eD 15A

eD 15A
eD 15A

aw, damn~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

John, you really DID take MY 15"....:(:(

man, looks awe-inspiring...
eD 15A

did yours have the 15a sticker on the basket, because my didn't...

eD 15A

shady, I think it's time you

a) Get a girlfriend
b) Take my picture gallery off of your favorites list
c) Realize that you are a white boy from Canada
d) Get some real subs that aren't for sissies
e) Get another obsession besides me

Try to do one of these things and maybe you won't find yourself on my gallery every 10 minutes...
eD 15A

me in the gallery all the time, ur the one postin all ur gay pics u rich panzie goof. u ride is **** u ******
eD 15A

Once again, awe-inspiring subs... your pics made me wait for the 15" instead of the 12".
Dang, i hate you..:p