Recent content by Spaceboy464

  1. S

    Small form factor amplifier suggestions.

    Would it? I had this sub leftover, unused from my Audi. I bought a bunch of equipment, but was never able to install it. I guess i'll have to look into getting an IDMAX.
  2. S

    Small form factor amplifier suggestions.

    I can make them fit, I just have to build a false floor. I thought it was alot hard than it looks to be and I don't have a lot of time now. Luckily, I think I should be able to get them in during spring break in a couple of weeks. Do you think this has to do with them being digital vs analog?
  3. S

    Small form factor amplifier suggestions.

    I recently made a post asking for suggestions on Alpines PDX amps. I decided on the PDX-4.150 and PDX-1.600. However, I realized that I don't know what my other options are. I currently have a DLS A6 and A4. They are a little large to fit into my M3 and I was interested in the PDXs because of...
  4. S

    Which Alpine PDXs for my setup?

    LOL. I'll probably end up selling them if I got with the PDXs. Thanks, I think i'm going to go with the PDX-4.150 and the PDX-1.600.
  5. S

    Which Alpine PDXs for my setup?

    Thanks! Now the question is do I sell my DLS A4/A6 or hang on to them.
  6. S

    Which Alpine PDXs for my setup?

    Hey all, as much as I would really like to use my existing DLS A6 and new DLS A4 amps, they're just too big to easily fit in my M3. If I had more time I would try to make them fit with a false floor, but school and work are keeping me busy and i'm not sure how much I like the added weight of a...
  7. S

    My False Floor Idea

    miker, Thanks. I'm sure I can use that for some ideas.
  8. S

    My False Floor Idea

    Here you go. Ignore where it says "wire".
  9. S

    My False Floor Idea

    I drew up a false floor in Google SketchUp 6. I attached it so you can take a look at it in 3D. I decided to put the two amps side by side. The area under the amps and the area where the distribution block will go are raised to allow the wires to run under them I'm stuck on a cover design...
  10. S

    Whoa, Circuit City

    LOL. The "boom room" at BBY was awful, it never worked right. I think they are going to redo it soon.
  11. S

    Whoa, Circuit City

    I used to hate those customers. I worked in the computer department and expensive doesn't always mean the best. Especially with computers as we would match those up based on the customers's needs, but hey more money for the store.
  12. S

    Whoa, Circuit City

    You can't generalize all of the installers. At the Best Buy I used to work at there were 2-3 guys that I would trust with my car (and I don't let just any one mess with my car). We actually had the senior for the department talk to his supervisor and the GM about doing custom boxes. They okayed...
  13. S

    Username change?

    Thanks. I thought by some chance the appropriate person would see this, but I will PM him now. Thank you.
  14. S

    Whoa, Circuit City

    Dude. Employee Accommodations FTW. That's how I got my AVIC-right before I quit. I miss that discount.
  15. S

    Username change?

    Could I have my username changed to dummptyhummpty? Thank you.