Recent content by gmpisawresome

  1. G

    Head unit sounds tinny

    Gotcha. That does make sense then, I'll give that a shot next time I'm in there. 
  2. G

    Head unit sounds tinny

    Yeah. Before I used it for my sub, I set it by ear and set it literally perfectly according to the scope, so I totally agree. It was a DSO138, I believe it is open source.
  3. G

    Head unit sounds tinny

    Alright, I'll do that. I was unaware of that being a type of test that was effective.
  4. G

    Head unit sounds tinny

    I do. Not anything like $1k+ but it seems to work alright in my tests.  Yes, 1k Hz for mids and 40 Hz for bass. RCA max volume yielded no clipping, as well as coming off the amp at full volume; sat at around 16V. Didn't do extensive tests on the radio amp, however, thus why I turned down the...
  5. G

    Head unit sounds tinny

    Yeah. I used an oscilloscope to tune everything currently, and even at 40 volume, no clipping will occur on any of my front speakers. The back speakers have their gain turned down as well, but I didn't see any clipping coming from those anyway. 
  6. G

    Head unit sounds tinny

    Also, just want to thank you for mentioning spinal tap. That has to be the funniest band in existence.
  7. G

    Head unit sounds tinny

    I got it from eBay. So, needless to say, that's the last time I ordered used audio equipment. It was supposed to be certified refurbished though. Oh well.
  8. G

    Head unit sounds tinny

    I did. Even at the lowest gain, it was still pretty noticeable. At half it was worse.
  9. G

    Head unit sounds tinny

    Same connections as the one that doesn't currently buzz. With no inputs connected it would buzz (power, ground, acc still connected. It didn't power itself lol), and get louder the more the gain was turned up.
  10. G

    Head unit sounds tinny

    Well, I always have the option to hook the Kenwood 4ch back up. The issue was, even with nothing connected to it, it would have a static sound playing through the speakers. I couldn't for the life of me figure out the issue. Still have it though, I guess I could put it back in.
  11. G

    Head unit sounds tinny

    I sacrificed all my time to it, so I'm pretty sure that counts LOL. Interesting thing is, after doing literally nothing, it is starting to sound better. I don't know if it is just my hearing being destroyed or what, but its starting to not sound as harsh. Do these speakers have a break in period...
  12. G

    Head unit sounds tinny

    I was using a Kenwood KAC-304 amp but switched to a DUAL XPR82D (the dual amp is not bad, I listened to the Kenwood and was unimpressed; looked at all the great reviews for the dual and haven't looked back since). Crossover on only the radio, cd doesn't sound any different, listening volume...
  13. G

    Head unit sounds tinny

    Sorry, I was on a phone that wasn't wanting to let me spell anything correctly. Anyway, now I'm on my computer and can elaborate on the issue more.  I have followed all the tips given by the first response and more, which include: Checking polarity Ensuring proper grounds Making sure...
  14. G

    Head unit sounds tinny

    So after spending the last week or so tweaking every last setting in my dd 9903s, I cannot for the life of me get it to loose the tinny sound it has. Are there any issues related to wiring that would make it sound tinny? It's the speakers running directly off the internal amp aswell as...
  15. G

    New system doesn't sound right

    That's exactly the information I needed, thanks a ton! You mentioned time alignment, I'm extremely confused about that. There appears to be two settings; one is front focus and the other is listening position. I tried listening position by measuring my head to the speakers, but it sounded tinny...