Recent content by Johnnymaaaac

  1. J

    Bought subs! Now i just need an amp...

    Here are the subs I bought both subs are DUAL-2-OHM models wired to a 2-OHM FINAL load 800 rms Soooo, what's the best amp for me? I was going to get an 1800 watt amp, but my friend said...
  2. J

    2 ohm or 4 ohm sub with correct amp?

    I don't want to spend alot of money (preferrably no more than 500 if possible). I also don't want bass so loud that I can't hear my music. I want real good, hard hitting bass with audiophile sound quality.. highs mids. But I understand 500 might not get me the best. so help me out with advice...
  3. J

    What to purchase for new audio system in my car?

    So I've read that if you don't get the right wattage, ohm, and all that other stuff, the speakers can blow. So I looked around, and I think I'm getting 1 Kicker 12" Solo-Baric L7 2 OHM subwoofer with a kicker10DX10001 Mono sub amp. Will these work properly together? I want deep, hard hitting...