Recent content by viscid240

  1. viscid240

    SOLD Sundown SAX 100.4

    This is a great seller, and a good deal. Do not hesitate!!!!!!
  2. viscid240

    About to buy these subwoorfers, check me?

    What is your budget for an amp?
  3. viscid240

    About to buy these subwoorfers, check me?

    nice subs. and like everyone said, you need a bigger amp. The amp you have now will be ok, but upgrade soon. 300ea. is starving them of power.
  4. viscid240

    Need some help

    Same place I linked you to most of the stuff. I did not recommend it due to your budget.
  5. viscid240

    Its been awhile!

    Top dawgs for what? SQ/SPL? What are you looking for?
  6. viscid240

    Did i order a good sub amp combination?

    well the good thing to come out of this amp. You can always use it for your front stage, and get a real class D and run the CVX at 1ohm as opposed to 4ohms.
  7. viscid240

    need help picking an amp

    On the cheaper side, this is what I would suggest. You could move down to a 800w amp, but atleast you have head room with the extra 200w.
  8. viscid240

    Need some help

    This should meet your budget. 2 of these.. with this..
  9. viscid240

    1000w RMS

    top of this thread...
  10. viscid240

    1000w RMS

    yup. If anythig you could do the Big 3. You should be fine.
  11. viscid240

    need help picking an amp

    find atleast a 1000w for them. That price point your looking at is not a good start. Save your pennies for something decent.
  12. viscid240

    Need some help

    Well, what is your budget, and which model of ID subs are you looking into? Best bet is show us your entire budget with a breakdown on how you would like to spend it. Also, will your budget need to include wires, box, etc.
  13. viscid240

    Which AMP

    Take a look at this.
  14. viscid240

    Which AMP

    What's the rms on that speakers?
  15. viscid240

    Cheap SQ Amp - 150w rms x 2 @ 4ohm ??

    How cheap are you looking at? Max you want to spend?