Recent content by Herreraxto

  1. H

    Tacoma 2016 sundown e10 v3

    I have limited space .65 cuft on a sealed box What's your opinion I'll be alright on cuft volume
  2. H

    how long is the braking period sundown

    sundown sa8 v3 finally installed after 3 months in a T-Line box custom built thanks to Cscstang
  3. H

    Noise on sa8 v3 sundown free air

    Not my video but same noise YouTube
  4. H

    Noise on sa8 v3 sundown free air

    I just hook up it and played free air and I think there's a lot mechanical/air noise when playing it Is it normal ? I have it on sae 600.1 amp
  5. H

    Confuse birthday present subwoofer

    Now soundsplinter rli8 vs soundown sa8v3
  6. H

    Confuse birthday present subwoofer

    I just bought sae 600d soundown At first wanted sa8v3 and read that the amp it's not a good match for it, still want it and go for it if the amp is good enough I am looking small box space and good sounding sq and low freq. budget 200 So I look around and my choices are Tc sounds epic 8...
  7. H

    Sae 600d sundown

    I decided to go with tc sounds read some good reviews I wanna go ported what's the measurements that go with it on the page says 1.35 @ 30 hz is this right
  8. H

    Sae 600d sundown

    I prefere an 8 in because space limitation and for the box that's not a problem I had a 12 idq in a ported box that build my self
  9. H

    Sae 600d sundown

    I am looking around 200, sq, spl, Prefere port for the long bass extension
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    Sae 600d sundown

    I just bought it any recommendations for a subwoofer to match it
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    Sae 600d sundown

    Sae 600d is this a good match for sa8v3
  12. H

    Idq8 or sa 8 v3 dilema budget 400 plus amp

    decided to go with sa8v3 and sae 600d amp
  13. H

    Idq8 or sa 8 v3 dilema budget 400 plus amp

    I like the price tag on the Tc sounds but is it better compare to sa8
  14. H

    Idq8 or sa 8 v3 dilema budget 400 plus amp

    Looking for a 8in sub Ported Budget 400 plus amp Music all kinds Want SQL and have that extra room to bump the bass low notes First setup sa8v3 and amp sae 600d Or Idq8 and amp q600.1 a/b mono block