Recent content by Lowridin_Chevy

  1. Lowridin_Chevy

    pic in sig

    could some explain COMPLETELY how to put a pic in your sig. i cant seem to figur this out. thanx
  2. Lowridin_Chevy

    ported sony's

    how long should the ports be to get a 32 hz tuning with the above mentioned box dimensions and airspace......any help appreciated
  3. Lowridin_Chevy

    ported sony's

    so u have noticed the twwwwop sound as well when they are sealed. it is very noticeable on the song by lil wyte called "oxy cotton". when it makes the sound it sounds jus like what the cone is made of......polypropa something cant remeber...has that flexible plastic sound to it
  4. Lowridin_Chevy

    boxtuning for sonys

    here are the dimensions for the box i want to make for 2 sony xplod 10" p5s top depth 5 3/4 bottom depth 8 1/4 width 56 height 14 the cu.ft. of the box is 2.46 cu.ft. before displacement of subs and ports i want to tune the box to 32 hz what size ports and how many ports should i use
  5. Lowridin_Chevy

    ported sony's

    so yall think 32 hz would give me the best sq????? with the box tuned to that do u think the sq would be better than sealed????? would it be louder than sealed?????? i have them in a sealed box rite now and on quick low bass note when the music changes notes it makes a weird thowwwp thwooop...
  6. Lowridin_Chevy

    ported sony's

    what was the box tuned to????? did ya put them on a mic???? i would really like to get new subs but i jus dont wanna lay down the money for new ones. also what cu.ft. box did u put the 12's in
  7. Lowridin_Chevy

    ported sony's

    rite now i have 2 sony xplods 10"s sealed. i was planning on getting new subs but i decided to get some pipes on my truck instead so for the time being i want to make me a ported box for my sony's to get some more output. i have a reg cab truck. i can get 2.2 cu.ft. before displacement of subs...
  8. Lowridin_Chevy

    2 Shivas or one SE 15"

    because when u put a thread that goes something like this " RE vs any other sub u can think of" RE wins every time around here
  9. Lowridin_Chevy

    New K's....

    well if i stayed in here 8 hours every day...yes maybe a hellhole would be an appropriate description, but for me, no. few minutes here and there aint too bad.........or is it...........................................
  10. Lowridin_Chevy

    Alpine Type-X subs?

    i heard that the type x was takin thousands of watts like a champ like 2500 but they are fixen to get some bigass amp to really test........i think that 1000 rms is gonna be VERY modest
  11. Lowridin_Chevy

    New K's....

    i'm gonna say this once more........its a forum
  12. Lowridin_Chevy

    New K's....

    i like to add emphasis.............. :thumbsup
  13. Lowridin_Chevy

    New K's....

    since we are making fun of everyone else's grammar lets take a look at the above sentence. the word i should consider myself once owned but no longer owned in the same sentence since the word owned is in the past tense so that sentence in all means nothing......if u still...
  14. Lowridin_Chevy

    shiva vs. re se 12"

    which sub would be best in a sealed enclosure and which would be best in a ported
  15. Lowridin_Chevy

    New K's....

    i dont have a problem with someone being smart (i have a 3.9 gpa jus so ya know) but when they start criticizing someone's misuse of word thats jus gettin picky and smartassy if thats a word but u mite want to go check the dictionary and criticize me on that as well.....oh look how i spelled...