Recent content by Dimensions

  1. D

    Box help for three RE RE 12's

    The box has not been built yet im just playing around with different designs.
  2. D

    Box help for three RE RE 12's

    Hey everyone I just finished playing around with a box design for a friend. The box will hold three RE RE 12's and is going into a trunk of a 91 Cav. The box is: 5.25cu.ft after all displacements of port 33htz tuning How does this sound? Any suggestions? Thanks, Chris
  3. D

    New Eclipse head Units

    Search around here. There are posts around here and sounddomain about them.
  4. D

    New Toys

    Thank you thank you thank you. I hope UPS brings me my new deck tomorrow. Then I'll have something to do. Haha man I love days off
  5. D

    ok whos stupid enough to but this one.....

    OMG I've never seen one of those subs go so cheap, I better buy it now before someone else does Doesn't seem to be very honest lately
  6. D

    New Toys

    Ok people finally uploaded some pictures of my new subs. Enjoy... haha there is also a lil porn shot there for ya'll
  7. D

    matching amps

    US Acoustics makes some good amps too. Might want to look into those. has them pretty cheap.
  8. D

    Made me an amp rack today

    Thanks everybody, and ya carpeting makes a big difference.
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    Made me an amp rack today

    Well I had nothing to do today so I decided to make me an amp rack since my equipment is getting really close to arriving. What do you think
  10. D

    Which Rims to get

    x2 I like these ones the best
  11. D

    SOLD 4 Sale Hifonics bx1000

    Dang man too bad you werent around a couple weeks ago, I would have taken these. Good luck with selling these. Try add some pics... everyone likes pics
  12. D

    Do tweets need airspace?? *PICS*

    Just cut some new baffles... it would probably take a lot less time than glassing.
  13. D

    Official RE Audio group buy.

    I have heard both the CDT's and RE's and the RE's are better IMO... and they are super duper cheap so go RE!!!!
  14. D

    Alpine Type X vs. ID CXS vs. others

    Good luck... I had a set of RE RE6.5's in my grand am and they had sick amounts of mid bass.