Recent content by ChiTownLincoln

  1. C

    Power/Ground wire Gauge?

    I stopped at a car audio place last week and the tech showed me a 1/2" thick cable that he had running to the battery. Thats 1/2" metal not the whole thing. Today i was looking at wiring kits at the local auto parts place and 1 said "for 270w amps" and another said "for 2000w amps". The 270w...
  2. C

    JL Audio Amps - Can someone explain the classes/models to me?

    At the jl site i see W0.V3 but no W0.V2. Is this because the models recently changed? Would you guess/assume the reviews will be similar? Thanks.
  3. C

    JL Audio Amps - Can someone explain the classes/models to me?

    Thanks for the info. Makes perfect sense now.
  4. C

    What is the first song you played when you got your first setup?

    Sir Mix A Lot - Posse on broadway with my first flea market system and Tupac - I came to bring the pain with my first professionally installed system.
  5. C

    $1 Custom Subwoofer Enclosure Designs

    Adding... FYI the subwoofer is inside of the box. I wasn't sure if this was obvious from my comments above. So basically its a sealed recntangle with the wub mounted inside and the only opening is the "hose". There are several other companies doing the same thing. This "solution" is all about...
  6. C

    $1 Custom Subwoofer Enclosure Designs

    Any reason we can't discuss the project in the thread? I think it would be beneficial to the group. I have a 69 Lincoln Mark III. I plan to put a single 12" subwoofer in the trunk. The rear deck is a pita because of some unkown (to me) air hoses that mount to it. There are 2 existing openings...
  7. C

    Good match? L Audio Slash 1000/1v2 Amp & JL Audio 12W7AE-3 Subwoofer

    Thanks for the manufacturers list. I Have some more reading to do.
  8. C

    JL Audio Amps - Can someone explain the classes/models to me?

    I was actually looking at their subs because of my experience with their residential products. Fathom and Gotham. Looking at their amps occurred because they were on the same web page . Another issue is that i am trading labor for product with a JL Audio Mobile dealer. So cost isn't the primary...
  9. C

    Good match? L Audio Slash 1000/1v2 Amp & JL Audio 12W7AE-3 Subwoofer

    I have installed plenty of JL audio subwoofers for home theater systems. This is what got me looking at the brand initially. The fathoms are freaking phenomenal little subs and they have been super reliable. But obviously that doesn't mean that their mobile amps are reliable. I was only looking...
  10. C

    Good match? L Audio Slash 1000/1v2 Amp & JL Audio 12W7AE-3 Subwoofer

    I have had 5 cars in my lifetime with an audio system in them and all were sourced hardware from flea markets or trades or buys from friends. I would always buy the biggest amps and woofers i could with the money i had. I only had 1 amp fail on me and i was able to get it repaired for $20 at...
  11. C

    Good match? L Audio Slash 1000/1v2 Amp & JL Audio 12W7AE-3 Subwoofer

    Thread Update! I think i figured out the issue with the graphic above. Looks like they missed the little "optimal" line in the graphic. Appears to be somewhere around 750. If not for checking the other woofer models i would have totally missed their mistake. Now the PDF makes sense.
  12. C

    Good match? L Audio Slash 1000/1v2 Amp & JL Audio 12W7AE-3 Subwoofer

    Any experience with the HD models? Would the HD750 be a better fit for the JL Audio 12W7AE-3 subwoofer? JL Audio HD750/1 Amplifiers - Car Audio Amps & Amplifiers My confusion/concern is about where the sweet spot is in terms of enough but not too much power. I want to drive it as hard as i...
  13. C

    JL Audio Amps - Can someone explain the classes/models to me?

    I am looking at JL Audio amps and the models/watts/pricing don't seem to add up to me. Usually more expensive means better this/that or additional features. Example: (pricing from the JL AUDIO shopatron store) HD1200/1 : USD$ 999.95 HD750/1 : USD$ 699.95 Slash 1000/1v2 USD$...
  14. C

    Good match? L Audio Slash 1000/1v2 Amp & JL Audio 12W7AE-3 Subwoofer

    Are these products a good match? The subwoofer "power range" graphic at the bottom of this page JL Audio 12W7AE Subwoofers - Car Audio Subwoofers is different compared to the one in the PDF file here The graphic below shows 1000W in the orange...
  15. C

    Ive noticed that alot of people say support the local car audio shops

    You shouldn't match anyone elses pricing. Someone elses business model can't dictate what you charge and how/when your bills get paid. Like you said, you are a physical B&M location where people can actually touch product and get service. When Amazon can offer that you can worry. Until then...