Recent content by LM950

  1. L

    Too much power for LOC?

    That's what I'm thinking but I'd prefer not to spend close to $100 on the audiocontrol one. And I've never seen anyone else have this issue out of the cheap ones.
  2. L

    Too much power for LOC?

    when I turn the volume on my deck around halfway the bass plays fine for a while, then the volume will drop and come back and drop again. When I turn the volume back down everything is good again. I've checked connection's, swapped RCA's, swapped amps, swapped stock headunit ipod adapters, and...
  3. L

    Box and unbelievable mass confusion

    I dont think those prefab boxes are made with the thickest wood, so the pressure would cause it to flex like that. I had one that flexed on one side enough to cause a split somewhere and the box itself would rattle. Then ofcourse eventually the speaker seized up on that side.
  4. L

    NEED Help with LOC in 07 Tahoe. All help is welcomed.

    Try hooking the factory sub back up and see if it works, then try connecting the loc while the sub is still connected. if the sub plays but you still don't get output from the loc just get another cheap one, I think I spent like 10 bucks on mine. And don't max out gains on the LOC, I did that...
  5. L

    NEED Help with LOC in 07 Tahoe. All help is welcomed.

    When you are testing the RCA; are you only testing one at a time with the postive lead touching the middle pin, and the negative touching the outside circle shield of the RCA?
  6. L

    Is it possible?

    In my old setup I had 2 MTX 12's in a ported box that either wasn't sealed together well or was just old. Anyways, one side of the box would rattle on bass notes, and eventually the sub that was installed on that side seized up, while the other still seems to be fine. Could an air leak like that...
  7. L

    Bad amp?

    Turns out my LOC were out of phase, I fixed that and still replaced the amp because 1 side still wasn't working. But now I'm confused again. On my sub box there are 2 input terminals. It doesn't matter which terminals I hook the speaker wires up to from my amp, both subs play. According to all...
  8. L

    Bad amp?

    I didn't bridge it though, its a two channel amp using 1 channel for each sub.
  9. L

    Bad amp?

    Im using a LOC on my stock head unit. When I connect either of my RCA's that come out of the LOC to the white input or output on the amp, the subs play. When I connect to the red I get no sound in the subs. I feel like I had this problem before with a different amp that I had in the car so I...
  10. L

    Serious Question, Serious answers please

    I honestly was still expecting expecting some crazy replies to this question, since last time I asked a even more simple yes or no question and someone told me to record my car on fire. I kind of figured it was the box, but wanted to be sure before I shelled out money for another box and it was...
  11. L

    Serious Question, Serious answers please

    Does that explain why my subs don't appear to move with more power?
  12. L

    Serious Question, Serious answers please

    Background info: I'm guessing I have 2 of the older model MTX Terminator 12's (Since they are grey not black), in a ported box. They have a power handling of 200 rms each. I've connected multiple amps to these speakers and get different results. When I connected a mtx rt202 (The amp the subs...
  13. L

    AudioControl LC2i on 2012 Chrysler 300 SRT8 not working with engine running.

    I'm not a expert here but my car used to do something similar when I connected to my stock speakers through the high level inputs. If I remember correctly its from the external amp turning on too early or something, and I guess your factory amp goes into protect mode maybe. (Like I said I don't...
  14. L

    Is it possible to fry power wire?

    Ok I used the wrong wording maybe? I knew the point I was trying to make. I drew too much power through the thin wire and it started to melt and left burn marks on the insulation. The main question that I was trying to get answered was basically what are the odds that I basically pulled enough...
  15. L

    Is it possible to fry power wire?

    Why would my car burn if I said I bought new 4 gauge power wire to replace the bad 12 gauge one? Why would I ask another question when I've asked 2 so far in this thread and pretty much been left to answer them both myself? But anyways here's a pic of one of the burned spots in the wire...