Recent content by 2theMaxx21

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    :Dignore snova031:D
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    The THD totally depends on the brand, and if it's a class A or D. Unless you have some really old amps with old technology, even someone in a SQ competition wouldn't be affected by the small amount of induced distortion from modern amplifiers. Don't get confused. Just ignore the whole THD...
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    An Ohm is a measurement of resistance. The lower your Ohms, the more power will flow through your speakers. But your amps can only handle so much power output. Different Ohm ratings doesn't make your speakers sound better or worse. It just controls how much power your amp puts out to the...
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    installing remote stary keyless entry

    Installing a remote start security system is a pretty big job. It usually takes a trained installer (like myself) about 4-5 hours to install a security system properly. And then it takes a little more time if your car has a built in security ignition or crap like that. The reliability of your...
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    Need help with wiring!

    Lots of times there is a big grommet around all the stock wiring that goes through the firewall into your engine compartment. I usually try to use that same rubber grommet and squeeze my power wire along side all the cars stock wiring. Also, some grommets are like big rubber skirt. You can cut a...
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    House Sub

    I've hooked a sub up to a wall outlet. The sub had real crazy excursion, and made a few low frequency pops then the voice coil started smoking. It only took about 4 seconds to completely melt the voice coil.
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    How do I ajust crossover

    The average setting is usually at 80 to 125 Hz. I set my subs at LP 100Hz. Then all my mids at HP 100 Hz.
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    remote start keyless entry

    I don't know of any real security systems that don't have an "immoblizer" as you like to call it. Every security system should have an ignition interuptor. The engine will be unable to start until you disarm the security system with your remote. The ignition interuptor is the main security...
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    Capacitors are fairly simple in design. It there is continuity between the 2 terminals, then the capacitor is probably working fine. Or you could charge up the capacitor, connect a 12v lightbulb to the terminals, and see if it lites up.
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    installing cd player

    Yes, I believe I remember how to do it. Just take out any of the visible screws. It think there are just a couple. Then the rest of the dash is held in by compression clips. Just pull on it, and they will pop loose.
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    Dimming lights

    Yes, having a big voltage drop in your electrical system is bad on your alternator, but it is also bad on all the other electrical components in your car, like your CD player, ignition system, and the car's CPU.
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    charging my battery

    No, you won't hurt it. A charger doesn't force current into a battery or capacitor. It only fills the battery with whatever current it will pull. When the battery is charged, it no longer has any uneven potential energy, and the cells are fully positively charged. The only way to hurt a...
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    remote start keyless entry

    Ha ha. $150 installed. Just the labor alone will cost $150. It takes several hours to install a remote start/security system. There are usually at least 40 wires to connect, and it isn't easy working underneath the dash and trying to find all the right wires to tap into. Plus it's even harder...
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    Not Amping Highs

    Well yeah, of course ampifying everything is better, but if you don't have the money the power from the head unit is OK to use. It's certainly better than stock! I always amplify every speaker in my car, but there used to be a time when I was younger and couldn't afford the extra amp. If I was...
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    Line Drivers...... to headunits

    A line driver increases your input voltage. The higher your input voltage, the lower you will be able to set your amp's gain controls. The lower you can keep your gain controls, the cleaner your sound will be. Because amps induce more noise when you crank up the gain. If you're using a line...