-ups if ya don't use 'em.

Here's my take on it.

I don't street race. If i had a car fast enough i'd consider it. But not in town. I live in rural NY. Here we have new just paved highways that are smooth and not too curvy. Around 12-4 at night there is virtually nobody on these roads. I have gone and ridden with some friends while they raced. but see we do it a diff way. scout cars go out and drive fro one entrancte to the others exit and tell us traffic. if its all clear or if there is like one car almost past our exit they race. I rode in a riced civic. It ****ing flew, and kinda scared me going that fast in a lil piece of fiberglass, but u know what? It was fun. I won't do it again, cause i don't wana risk loss of liscence car, my own life or somebody elses.

I do drive fast though. I just got 2 tickets one for 44 in a 40 and another for 81 in a 55. I lucked out with some help from a lawyer and got a nice reduction. My thing is though, I don't drive fast with neone else with me. The only person i do drive fast with is my Boy Matt. He is my "adopted" brother. We are tight. I drive fast with him cause he don't care. See i don't drive fast wioth neone else, beacuse i care more for tha person in my passenger seats life more than i care for my own. Why? Think of the guilt and all tha ******** left if u kill someone from driving fast rather than if u kill yourself. The 1st one is alot worse right?


All you stupid Ricers are alike... I don't have nothing against the cars you drive cause I also like them as much as domestic ones. But your'e all alike in the racing community. You don't care if you race and could possibly put others in danger all you care about is if you win. And like above about the guy who wrecked his camaro he deserved every bit of it and he was braggin cause he got away from the cops. That's just stupidity isn't once enough to stop you? Has anyone seen the show on Mtv about the street racing dangers? If not i'll tell you. Ok there is a girl and a guy, they both like street racing. Ok Mtv gives them a call and they think there going to the dragstrip to watch and be in the pits of cars like the Meguilar's Dragster or something like that. Ok after the day is over with that a guy speaks up and says anyone up for a lil bit of street racing? they both say yes and are braggin cause they think they'll win. So it's like 11 at night on some broken down highway, the guy who spoke up is also a secret stunt man. Ok so there about to start racing on the left lane is a red crx or something and on the right is a white civic. All of a sudden you hear sirens go off and it's a cop so the civic hammers it and speeds off and the girl in the crx is all crying saying she wasn't going to race but she was just watching here in the on coming lane. Well the cop arrests her and takes her car. About five minutes later the civic crashes and the young boy dies but the stunt man doesn't. So the cop drives the girl so she can see first hand how the accident looks. She goes to the funeral and is all crying saying she won't ever do it again and has learned her lesson. What's good about the story was it was all made up no one died but it taught them both a lesson. The stunt man now his brother died when he was 16 in a street racing crash.

Addressing all you racers out there. If you race your'e in danger every moment. Now i know it feels good when your doing 100 down the highway and your heart starts pumping faster and faster but you know what if you had a blow out or a car pulls out in front of you? Probably your first intentions are to swerve to miss them bam right there is your first mistake did you look beside you to see if there was a car? You could be dead. Ok enough of the lecture, if you street race please do it safe where no one is there or at a dragstrip or just don't do it.

All I have to say, is if I catch you in my town/district, you are getting your ass hauled off to jail, I'll take your liscence and car for a long time, and I'll personally give you an ass whooping if you ever come close to killing someone. Does stupidity come natural to street racers? I'm not racist or anything along those lines, but the guys in BC know what Im talking about.

