Recent content by Mr. Smiff

  1. Mr. Smiff

    Brutus Bxi

    Pics or it did happen
  2. Mr. Smiff

    I need a decently priced amp.

    Autotek At2000.1 you can get for $150
  3. Mr. Smiff

    Illegal to drive without rearview?

    I have drove without one for years. Even if it is illegal the cops are looking to see if you have a rearview mirror or not.
  4. Mr. Smiff

    Southeast Region Spring Break Nationals?

    i will be there. Coming down on thursday.
  5. Mr. Smiff

    Tell me if i need a Pro Line Driver?

    Yes u need a line driver. It will cut out any noise your having and give u more head room on ur amps. You can get a Phoenix Gold 8v on ebay for $35. And it will be alot louder.
  6. Mr. Smiff

    To use or not to use rear fill

    I use refill. I think people get the wrong impression about it or heard some not properly installed. Its like you hear them but you cant tell the sound is coming from behind you. It just enhances you front stage.
  7. Mr. Smiff

    Full size chevy drivers

  8. Mr. Smiff

    how much is your vehicles car audio worth

    "You can hate me now" Especially since I am almost done with my system and your not.
  9. Mr. Smiff

    how much is your vehicles car audio worth

    Alpine Cda-9857 $280 Cdt ES-630 $300 Alpine 4x6 $70 Sound deadening $300 Sub box w/carpet $110 Speaker wiring $100 Amps and subs used from last system misc. $100 total $1260 Sittin in the driveway listening to music cause your too broke to afford gas...
  10. Mr. Smiff

    Full size chevy drivers

    These vents on my back wall open and rattle when the bass hits. I was wondering what I could do to fix it with out closing them up. I want them to be fully functional.
  11. Mr. Smiff

    How to fill edge around baffle

    spray foam would be best
  12. Mr. Smiff

    sound deadening rear fill (pics)

    I plan on doing the whole floor and the front doors but I was wondering how much should I deaden the rear speakers since they are going to be playing at half volume?