Recent content by DrMurdock

  1. D

    Renewed love for type-x's....

    i got 1 type x in my 04 acura tl and that **** pounds and vibrates everything
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    Why do you guys talk about the Type R so much but not the Type X?

    i got my type-x ported and its pretty **** loud and sounds amazing, blows my cousins ported type-r away by miles in both quality and loudness. i never tried my type-x in a sealed box...what differences would i experience?
  3. D

    whats the legal noise level in your area??

    one time i was at a light and had my system up pretty loud; but there was a cop car right next to me. he bleeped his siren at one point but i didnt care and just drove off. cop really didnt seem to give a crap.
  4. D

    12' type X vs my 12 L7

    ^ i total agree, i had the same setup and kept the 12" X
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    thats happend to my l5 b4 i got my type-x. i was palying it loud and it just died; as if it was nto even connected. took it back and they told me it was blown, so i got my money back and bought somethnig else Edit, just read your last post... i had somethnig similar also occur to my type x. it...
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    Powering 12" alpine X

    how much u wanna sell it for? ...i already got one, do u guys thin kit will incredibly pound if i add another?
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    Type X Question

    my cousin has a type R and i have a type X. saying that the type -r can get louder than a x is jsut plain stupid. dont listen to him. wit hthe type-r, it cant hit the real low notes at all, while my X makes my entire car vibrate. type-r is loud, but dont go overboard with saying it gets louder...
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    bass control device

    I have a bass control device sitting around here, it plugs into the sub amp and comes with control knob. How does this exactly work? does it remotely turn up the Bass Boost or does it do something else? Also, if i do plug it in, what position of the knob would make it equivalent ot what it is...
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    possble sub blown, help please

    i noticeds that too. i live in nyc. last night was pretty cold and i realized my sub didnt play anywhere near as loud as it did only 2 days ago
  10. D

    Got my new 12 inch Type X!! ***PICS***

    i got a type x, am im loving it. sound is so amazing, and it hits hard - its only getting 700watts rms from my amp, do you guys think there is still much more potential in my sub?
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    Best configuration

    I dont know much about audio so i came to you guys for help. What configuration (what freq to tuen it at) is best for my setup in the trunk of a sedan. 12 inch alpine type-x, in a 1.75 cubic foot ported box. Installer set the gains and bass boost past the 1/4 mark. Not sure what freq he set, i...
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    12" Type X

    im running an infinity amp, i tested the rms power and it come out ot a bit over 710watts, even though its rated at liek 660rms
  13. D

    12" Type X

    We have the same box...his is jsut suited for 2 12 s instead of one 12. I find it highly ignorant to believe that a type-r is louder and hits harder than an x. get over it, type-r is not the best sub on earth, all this hype makes me wanna vomit on peoples ignorance. there will always be...
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    12" Type X

    i recently got a 12" type-x. do not listen to these fools who says the type-r is cousin has 2 type-r's and my X is still louder, not to mention that it totaly destroys it in SQ.
  15. D

    Pics of my new setup

    the 7541A is a 2005 model...the 7540A is the same thing just hte previous friend had the same problem as you trying to find it, but thta is because everywhere he went, they used the old model number to search for it and it showed out of stock in the computers since it was no longer...