high level inputs

  1. A

    Using high level and low level(rca) at the same time

    Headunit stereo- Sony WX800UI 4 RCA PORTS FRONT & REAR/SUB [ATT PIC 1] Amplifier- Sony Xmn-1004 4 channel [ATT PIC 2] Front speakers- Steg Leo 650c components [ PIC 3] Rear speakers- Pioneer A1670f [PIC 4] Subwoofer- JBL BASSTUBE 1300W (300RMS) [PIC 5] [Single coil Subwoofer] Chinese 2...
  2. D

    Higg Level Input 4 channel bridged

    I want to bridge my 4 channle amp but I want to use it for left and right instead of front and rear I'm only concerned about the front stage with my amp and I'll use the the rear output of the radio to power my back door speakers, how would I do that since 1/2 bridged has a left and right and so...