2001 subaru outback sundown sa 12 amp rack shuriken saz 1500 first box build

  1. My current set up.

    My current set up.

    Heres my current set up in my 2001 Subaru Outback wagon. old box was built by a shop (sub/port back) and it was a well built box but my subs didnt like it. The sub up port back was my first box build, also was my first amp rack.
  2. My current set up.

    My current set up.

    Heres my current set up in my 2001 Subaru Outback wagon. old box was built by a shop (sub/port back) and it was well built, but my subs did not like it. The sub up port back was my first box build, also was my first amp rack.
  3. My current set up.

    My current set up.

    Heres my current set up in my 2001 Subaru Outback wagon. old box was built by a shop (sub/port back) it was a good box but my subs didnt like it. The sub up port back was my first box build, also was my first amp rack.