Recent content by Litunerkid

  1. Litunerkid

    Millertime1028's 20K summer build

    Can we say 158+ on the tl ! WOOOT Woot on the metering me when u see this
  2. Litunerkid

    SA 15 or Fi SSD 15???

  3. Litunerkid

    Millertime1028's 20K summer build

    Holy **** Keith lol.Those are f Ucking sexy~!!The carbon fiber caps are ballin
  4. Litunerkid

    Lets do a poll - 15"s for a Tahoe

    if you go sealeded id take the BTL,nightshade,and lvl5 offf that list as they are better suited for ported q's would be nice or even the sa 15's. Soundsplinter rlp is nice also
  5. Litunerkid

    Millertime1028's 20K summer build

    ^hes not running any stepdowns.luckly the jeeps are ok up to 17v on the stock electrical.ive spoken with mechman about this s i have a jeep as well.He has a d1400 under the hood.well the last time i saw his truck in person he did.
  6. Litunerkid

    Millertime1028's 20K summer build

    yea seen this metering on the TL the other night. 155+@ 37hz lol.We grabbed some pics and vids so Millertime should be posting up soon.
  7. Litunerkid

    rawdogj: Scammer, attention buyers of 1500Ds

    Wow did not see this.Sorry to hear about this
  8. Litunerkid

    SOLD RE sub, and more for sale.

    PMing you now
  9. Litunerkid

    DC Level 3 handling?

    ET is the ****
  10. Litunerkid

    DC Level 3 handling?

    millertime1028 has messed with these alot.Ive personally seen him testing these.
  11. Litunerkid

    Millertime1028's 20K summer build

    me too can i has one?Cant wait to see these in person...........
  12. Litunerkid

    DC Level 3 handling?

    misfit i think you need to get off your high horse on this seems through pure experiences from random people that this is a known thing with breaking sdcs in properly.Ive seen multiple post about this.
  13. Litunerkid

    The Saturn: Death-Horn Build/Addition (10kw+)

    layoffs FTL! looking forward to the future on tis