Recent content by strizzle01

  1. S

    Kicker S15L7 with ZX1500.1 in SRT8 Charger

    Building the box now. Glue takes 24 hours to cure :-( Going good so far! The port is in there just to show where it goes. How am I doing for my first "to spec" enclosure guys?[/img][/img]
  2. S

    Kicker S15L7 with ZX1500.1 in SRT8 Charger

    Just got these and the Pioneer AVIC Z1 in the mail. Ill continue to post as it unfolds. I am designing the box now and will pick up the 3/4 MDF this week. I am a Drill Sergeant so time is a luxury I do not have a lot of!
  3. S

    Kicker S15L7 with ZX1500.1 in SRT8 Charger

    So I am installing the S15L7 in my Charger SRT with a ZX1500.1 power plant. I will post pics and any issues I run into along the way! Also, I am buildng a custom ported/vented box in order to seal the box from the trunk! Any suggestions or help are more than welcomed!
  4. S

    Comment by 'strizzle01' in media 'sa8 v1.5'

    Re: sa8 v1.5 That is a MONSTER magnet bro! Guess there is a lot of brands i just dont know about out there!