Mazda Deluxe

Mazda Deluxe

Mazda Deluxe

Re: Mazda Deluxe

i hope for dear god you are a 14 year old kid just getting started in the car audio world, if not, please pick another hobby.
Re: Mazda Deluxe

I saw this car--- it was crazy. The assortment of speakers in the picture were not even hooked up. On the other side of this mess was 2 Orion HCCA's and 2 big US Amps for power. Across the floorboard was 4 6x9s each in its own box. The "two" boxes that you can see actually shared 2 big ported chambers. He turned it up and the fold out windows in the back would actually open and close. I don't know what his thinking or reasoning was- but I couldn't believe it when I saw a picture of it here. Hilarious.
Re: Mazda Deluxe

HAAAAAA Say what you want--but this "unbelievable" install is in the top 15 viewed setups, and has been for was truly a crowd drawing work of "art",...or something. It served its purpose well.......LOL :laugh::laugh::laugh:
Re: Mazda Deluxe

Twelve years later and this picture is still here.......19.5 thousand people have seen this setup on here. No the 6x9's are not laying on the back seat, there is no backseat. Look close they are laying on top of the upside down camaro box...LMFAO Notice the blue dots in the tail lights....them really gave it the custom look. Haaaaa I found this on here this morning and I can't remember laughing this hard. I hope twelve years from now I run across it again...I still have the MTX's :laugh: