Recent content by BIGRED36

  1. B

    so comfused HELP

    yeah i got it. its a 200 watt. is that enough to run a 12 inch sub
  2. B

    so comfused HELP

    does anybody know the wattage of a Alpine V-Power mono power MRP-M350......o and guys im not a moron i have mounted subs before. and helped a guy with an amp. just never done both by myself.
  3. B

    so comfused HELP

    I just got a 12 inch Alpine type S and i not sure what wire to fun from it in in my amp. What brand is best? What gauge do i need? Do i need to diffrent wires to run the positive and negative terminals on the side of the box?......ANY and all info will be helpful...never put in a sub and amp before.