
  1. E

    Vehicle won't start after sub/stereo install

    2009 Jeep Compass. Manual. No backup camera with the Pioneer DVD deck that I am installing. So, my headlights, dummy lights and cap all come on automatically when key is in the ignition. Cap should not come on until I at least turn the key on accessory, and lights should not come on without...
  2. I


    Hello, I'm going to upgrade my sub and amp, i got 600rms sub and 1200w amp now, i'm looking to spent not more than 494,38 EURO, i'm not sure what to get, Soundstorm, soundstream (my sub has been okay), alphasonik, audiobahn, power acoustik.. what would you people recommend?, i want like...
  3. C

    CarAudio Outlet selling at dealer cost is this a good idea?

    I have been doing retail for 18 Years now i set up a site for our company to make extra money off internet sales. What we do is sell a memberships for less then $20. Then we let the customer order his system for his car at our dealer pricing. It saves the customer a bundle and we are reaching...