Recent content by Swaglife81

  1. S

    6.5" Comps suggestions

    Look into "Match" Dsp amps. They are in the same category as Audison and Mosconi (True audiophile quality) The EISA gave them an award this past year for best dsp integrated amp. Can't remember the actual title. Usually an award Audison or Mosconi wins. There is no reason to stay passive in 2017...
  2. S

    Going Active, replacing mids......suggestions?

    For a great set of mids I recommend Stereo Integrity TM MKII 6.5s. They are $300 a pair but will play lower frequency bass better than mids double their price range. Do a internet search and you won't find a single person who doesn't have amazing things to say about them. They also are one of...