Recent content by Thnking

  1. T

    my tuning freq......part 2

    It's a transmission line with an increasing vent area, as opposed to a decreasing vent area used in a standard transmission line. There is no simple formula to plug numbers into. There are going to be multiple resonances...your best bet is either to read up on transmissins lines (a lot of time...
  2. T

    Differant cone materiel's sound characteristics?

    The sound velocity is basically independent of cone material. The differences in material determine resonant characteristics and cone flexing/strength. Npdang has good generalizations on the material characteristics.
  3. T

    Question about deep cycle compatibility...

    I'm referring to the state of charge of the battery. A shallow discharge is a discharge at a small % of the total discharge potential of the battery. Not quite Carrolwood, I'm in Westchase right now, just moved 4 months ago. I was originally going to move to Carrolwood, but it was a little...
  4. T

    midbass location

    Sure it does. How that translates into varying horizontal localization is going to be per person per setup. If it's setup correctly, it can sound great in the rear. It depends on what frequencies are being reproduced and how the sound is recorded/output. If the reproduced frequencies are above...
  5. T

    midbass location

    I agree. In reality midbass is much easier to mount in the front, which is why people have been doing it that way for X years. There definitely is a horizontal localization occurring with midbass frequencies, time alignment becomes an issue as well. I definitely don't think installers real...
  6. T

    midbass location

    Rear speakers shouldn’t be played above whatever frequency someone begins to localize them. IE 200-250hz. There isn’t a front to back localization, there is an azimuth localization. Also, IMO someone wouldn’t want the summation of the rear and front frequencies changing making more EQ’ing...
  7. T

    midbass location

    Midbas doesn’t have 3 dimensional localization. It’s has nothing to do with midbass. LOL. Midbass isn’t being perceived as being 3 dimensionally localized. Simply moving a midbass speaker isn’t going to move the height and depth cues. So it has nothing to do with a learned response. It’s...
  8. T

    midbass location

    And how does tactile energy directly correlate to stage height and center image... How does tactile energy affect the HRTF, and how do elevation cues, which only exist to humans above the 2Khz frequency, existent in low frequencies… In terms of mounting, energy IS transferred from speaker to...
  9. T

    midbass location

    But there isn’t any information backing up tactile 3-dimensional localization with mid bass. Either mid-bass has 3-dimensional localization cues or it doesn’t. And as soon as human perception and ego’s are thrown into the theoretical/physics vs perception mix, people start making up...
  10. T

    midbass location

    Buffalohed is right on the money. You continue to repeat the same things, which have no relation to what you've originally said. I never argued AGAINST mid-bass positioning up front or aimed based on localization, I'm arguing that aiming it based SOLEY on azimuth localization is going to have...
  11. T

    Question about deep cycle compatibility...

    Every car battery is "made" to have a constant charge on it. A deep cycling battery will have more longevity than a starting battery with both shallow and large discharges...due to structure of the battery.
  12. T

    midbass location

    I can't count how many times, I've had technicians or non-engineers telling me how they've been doing something "this way for X years" and there's nothing wrong with it...for example supporting shear moments in formwork, or compressive lateral pressure failures in compaction, or not basing...
  13. T

    midbass location

    What information's been regurgitated....or is that your boilerplate response when you don't have something to rebut. Quite a lot of studies are near field, most spatial processing research for earphones are conducted in the near field...
  14. T

    midbass location

    /temper tantrum How does this relate to that… You’re claiming tactile sensation provides definite point source localization in all directions. I told you that haptic cues are used as by our auditory process for familiarity with the source. Are you saying you have experience with scientific...
  15. T

    Question about deep cycle compatibility...

    It's fine. With any multiple battery setup, voltage equalizes in the car's electrical (not quite as simple as this but this is the general idea). Since the alternator outputs higher than the batteries voltage for charging, nothing bad is going to happen. I've heard the same stories about...