Recent content by sethbuckner

  1. S

    AQ2200 @ .5 ohms?

    anyone running their AQ2200 @ .5 ohms? i know its rated at 1ohm stable but it seems to be a common thing to run under impedance with good products... any idea of the power delivery of an AQ2200 @ .5 ohms? any advice would be greatly appreciated thanks in advance -seth
  2. S

    hifonics goliath 15 quad vc as a daily driver?

    hey guys does anyone have experience with the hifonics goliath 15 quad vc as a daily driver?? any reviews? what do you guys think? thinking of this or maybe an re xxx 15..... any advice would be greatly appreciated thanks in advance -seth PS - I'm using an AQ2200 right now and the goliath...
  3. S

    weird *** inverted excursion problem?

    the sub literally looked as if it had ZERO outward excursion... every time the bass hit the cone was being ****** in so far that the foam surround was being folded almost together in multiple areas equally surrounding the sub... if any of you wish - go to one of your subs and push the cone into...
  4. S

    weird *** inverted excursion problem?

    ok so am now using only 2 terminal leads to the speaker and am internally jumping the voice coils. seems to be back in phase.... so freaking weird! thanks for the advice! i talked to AQ today and they were absolutely baffled as well
  5. S

    weird *** inverted excursion problem?

    i will try this..... and correct me if I'm wrong but subs (all speakers for that matter) are designed to push OUT essentially... thats why Excursion is always measured. i don't believe the gap between the bottom of the VC/pole & the internal bottom of the motor match the max outward...
  6. S

    weird *** inverted excursion problem?

    and if the sub is currently IN phase and i wire it OUT of phase to test, with 1600rms won't it be fairly easy to smoke this sub? my AQ2200 has direct leads for each VC... + + / - - unless I'm totally nuts I'm 100% positive i have wired the sub directly from the amp correctly......
  7. S

    weird *** inverted excursion problem?

    and yeah i was thinking this exactly but thought i'd mention that detail.....
  8. S

    weird *** inverted excursion problem?

    how exactly should i go about isolating whether or not this is the issue?
  9. S

    weird *** inverted excursion problem?

    hey guys i have a weird *** problem current setup - audiocontrol lc8i AQ2200 @ 2ohms DB drive plwd412 (rated 1000rms) jl 300/4 polk mm650 components optima red - cranking optima yellow - trunk not only have i been dealing with clipping issues BUT it seems as if the sub is being ******...
  10. S

    Ant info about hifonics brutus 1908d amplifier.. Good or bad reviews?

    hey guys, im putting a bigger amp in my girl's car.. and im considering a hifonics 1908d anniversary edition for pretty cheap but i cant find any reviews anywhere online about it... anyone know if this thing delivers true 1900rms @ 1ohm? any info will be appreciated! -seth
  11. S

    Weird problem doing big three

    on my 2007 volvo s40,when i ran a new 0 guage from the positive terminal on the alternator to the positive terminal on my optima, my car wouldn't start. i reconnect the original factory wire and whalaa it starts just fine. i asked the volvo dealership is the factory alt + to bat + wire...
  12. S

    Sub face direction - ported enclosure - trunk car

    i've always had them facing backwards and had good results i was just wondering if i may have been missing something since i have seen different people with different setups. thanks, seth
  13. S

    Sub face direction - ported enclosure - trunk car

    And if anyone would like to explain why.... Please do tell
  14. S

    Sub face direction - ported enclosure - trunk car

    So sub and port face facing backwards in your opinion correct?