Recent content by JMC0415

  1. JMC0415

    1x type r or 2x type e's

    Yeah just get another R like the rest of them are saying.
  2. JMC0415


  3. JMC0415


    Thanks brtnboarder
  4. JMC0415


  5. JMC0415


    Nice. Custom Car Audio fail pictures. Lol.
  6. JMC0415


    Anyone have any fail boat pics?
  7. JMC0415


    So are the subs actually screwed into anything?
  8. JMC0415

    Just ordered first system...:)

    Wish my first was that nice.
  9. JMC0415

    Do you use or not Terminal Cups ?

    I use a hole. Run the cable thru, tie a knot in it then fill it up with liquid nails.
  10. JMC0415

    What all have you broke on your car/truck/van with bass.

    My rear view mirror broke off and cracked when it hit the console (one of the greatest moments of my life). And where it's mounted on the window, there is a crack right behind it in the glass.
  11. JMC0415

    Removing subs from box

    Ahh, didn't factor that in. But for trash prefab boxes it should work.
  12. JMC0415

    Removing subs from box

    Just try holding it over a pillow or something and see if gravity is enough.
  13. JMC0415

    Removing subs from box

    Or you could hold the box upside down over your bed and try and shake the sub out.
  14. JMC0415

    Removing subs from box

    The magnet has a rubber booty on it, so there was minimum slip. And they're only $90 subs.
  15. JMC0415

    Removing subs from box

    Yeah I removed my subs from the pre fab box they came in. They were stuck in with something. I couldn't get them out. Here's how I did it. Took the terminal cap out and levered it out with a piece of wood pushing on the magnet.