Recent content by dog walker

  1. D

    Help with Jensen TV tuner

    Yeah I think you're right, it is analog, so it would be a waste of time. Thanks, Jeff
  2. D

    Help with Jensen TV tuner

    If you are referring to the new "DTV" deal, I did'nt think about that. However, I have had this problem for well over a year since I originaly installed this stereo. Jeff
  3. D

    Help with Jensen TV tuner

    I posted this a few days ago in general with no responses, maybe better luck here. I have a Jensen VM 9021 TS I can't seem to figure out how to get the TV tuner to work. All I get is a black screen, but I do get audio. My DVD player works fine, I put the cheat codes in so that I don't have to...
  4. D

    Help needed with Jensen TV-tuner

    I have a Jensen VM 9021 TS I can't seem to figure out how to get the TV tuner to work. All I get is a black screen, but I do get audio. My DVD player works fine, I put the cheat codes in so that I don't have to use the parking brake deal. Thanks, Jeff