Recent content by soulful904

  1. S

    Lpf filter hu/amp settings?

    I cannot cut off the lpf on my hu. I turned my lpf on my amp all the way up and used the lpf settings on my hu which go from 50 63 80 120 and I use 63 or 80 was this the correct way of setting this up. I appreciate any advice!
  2. S

    Soulful904's Box For Single SA 12"

    Ya thinking about gettin another one so if I'd do I'll have you build me one for 2 of them
  3. S

    Soulful904's Box For Single SA 12"

    Just put the sub in...A++ enclosure... Man the sub pounds in it!!! Thank you sir!!!
  4. S

    box builder st.louis

    ya it was 325 for a single 12 box
  5. S

    box builder st.louis

    I'm looking for a builder near st.louis to build me a box for a sundown sa 12. The ported box would be about 2 cubic feet tuned to 33 hertz. Help would be appreciated. I got a quote for 325 seems high to me but ya'll would know better than me?