Recent content by stacks42

  1. stacks42

    SOLD trades anyone.....(trying to polish of system)

    how much cash you looking to get for your tsunami?
  2. stacks42

    SOLD FS:2 amps made in USA CHEAP TOO!

    mail them to, thanks.
  3. stacks42

    SOLD FS:2 amps made in USA CHEAP TOO!

    got pics of the US Acoustics amp, very interested.
  4. stacks42

    The RE8's and RF match

    I'll buy the other two 8's of you if you dont want them.
  5. stacks42

    in 2 sentences, bests mids you ever heard and what made em best?

    list some good 8" midbass drivers.
  6. stacks42

    SOLD fs:re 8s, idq 12, dei 600d

    How about $75 shipped for the re8's? LMK
  7. stacks42

    SOLD Nice stuff for sale.

    Hold on to that A for me, get paid Friday and will let you know if i'll take it. Pretty interested in the box as well having already one A just sitting in the closet. MAybe we can work out a deal. Peace.
  8. stacks42

    SOLD FS: Alpine CDA-7995

    Still for sale?
  9. stacks42

    SOLD FS: US Acoustics USX-4065 amp

    Let me see some pics, very interested.
  10. stacks42

    speaker wires - 12awg/ .50 per ft. All the wiring in my truck is from there. Good stuff, good prices.
  11. stacks42

    SOLD FS RE8's

    How about $100 shipped?
  12. stacks42

    SOLD FS for the last time.... e12a.....

    how much for shipping to CA zip code 93033?
  13. stacks42

    US Acoustic Amps

    Anyone had a chance yet to listen to their new line of amps?
  14. stacks42

    SOLD FS 2 RE 8's

    I'll take one for $45 shipped.
  15. stacks42

    SOLD For Sale

    i'll take that 12a off your hands