Recent content by BumpThat93

  1. BumpThat93

    Need help with my enclosure!!!

    c, i have seen a lot of buzz about the adires. how much do they usually cost? what kind of amp should i run them from? i have a JL 500/1 now, would that do the job? any other info you want to include is cool too. thanks man. drew
  2. BumpThat93

    Need help with my enclosure!!!

    trigger, i mainly listen to hip hop and rap. i liked the sound quality that my JLs brought, but my pioneers seem to get louder, but the sound quality is noticably lower. I am looking for a sub to have adequate sound quality, but to scare me when it hits. My pioneers do their job for now, I...
  3. BumpThat93

    Need help with my enclosure!!!

    Whats up everybody. I recently got rid of my 2 JL 12W3v2s after I blew them. I replaced them with 2 Pioneer Premier tsw2000spl subs. However, when we were putting the Pioneers in, we noticed that my sealed box did not have a center divider. When I went back to the shop that made my box, I was...
  4. BumpThat93

    JL Haters

    what up yall. all awesome comments so far. sorry if it seemed like i was trying to say that people criticized JL's quality, which i have honestly never seen a post implying that. i was just curious as to why there are so many JL critics when JL's quality and reputation is as good as it is...
  5. BumpThat93

    2003 Sub of the Year?

    The JL W7 gets my vote. This is the sub the competition targets and is measured against. JL did all the engineering, research and development to produce this precision sub, and its quality and reliability, if setup correctly, is unmatched. Now, if we are voting on the best value sub, I would...
  6. BumpThat93

    JL Haters

    i hear ya dinx. i know there are plenty of excellent brands out there, and i am not blindly going with the cliche that anything JL is the best. i just dont understand why people are so quick to criticize JLs when they are mentioned. peace
  7. BumpThat93

    My latest problem....HELP

    i was thinking about putting an optima yellow top in my car. will this do the trick? will i have to change my alternator too?
  8. BumpThat93

    JL Haters

    Yo, how come so many people in here rip on JL products?? From my take, it seems that it's just because they are higher priced than most other equipment.
  9. BumpThat93

    My latest problem....HELP

    yeah my headlights have always dimmed when i turn my subs up, even though i am running a capacitor
  10. BumpThat93

    My latest problem....HELP

    ok, ever since the winter weather has come around my subs have been acting weird. heres what theyre one minute they will be pounding nice and hard and all the sudden they will stop hitting as hard and it keeps switching back and forth from hitting hard to lightening up. i toggled...
  11. BumpThat93

    Electrical Question

    helotaxi, keep in touch about the settings for the 9813...and yes i did get some help in adjusting the setup, and i havent had the problem with blowing fuses. i am just the kind of person always looking for ways to get more out of something. the system sounds good the way it is now, but i just...
  12. BumpThat93

    Electrical Question

    thanks for the info mo
  13. BumpThat93

    Electrical Question

    M3, will i need to do anything else to compensate for the bigger fuse. also, how big of a fuse should i go? thanks man.
  14. BumpThat93

    Electrical Question

    u are right i do have my gains up pretty high, this was the only way i could get the sound i wanted though. i messed with the settings for a good 5 months, but the gains are set lower than what they were originally. i listen mostly to hip hop and r&b, and i like to accentuate the low...
  15. BumpThat93

    The bottom line on W7s

    i hear ya. hmm, if money werent an object, which sub would you choose?