Recent content by jchulski20

  1. J

    Running speaker wire into doors

    ok ill have to get the pics taken tomm morning and hopefully i can have then on here by tomm night
  2. J

    Running speaker wire into doors

    i was just told that its almost impossible to fit anymore wires the grommet/boots becuase they are soo small
  3. J

    Running speaker wire into doors

    wont the sharp edge on the frame cut through the speaker wire and cause alot more problems though
  4. J

    Running speaker wire into doors

    how long did it take you about
  5. J

    Running speaker wire into doors

    I ordered a new 4 channel amp for all 4 of my door speakers but im running into a problem as to where i should run the new speaker wire. I drive a 2003 saturn vue. I bought 250 ft of 14 gauge wire and i was told by a guy that theres no possible way you can fit 14 gauge wire through the rubber...
  6. J

    6 gauge wire with distribution block?

    Because 0 gauge is definitaly over kill for what im using that and im trying to keep it as cheap as possible but still functional you know
  7. J

    6 gauge wire with distribution block?

    I need to know if I can use 6 AW wire in a 4 gauge distribution block? As of right now my power Wire is 6 AW and when I buy another amp for my door speakers i want to run 4 AW from the battery to a distribution block then cut my 6 AW wire in 2 pieces and use that as the output wire. So can I...
  8. J

    Mobil Enclosures

    wait im confused what do you mean a side amp rack what would that look like? false floor is out of the question due to money issues although I have some left over wood from the enclosure that i might be able to use for an amp rack but I dont know what a side amp rack would look like.
  9. J

    Mobil Enclosures

    why will it break? where should i mount it then? i'm thinking about making an amp ramp to put it on top!
  10. J

    Mobil Enclosures

    ok guys here is what i have so far without paint anybody have any ideas on some colors to paint it? I was thinking green with flakes to match the exterior color of the vehicle!
  11. J

    Mobil Enclosures

    ok i built the box and ill put up pictures later today when i get time to take them. I want to paint the box but i dont know what color to paint it to fit the theme. I'm debating on painting it the color of the exterior which is eden green. or red which is the color of the underglow i have or...
  12. J

    Mobil Enclosures

    ok im currently in the process of building the box right now i shold have it done either this weekend or next i havent had much time to do much on it with work and all. I have to work mandatory 10 hours plus 8 on saturdays so i dont have much time for much with work and school but it is being...
  13. My car

    My car

    Just a random pic
  14. Night Driving

    Night Driving

    This is a pic of my neon I installed a couple months ago
  15. J

    Mobil Enclosures

    Well if you guys need any help with answering emails i can certainly help!!