Recent content by 1991Brougham

  1. 1991Brougham

    2007 Grand Marquis: Hum in R/N/D/3/2/1 but not in Park. Help!

    Here's how the story ended. The original noise on a scale of 1 to 100 would have been a 20. A Noise filter was installed close to the amp. That brought the noise down to a 1. Any sort of volume increase above none made it unhearable. Case closed! Rick
  2. 1991Brougham

    2007 Grand Marquis: Hum in R/N/D/3/2/1 but not in Park. Help!

    You assume correctly about it being a 4 channel amp COO. Max volume is irrelevant other than if you turn the amp enough, it drowns out the hum. Don't know about the wires used for the speakers as it was done at a local shop, who has never seen this problem before BTW and these guys have been...
  3. 1991Brougham

    2007 Grand Marquis: Hum in R/N/D/3/2/1 but not in Park. Help!

    Not an alternator hum. It's steady and low but noticeable. No noise in Park as the subject title says. The HU is an Alpine and the amp is Kenwood. What's wrong? Rick
  4. 1991Brougham

    Small thin sub for a 1995 Sedan DeVille?

    My trunk space is precious! Subs gobble up space so no sub there please! Under the rear seat is a bit of space so something has to fit there. Anyways, that's my thoughts FWIW. Rick
  5. 1991Brougham

    Small thin sub for a 1995 Sedan DeVille?

    Thanks for the info Neo! I looked at the JL website and saw they had another thin sub which was even smaller. The SI BM MKIII is out of production but the company says they're going to have a new model out later on. Between 2m SSB gear and a sub, I have lots of Santa list stuff to get as the...
  6. 1991Brougham

    Small thin sub for a 1995 Sedan DeVille?

    Doh! I don't know. Just figured someone here has done it and knew what the deal is for these GM FWD's of that time. Rick
  7. 1991Brougham

    Small thin sub for a 1995 Sedan DeVille?

    Not much room to work with inside the Caddy but my thought was to stick a thin sub under the back seat. Anyone here have ideas on this? Having been gone so long I have no idea of what's available or been tried so Help Me Wanda...LOL! Rick
  8. 1991Brougham

    JL overpriced

    I like your post! Thanks for explaining what JL is about. Rick
  9. 1991Brougham

    Working with a Bose (circa 1990) system... tearing it all out vs. reusing some parts?

    You got a decent price and if you like the sounds coming from it, then it's an all's well than ends well situation. Declare victory and hit the road! After a few months of using your new system and reading posts here as well as what is in mobile audio magazines, you'll have some new ideas for...
  10. 1991Brougham

    Saving For A New System: Help Please

    The HU choice is about what kind of stuff you want to feed into the amp. AM/FM? HD Radio? Satellite? CD's? DVD's? iPods? Memory sticks? Memory cards? Do you want to add some DIN 1/2 accessories like EQ's, voltmeters, DVD players and such? Do you want a screen? A nav system? Perhaps a...
  11. 1991Brougham

    Your opinion For my car.

    Where's the "Buy A Cadillac" option? Rick
  12. 1991Brougham

    Will the Clarion EQS746 help my system?

    Adjusting a knob while driving is MUCH easier than dealing with HU menus. I have an Alpine parametric EQ and it's great! Rick
  13. 1991Brougham

    New $32,000 saw!!! w00t (pics)!

    $32K friend in Seattle worked at a shop that had a $250K waterjet cutter. He used it to build a mechanical owl...LOL! At least the owl worked but Lordy, it sure costs a lot to get a good set of shop tools to build things these days. Rick
  14. 1991Brougham

    Need help FAST!!

    Better go with DC instead of an AC setting...LOL! Oh heck, who cares whether those cycles alternate or not? Rick
  15. 1991Brougham

    looking to buy an explorer, need opinions

    Can you really afford to try "something new" is the next question. Will you be better off saving the money or the debt load for later on? Can you find something today that won't lose a buttload in depreciation when the time for the Charger comes along? How much are you willing to spend (cash...