Ok, theres these 2 Asian guys. The street race(their ricer cars) and hit and kill a cop in his car. The guy that hits him takes off with his other ricer friend. So anyway, they catch the two guys, and bring them to court. After court their parents go on TV, and say: "It doesnt matter, we will just buy them new cars and new liscences". How ****ing retarded can you be? The parents and the kids get picked up from court in a BMW, and the cars the kids were racing were a Lexus and another BMW...all bought and paid for by their parents. It truly was a sad day in BC for authority, and I dont want it to ever happen again...especially something that can be prevented. Oh, and another thing, these Asian people ship their kids over to BC(while their parents are back in Asia running the jewel shop), buy them cars, houses, etc...I can gaurantee, that 90% of the street racers in BC are from a forign country, and drive imported cars. I can also gaurantee that 85% of the accidents resulting in death or injury in BC due to street racer are commited by forign people, and imported cars.

As you can tell, this is a very touchy subject for me...and whoever called JLaine a ricer...I highly doubt that you know what your talking about.

- Steve:)p )

im not a ricer, im worst, becouse i drive a much faster DOMESTIC. and its not just rice burners that race. domestic do it more then ricers do it. i dont have rice. i have a sunfire and buy the way i didnt learn my lesson, i do it more now. ill i learned is i dont have to drive as fast as i can to get away. hahahaha i can use half throttle and still me faster then the cops.


maybie others do, but they r the dumb racers that yall r talking about (racer and ricer r not the same) ricer and dumestics r both racers (F.Y.I.) and there r not turns were we race. its 0mph to 100mph most of the time we dont race through trafic!!!!! and when we race, the environment IS controld BY US


SuxMyVols: did you read that

SuxMyVols: do it

SuxMyVols: its funny as hell

SuxMyVols: they r so dumb

KotaRT13: amen brother...i myself as a ricer understand your anger

KotaRT13: hahaha, he's just mad because he;s slow ass hell, and no one wants him at the races

KotaRT13: Do you know what a car does at 100mph plus? It is similar to hydroplaning. Do you know what happens if you hit a bump, a uneven surface, or have to do a sudden sharp maneuver?

KotaRT13: wtf is he talking about?

KotaRT13: dude

KotaRT13: why the falk do you even read that board? people on there are seriously morons

KotaRT13: Anyone here of that story where the kid was drag racing down the street around Christmas time

Originally posted by ChopShop Racing im not a ricer, im worst, becouse i drive a much faster DOMESTIC. and its not just rice burners that race. domestic do it more then ricers do it. i dont have rice. i have a sunfire and buy the way i didnt learn my lesson, i do it more now. ill i learned is i dont have to drive as fast as i can to get away. hahahaha i can use half throttle and still me faster then the cops.



maybie others do, but they r the dumb racers that yall r talking about (racer and ricer r not the same) ricer and dumestics r both racers (F.Y.I.) and there r not turns were we race. its 0mph to 100mph most of the time we dont race through trafic!!!!! and when we race, the environment IS controld BY US



SuxMyVols: did you read that

SuxMyVols: do it

SuxMyVols: its funny as hell

SuxMyVols: they r so dumb

KotaRT13: amen brother...i myself as a ricer understand your anger

KotaRT13: hahaha, he's just mad because he;s slow ass hell, and no one wants him at the races

KotaRT13: Do you know what a car does at 100mph plus? It is similar to hydroplaning. Do you know what happens if you hit a bump, a uneven surface, or have to do a sudden sharp maneuver?

KotaRT13: wtf is he talking about?

KotaRT13: dude

KotaRT13: why the falk do you even read that board? people on there are seriously morons

KotaRT13: Anyone here of that story where the kid was drag racing down the street around Christmas time
Who is this Kota guy? By the way, come to my town, try using your half a throttle and try and outrun myself....and by the way, Imports do it more than domestics do it here...maybe not in your town, but here they do. Most of all of you that dont race safe on the streets will learn your lesson the hard way Im afraid.

- Steve


WE DONT GOT 120MPH AROUND CORNERS wtf? you people are under the common misconception that we take dangerous corners at 120? HELL NO

you ppl have obveously have seen a street race, your information is bassed on non factual information that someone else told you. in other words its HEAR SAY and from what i know in court, the side who as its case based on hear say WILL NOT WIN.

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