Recent content by knokinnakamichi

  1. knokinnakamichi

    Kicker ZX750.1

    my offer still stands 120 total...half now half upon working arrival
  2. knokinnakamichi

    Normal for a sub

    Can ya go down low? All da way to da floor?
  3. knokinnakamichi

    Normal for a sub

    Well I can't afford a new box rite now, but I do know who to hit up now, so thanks
  4. knokinnakamichi

    Normal for a sub

  5. knokinnakamichi

    Normal for a sub

    higher tuning would cause me to miss the lows that I am desiring though and I disagree that my sq would need higher tuning....Sq if fine in my sealed box, but how do I find out what I'm tuned to hit and not hit....and WTF is ghost waves
  6. knokinnakamichi

    Normal for a sub

    A good bit
  7. knokinnakamichi

    Normal for a sub

    I listen to anything from rap (i.e. playing "put on") to five finger death punch, to shinedown, to eric clapton, to ACDC......
  8. knokinnakamichi

    Normal for a sub

    Tuned to 32 for sq?
  9. knokinnakamichi

    Normal for a sub

  10. knokinnakamichi

    Normal for a sub

    I'm assuming so...I notice while I'm driving sometimes it feels like my subs just don't hit the lows like I thought they would, is the solution to give them more room in a sealed box?
  11. knokinnakamichi

    Normal for a sub

    So, I was listening to "Put on (remix)" and it sounded great, duh! However, I wanted to look at my sub, being that I don't/can't do that while I drive. I noticed that sometimes my sub would move but wouldn't really produce any noise and wasn't hitting. I have a sealed box...
  12. knokinnakamichi

    Volume Offset Not Working from Tuner?

    I actually have a 180 watt 6 channel factory amp and factory speakers, so I'm not concerned about them clipping. My concern would be clipping to my 800w amp to my two subs....would they still be clipping, bc I don't hear this "clipping" at all
  13. knokinnakamichi

    Volume Offset Not Working from Tuner?

    Why not? I have the kdc-x695 and if I don't turn my volume offset up +2 to +5 it is WEAK SAUCE!