Recent content by hokeyplyr48

  1. H

    12" Flatlyne Sealed Enclosure - Ideas / cubic feet?

    Perfect, whenever you get a chance.
  2. H

    12" flatlyne enclosure

    Looking for someone to build an enclosure for a 12" flatlyne to go in the back of a 2008 Toyota 4Runner. I haven't gotten a clear answer on ported vs sealed but would prefer a smaller footprint. The only specific thing I'm looking for is the back of the enclosure to match the slant of the back...
  3. H

    12" Flatlyne Sealed Enclosure - Ideas / cubic feet?

    Any recommendations on who can design AND build here on the forums? I asked Buck, but he only designs.
  4. H

    12" Flatlyne Sealed Enclosure - Ideas / cubic feet?

    Oh ok, perfect thanks for the info! Didn't know there were box builders here.
  5. H

    12" Flatlyne Sealed Enclosure - Ideas / cubic feet?

    I am only looking to purchase a premade box as I do not have any tools or anything available here to construct anything. Do you have any links to any suggested ported boxes? Also, when you say large sealed, how large are you talking?
  6. H

    12" Flatlyne Sealed Enclosure - Ideas / cubic feet?

    As opposed to ported? smaller footprint and isn't sealed more associated with SQ?
  7. H

    12" Flatlyne Sealed Enclosure - Ideas / cubic feet?

    IA's recommended size for an enclosure for the flatlyne is: closed 28.3 - 39.6 liter This converted to cubic feet is 1-1.4 cubic feet. The displacement of the driver is .13 cubic feet. Does the recommended capacity include the displacement or I need an additional 1-1.4 cubic feet resulting in...
  8. H

    Hate to be that guy but need some advice on a 10" setup

    Thanks for the info on the battery, I'll do some shopping around. With regards to the enclosure, the IA website says the driver takes up .13 cubic feet. Any ideas on the size of the enclosure including this displacement value? Also, ported vs sealed?
  9. H

    Hate to be that guy but need some advice on a 10" setup

    One sub = one channel right? It'd be a 2ohm double voice coil I believe
  10. H

    Hate to be that guy but need some advice on a 10" setup

    So if I get the flatlyne and the b2 quatro am I gonna need an extra battery? I figured upgrading the big three would mitigate any issues with heat there. Is this incorrect?
  11. H

    Hate to be that guy but need some advice on a 10" setup

    I'm going to go with the flatlyne 12, would the 18" be enough?
  12. H

    Wiring Harness Question

    Ok so I'm reading the manual here and the solid blue wire on the vehicle harness is labeled as "factory amplifier remote turn on." I have no idea regarding car audio, but I thought the factory amplifier was built into the HU or is there another amp somewhere? If so, I'm guessing I'm going to...
  13. H

    Wiring Harness Question

    Perfect, alright thanks. So do I just leave the blue/white one from the vehcle harness disconnected?
  14. H

    Wiring Harness Question

    hmm on either side of the B2 Quota amp, I don't see a terminal for this "remote wire." There is an RJ45 looking connector that is labeled remote, but that is to adjust the gain with another rheostat you can mount. Where would this connect...