Recent content by 4BanginAintEZ

  1. 4

    Optima Batteries

    thats rough
  2. 4

    Wiring Batteries

    i'll be using the batteries for my sys. in an every day driver..... sys composed of; 2 t2 12s 2 1001bd and maybe sumtime under body and inside the car neons the car is a 98 sable
  3. 4

    Optima Batteries

    i'll be using the batteries for my sys. in an every day driver..... sys composed of; 2 t2 12s 2 1001bd and maybe sumtime under body and inside the car neons the car is a 98 sable
  4. 4

    a lil help please

    aight i may be in over my head on this one, but im looking at building my own box for 2 rockford 12in t2 dual 2ohm. they will be going into a 98 mercury sable, i called rockford and they said for a box tuned to 35-40hz i would need a 2.5cu in box (not sure if that was per sub or just one big...
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    Optima Batteries

    not really looking for another source of batteries, but looking to see if it ok to run 2 different batteries together or run 2 of the same??? the kinietik batteries i havnt really heard to much about o seen anybody who has them.....what the good, bad and ugly on those, i wouldnt mind checkin em...
  6. 4

    WTB:Subs, Amps and Batteries

    Ebay returns zero results for both the t212d2 and the t1001bd
  7. 4

    Optima Batteries

    nope, no e-mails from pat
  8. 4

    WTB:Subs, Amps and Batteries

    snail shell?
  9. 4

    Wiring Batteries

    So whats the real deal? Is it ok to replace my car battery wit a red top and then run to a yellow top for my subs or should i stick with 2 of the same ie:2 yellow tops..... cuz ive heard it was and wasnt ok to use 2 diff. batteries that i should stick with the same. Lenny
  10. 4

    Optima Batteries

    So whats the real deal? Is it ok to replace my car battery wit a red top and then run to a yellow top for my subs or should i stick with 2 of the same ie:2 yellow tops..... cuz ive heard it was and wasnt ok to use 2 diff. batteries that i should stick with the same. Lenny
  11. 4

    WTB:Subs, Amps and Batteries

    Im here and looking because im sure i can get the big stuff cheaper (Subs, Amp and Batteries), so if you know of a website, store or person that can hook it up for less, its greatly appreciated and you can email me with info at or just reply back to me here. The best...
  12. 4

    What Subs to Run??

    Aight i have the MA 1800W class X mono block amp, i want sum subs that can handle the full power of the amp butt i want it loud with clean deep suggestions? thanx lenny