Recent content by DJ Flip

  1. D

    Amps for only a penny!

    um i seriously hope you are kidding. lol **** 99 amps..
  2. D

    lost my remote =(

    hey thanks... the second link was the one im lookin for... exact remote i lost... so yea thanks man. and no $25 isnt expensive thats pretty cheap.
  3. D

    lost my remote =(

    well i have a Pioneer DEH-4600MP headunit and i lost the remote to it.. are there any places where i can just buy the remote for it? or does anyone on here have a remote for it they can sell me =)?
  4. D

    What kind of speakers are these?

    i have no room for 20 =(
  5. D

    What kind of speakers are these?

    lol welll yea um ill just buy these for shits and giggles and see how they sound blah $20 pfff
  6. D

    What kind of speakers are these?

    what the hell just happened? i was just wondering what speakers these were. heh
  7. D

    What kind of speakers are these?

    are they a nice dealer to buy from? no problems.. cuz thats the one thing i worry about.... paying for something online then never getting =(
  8. D

    What kind of speakers are these?

    nevermind... ... pyle pro???? and this site has incredibly low ass prices... has anyone ever bought stuff from this site.. might wanna try out these speakers if they are like $20 lol.. cuz i hear other cars with these speakers and they are nice loud and clear.
  9. D

    What kind of speakers are these?

    heres a more zoomed in pic... hopefully it helps
  10. D

    What kind of speakers are these?

    yea, lots of people have this type of setup in their cars and like everyone has these type of speakers.... what brand are these speakers and where can i find them?