Recent content by Cato3

  1. C

    Looking for a box builder in DFW area

    1. Car. Year, Make, Model: 2007 Ford Mustang 2. Subs. Make, Model, Size, How many: 10" Sundown Z V.4 3. Power. How much power per sub: AQ 2200. 2200 RMS 4. Goal. SPL or SQ: SQ 5. Sealed or ported: Ported 6. Sub/port placement: Doesn't matter, whatever sounds good in a Mustang 7. Max...
  2. C

    12 Sundown Z V.4 in a Mustang or a 10' X

    So I guess in essence, I would be getting more from a 10 in that box than having the 12 right?
  3. C

    12 Sundown Z V.4 in a Mustang or a 10' X

    Yea i just didn't want to go through the hassle of selling and buying an X 10. Maybe i should do a sealed box and add polyfill?
  4. C

    12 Sundown Z V.4 in a Mustang or a 10' X

    I want to make a box for my small mustang trunk that I am able to take out whenever needed. The biggest dimensions I came up with were H=15, W=25, and D=18. Now with this box should i put my 12 Z V4 or would a 10 X be better? Using an AQ 2200 amp.
  5. C

    Re Xx or Skar Zvx

    Where can I find said yardsale?
  6. C

    Re Xx or Skar Zvx

    Well the thing is I'm not sure. I'm open to suggestions, I've been using a Rd Alpha for the longest and it finally gave out. I really did enjoy it and was just looking to replace it with something similar or better. It's going in an 07 Mustang so space is limited. Also budget is around $300.
  7. C

    Re Xx or Skar Zvx

    So I'm looking into buying a new sub and budget is kinda low. I'm stuck between these two. Both going for same price and I'm leaning towards the Re Xx but i cant find anything on them. I'm looking for Sq and using a Aq2200. What do yall recommend?
  8. C

    Looking to replace Rd Audio Alpha.

    Is the Skar reliable though? I did some quick research but I found a lot of bad rep for Skar. I think it's mostly about the business practices though and not the subs themselves.
  9. C

    Looking to replace Rd Audio Alpha.

    So it's been a while since I've been in the car audio game. I've had my Rd Alpha V3 15 for the longest and I've enjoyed it, but it finally gave out and it's time for a new sub. The biggest problem with the Alpha 15 was that it was to big for my 07 Mustang trunk. So now I'm looking into buying a...