Recent content by R/T Pimp

  1. R/T Pimp

    cerwin vega center channel

    Pm me your bottom price, I may take it for my bedroom.
  2. R/T Pimp


    How about you contact the folks in my sig. Several of them know Miles personally and myself.
  3. R/T Pimp


    Are you f*cking kidding me.
  4. R/T Pimp

    great price on a IDMAX12-D2

    Let me know I can give you my cell number or my shop number.
  5. R/T Pimp she dead???

    Get your DMM out and make sure you are actually getting ground and power out of the constant and switched supplies. That will quickly answer your question.
  6. R/T Pimp

    great price on a IDMAX12-D2

    Wow I can easily beat that price. PM me and I will give you my phone number. And yes I am an authorized dealer.
  7. R/T Pimp

    Wall Help With Vents

    You have it completely wrong for spl. First what kind of vehicle is it? What subs? What power?
  8. R/T Pimp

    SOLD FS/FT os orion xtr2150

    PM me some trade ideas I have all sorts of equipment.
  9. R/T Pimp

    SOLD Audio_Phill's Cleaning Sale #2

    So do you still have the TruBass 8, pm me I will take it.
  10. R/T Pimp

    SOLD Alpine cda-9833, Truebass Ultra 8s

    can you pm me a pic of the 8
  11. R/T Pimp

    SOLD No amp over $50!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I sent him an email to buy them all we will see what comes of it.
  12. R/T Pimp

    SOLD FS - Lanzar Opti 4x400D "Mini Amp"

    I will give you $75 shipped for it. Pm me if interested.
  13. R/T Pimp

    SOLD No amp over $50!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Get me some pics and I will consider buy them all. Pm me sir so I know to check back.
  14. R/T Pimp

    Need help choosing between 3 sub companies

    Treo hands down, if you decide different go with IA. Shocker naw.
  15. R/T Pimp

    So I heard a lot of ppl on CD does not like RND audio??

    I have used and owned classics, alphas, alpha comps, and I was far from impressed with the product. Try it and decide for yourself that is what I did and I promise I will never buy another RD piece again.