Recent content by RebelDogg

  1. RebelDogg

    Bluetooth Blues (iPhone vs Premier HU)

    Does anyone know of any issues with the p980bt using Bluetooth? I had issues with my old Blackjack II (and other phones I've connected) but was usually able to get them working and auto-connecting. I just got an iPhone 4s and can NOT get auto-connect to work. I can connect to the head manually...
  2. RebelDogg

    Question about using iPhone/iPod w/stereo

    Thanks. I may try to get some sort of adapter and give it a go. Unfortunately my head unit doesn't have a 1/8" jack on the face but I seem to remember there being stereo RCAs on the back. I'll have to try plugging into them and hope for the best. I'm just going to keep ripping at 256 (since I...
  3. RebelDogg

    Question about using iPhone/iPod w/stereo

    I'm not using the AUX jack, I'm streaming bluetooth. I don't know what it would cost to get the adapter to hook into my stereo or even how that works. I'll need to pull the head unit out and see what kind of connection is back there... been a long time since I've seen it. I assume I'll need an...
  4. RebelDogg

    Question about using iPhone/iPod w/stereo

    ****. I ******* forgot I can't say *** on here. lol.
  5. RebelDogg

    Question about using iPhone/iPod w/stereo

    Hey, been a while since I posted here but I remember it always being a good forum so I'm hoping someone can answer something for me. First off, I know I'm behind the times. I just bought an iPhone 4s and before this I'd never used an iPhone or iPod or any of that. I actually had an x-girlfriend...
  6. RebelDogg

    Kicker amp problem

    Note: Sorry, but the search does not seem to be working at the moment. I'm sure I'm not the first to ask this. I have a Kicker zx750.1 that's not working. It's not in protect mode (light is green) and there is a signal from the HU. Also, there is a signal out of the RCA outputs. But I get...
  7. RebelDogg


    I was wondering if it could be the HU, but I wasn't sure. Mainly because the amp isn't warming up at all. Seems like it should even if there's no signal from the stereo. At least a little bit. But yeah, that's a good idea. I'll try that. Thanks, shakinghorizons .
  8. RebelDogg


    Okay, I think it's my amp. So maybe I should be posting in the amp forum, but I'm not sure so here goes: I got in my truck yesterday and after a few seconds I heard a little click then smelled burning. Also the display on my HU kinda flicked off then back on. I couldn't find the smell. The HU...
  9. RebelDogg

    Central Region Anyone Know Him Or Of Him????!!!!???

    Yeah. I know him. He's a dick.
  10. RebelDogg


    I run Kicker KS650.2. They sound great to me.
  11. RebelDogg

    Deadening Barn Doors

    Hmmm... sounds like something I might should probably not wanna block up then, eh?
  12. RebelDogg

    Deadening Barn Doors

    Cabin pressure flaps? Sound like something on a airplane. Is that anything like how the holes in the front doors are supposed to be there for some kind of air pressure purpose. I don't know, I read something like that a long time ago. I haven't taken the back trim apart yet, so I don't even...
  13. RebelDogg

    Deadening Barn Doors

    I've got some Raamat left over from when I deadend my doors. I was thinking of putting it on the cargo doors of my Tahoe. Just wondering if this would do anything toward solving my rattle problem back there. I can't really seem to point out exactly where the noise is coming from sometimes. But...
  14. RebelDogg

    Amp help

    Check your fuses. P. S. Boomzilla: I'm all about your avatar. Got any more pics of her?